Noah Petherbridge fd82a463f3 Deadlock detection, DND, and Frontend Fixes
* Deadlock detection: the chatbot handlers will spin off a background goroutine
  to ping DMs at itself and test for responsiveness. If the echoes don't return
  for a minute, issue a /api/shutdown command to the HTTP server to force a
* New admin API endpoint: /api/shutdown, equivalent to the operator '/shutdown'
  command sent in chat. Requires your AdminAPIKey to call it. Used by the chatbot
  as part of deadlock detection.
* Adjust some uses of mutexes to hopefully mitigate deadlocks a bit.
* Do Not Disturb: if users opt to "Ignore unsolicited DMs" they will set a DND
  status on the server which will grey-out their DM icon for other chatters.
* Bring back an option for ChatServer to notify you when somebody begins watching
  your camera (on by default).
* Automatically focus the message entry box when changing channels.
* Lower webcam resolution hints to 480p to test performance implications.
2023-08-29 15:54:40 -07:00

397 lines
11 KiB

package client
import (
const (
// Number of recent chat messages to hold onto.
ScrollbackBuffer = 500
// How long for the lobby room to be quiet before you'll greet the
// next person who joins the room.
LobbyDeadThreshold = 20 * time.Minute
// Minimum time between greeting users who enter chat, IF we will
// do so. When the rush hour picks up, don't spam too much and
// greet everybody who enters.
AutoGreetGlobalCooldown = 8 * time.Minute
// Minimum time between re-greeting the same user.
AutoGreetUserCooldown = 45 * time.Minute
// Default (lobby) channel.
LobbyChannel = "lobby"
// BotHandlers holds onto a set of handler functions for the BareBot.
type BotHandlers struct {
rs *rivescript.RiveScript
client *Client
// Cache for the Who's Online list.
whoList []messages.WhoList
whoMu sync.RWMutex
// Auto-greeter cooldowns
autoGreet map[string]time.Time
autoGreetCooldown time.Time // global cooldown between auto-greets
autoGreetMu sync.RWMutex
// MessageID history. Keep a buffer of recent messages sent in
// case the robot needs to report one (which should generally
// happen immediately, if it does).
messageBuf []messages.Message
messageBufMu sync.RWMutex
// Main (lobby) channel quiet detector. Record the time of the last
// message seen: if the lobby has been quiet for a long time, and
// someone new joins the room, greet them - overriding the global
// autoGreet cooldown or ignoring the number of chatters in the room.
lobbyChannelLastUpdated time.Time
// Store the reactions we have previously sent by messageID,
// so we don't accidentally take back our own reactions.
reactions map[int]map[string]interface{}
reactionsMu sync.Mutex
// Deadlock detection (deadlock_watch.go): record time of last successful
// ping to self, to detect when the server is deadlocked.
deadlockLastOK time.Time
// SetupChatbot configures a sensible set of default handlers for the BareBot application.
// This function is very opinionated and is designed for the BareBot program. It will
// initialize a RiveScript bot using the brain found at the "./brain" folder, and register
// handlers for the various WebSocket messages on chat.
func (c *Client) SetupChatbot() error {
var handler = &BotHandlers{
client: c,
rs: rivescript.New(&rivescript.Config{
UTF8: true,
autoGreet: map[string]time.Time{},
messageBuf: []messages.Message{},
reactions: map[int]map[string]interface{}{},
log.Info("Initializing RiveScript brain")
if err :="./brain"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("RiveScript LoadDirectory: %s", err)
if err :=; err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("RiveScript SortReplies: %s", err)
// Attach RiveScript object macros.
// Set all the handler funcs.
c.OnWho = handler.OnWho
c.OnMe = handler.OnMe
c.OnMessage = handler.OnMessage
c.OnReact = handler.OnReact
c.OnPresence = handler.OnPresence
c.OnRing = handler.OnRing
c.OnOpen = handler.OnOpen
c.OnWatch = handler.OnWatch
c.OnUnwatch = handler.OnUnwatch
c.OnError = handler.OnError
c.OnDisconnect = handler.OnDisconnect
c.OnPing = handler.OnPing
// Watch for deadlocks.
go handler.watchForDeadlock()
return nil
// OnWho handles Who List updates in chat.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnWho(msg messages.Message) {
log.Info("OnWho: %d people online", len(msg.WhoList))
defer h.whoMu.Unlock()
h.whoList = msg.WhoList
// OnMe handles user status updates pushed by the server (renamed username, nsfw flag added)
func (h *BotHandlers) OnMe(msg messages.Message) {
// Has the server changed our name?
if h.client.Username() != msg.Username {
log.Error("OnMe: the server has renamed us to '%s'", msg.Username) = msg.Username
// Buffer a message seen on chat for a while.
func (h *BotHandlers) cacheMessage(msg messages.Message) {
defer h.messageBufMu.Unlock()
h.messageBuf = append(h.messageBuf, msg)
if len(h.messageBuf) > ScrollbackBuffer {
h.messageBuf = h.messageBuf[len(h.messageBuf)-ScrollbackBuffer:]
// Get a message by ID from the recent message buffer.
func (h *BotHandlers) getMessageByID(msgID int) (messages.Message, bool) {
defer h.messageBufMu.RUnlock()
for _, msg := range h.messageBuf {
if msg.MessageID == msgID {
return msg, true
return messages.Message{}, false
// OnMessage handles chat messages.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnMessage(msg messages.Message) {
// Strip HTML.
msg.Message = StripHTML(msg.Message)
// Ignore echoed message from ourself.
if msg.Username == h.client.Username() {
// Cache it in our message buffer.
// Record the last seen if this is the lobby channel.
if msg.Channel == LobbyChannel {
h.lobbyChannelLastUpdated = time.Now()
// Do we send a reply to this?
var (
sendReply bool
replyPrefix string
// original topic the user was in, in case of PublicChannel match
// so we can put the user back in their original topic after.
userTopic string
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Channel, "@") {
// Direct message: always reply.
sendReply = true
// Log message to console.
log.Info("DM [%s] %s", msg.Username, msg.Message)
} else {
// Log message to console.
log.Info("[%s to #%s] %s", msg.Username, msg.Channel, msg.Message)
// Public channel message. See if they at-mention the robot.
if ok, message := AtMentioned(h.client, msg.Message); ok {
msg.Message = message
sendReply = true
replyPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("**@%s:** ", msg.Username)
} else {
// We were not at mentioned: can reply anyway but put us
// into the PublicChannel topic.
log.Error("trying for PublicChannel")
if topic, err :=, "topic"); err == nil {
userTopic = topic
} else {
log.Error("Couldn't get topic for %s: %s", msg.Username, err)
userTopic = "random"
}, "topic", "PublicChannel")
sendReply = true
// Restore the user's original topic?
defer func() {
if userTopic != "" {
log.Error("Set user topic back to: %s", userTopic), "topic", userTopic)
// Do we reply?
if sendReply {
// Set their user variables.
reply, err :=, msg.Message)
log.Error("REPLY: %s", reply)
if NoReply(reply) {
// Delay a moment before responding.
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
Action: messages.ActionMessage,
Channel: msg.Channel,
Username: msg.Username,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("[RiveScript Error] %s", err),
} else {
Action: messages.ActionMessage,
Channel: msg.Channel,
Username: msg.Username,
Message: replyPrefix + reply,
// OnTakeback handles users requesting to take back messages they had sent.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnTakeback(msg messages.Message) {
log.Info("Takeback: user %s takes back msgID %d", msg.Username, msg.MessageID)
// OnReact handles emoji reactions to messages.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnReact(msg messages.Message) {
log.Info("React: user %s reacts with %s on msgID %d", msg.Username, msg.Message, msg.MessageID)
// Ignore echoed message from ourself.
if msg.Username == h.client.Username() {
// Sanity check that we can actually see the message being reacted to: so we don't
// upvote reactions posted to messageIDs in other peoples' DM threads.
if _, ok := h.getMessageByID(msg.MessageID); !ok {
// If we have already reacted to it, don't react again.
defer h.reactionsMu.Unlock()
if _, ok := h.reactions[msg.MessageID]; !ok {
h.reactions[msg.MessageID] = map[string]interface{}{}
if _, ok := h.reactions[msg.MessageID][msg.Message]; ok {
log.Info("I already reacted %s on message %d", msg.Message, msg.MessageID)
return // already upvoted it
} else {
h.reactions[msg.MessageID][msg.Message] = nil
// Half the time, agree with the reaction.
if rand.Intn(100) > 50 {
go func() {
time.Sleep(2500 * time.Millisecond)
Action: messages.ActionReact,
MessageID: msg.MessageID,
Message: msg.Message,
// OnPresence handles join/exit room events as well as kicked/banned messages.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnPresence(msg messages.Message) {
log.Info("Presence: [%s] %s", msg.Username, msg.Message)
// Ignore echoed message from ourself.
if msg.Username == h.client.Username() {
// A join message?
if strings.Contains(msg.Message, "has joined the room") {
// Do we force a greeting? (if lobby channel has been quiet)
var forceGreeting = time.Since(h.lobbyChannelLastUpdated) > LobbyDeadThreshold
// Global auto-greet cooldown.
if time.Now().Before(h.autoGreetCooldown) {
h.autoGreetCooldown = time.Now().Add(AutoGreetGlobalCooldown)
// Don't greet the same user too often in case of bouncing.
if timeout, ok := h.autoGreet[msg.Username]; ok {
if time.Now().Before(timeout) && !forceGreeting {
// Do not greet again.
log.Info("Do not auto-greet again: too soon")
h.autoGreet[msg.Username] = time.Now().Add(AutoGreetUserCooldown)
// Send a message to the lobby. TODO: configurable channel name.
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// Ensure they are still online.
if _, ok := h.GetUser(msg.Username); !ok {
log.Error("Wanted to auto-greet [%s] but they left the room!", msg.Username)
// Set their user variables.
if forceGreeting {"numUsersOnline", "0")
reply, err :=, "/greet")
if err == nil && !NoReply(reply) {
Action: messages.ActionMessage,
Channel: LobbyChannel,
Username: msg.Username,
Message: reply,
// OnRing handles somebody requesting to open our webcam.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnRing(msg messages.Message) {
// OnOpen handles the server echo to us wanting to open another user's webcam.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnOpen(msg messages.Message) {
// OnWatch handles somebody adding themselves to our Watching list.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnWatch(msg messages.Message) {
// OnUnwatch handles somebody removing themselves from our Watching list.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnUnwatch(msg messages.Message) {
// OnError handles ChatServer messages from the backend.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnError(msg messages.Message) {
log.Error("[%s] %s", msg.Username, msg.Message)
// OnDisconnect handles kick messages from the backend (told: do not reconnect).
func (h *BotHandlers) OnDisconnect(msg messages.Message) {
// OnPing handles server keepalive pings.
func (h *BotHandlers) OnPing(msg messages.Message) {