2023-09-07 20:26:06 -07:00

238 lines
9.6 KiB

import VideoFlag from '../lib/VideoFlag';
export default {
props: {
user: Object, // User object of the Message author
username: String, // current username logged in
websiteUrl: String, // Base URL to website (for profile/avatar URLs)
isDnd: Boolean, // user is not accepting DMs
isMuted: Boolean, // user is muted by current user
vipConfig: Object, // VIP config settings for BareRTC
isOp: Boolean, // current user is operator (can always DM)
isVideoNotAllowed: Boolean, // whether opening this camera is not allowed
videoIconClass: String, // CSS class for the open video icon
isWatchingTab: Boolean, // is the "Watching" tab (replace video button w/ boot)
data() {
return {
VideoFlag: VideoFlag,
computed: {
profileURL() {
if (this.user.profileURL) {
return this.urlFor(this.user.profileURL);
return null;
profileButtonClass() {
let result = "";
// VIP background.
if ( {
result = "has-background-vip ";
let gender = (this.user.gender || "").toLowerCase();
if (gender.indexOf("m") === 0) {
return result + "has-text-gender-male";
} else if (gender.indexOf("f") === 0) {
return result + "has-text-gender-female";
} else if (gender.length > 0) {
return result + "has-text-gender-other";
return "";
videoButtonClass() {
let result = "";
// VIP background if their cam is set to VIPs only
if (( & VideoFlag.Active) && ( & VideoFlag.VipOnly)) {
result = "has-background-vip ";
// Colors and/or cursors.
if (( & VideoFlag.Active) && ( & VideoFlag.NSFW)) {
result += "is-danger is-outlined";
} else if (( & VideoFlag.Active) && !( & VideoFlag.NSFW)) {
result += "is-info is-outlined";
} else if (this.isVideoNotAllowed) {
result += "cursor-notallowed";
return result;
videoButtonTitle() {
// Mouse-over title text for the video button.
let parts = ["Open video stream"];
if ( & VideoFlag.MutualRequired) {
parts.push("mutual video sharing required");
if ( & VideoFlag.MutualOpen) {
parts.push("will auto-open your video");
if ( & VideoFlag.VipOnly) {
parts.push(`${this.vipConfig.Name} only`);
return parts.join("; ");
avatarURL() {
if (this.user.avatar) {
return this.urlFor(this.user.avatar);
return null;
nickname() {
if (this.user.nickname) {
return this.user.nickname;
return this.user.username;
hasReactions() {
return this.reactions != undefined && Object.keys(this.reactions).length > 0;
methods: {
openProfile() {
let url = this.profileURL;
if (url) {;
openDMs() {
this.$emit('send-dm', {
username: this.user.username,
openVideo() {
this.$emit('open-video', this.user);
muteUser() {
this.$emit('mute-user', this.user.username);
// Boot user off your cam (for isWatchingTab)
bootUser() {
this.$emit('boot-user', this.user.username);
urlFor(url) {
// Prepend the base websiteUrl if the given URL is relative.
if (url.match(/^https?:/i)) {
return url;
return this.websiteUrl.replace(/\/+$/, "") + url;
<div class="columns is-mobile">
<!-- Avatar URL if available -->
<div class="column is-narrow pr-0" style="position: relative">
<a :href="profileURL"
:class="{ 'cursor-default': !profileURL }" class="p-0">
<img v-if="avatarURL" :src="avatarURL" width="24" height="24" alt="">
<img v-else src="/static/img/shy.png" width="24" height="24">
<!-- Away symbol -->
<div v-if="user.status !== 'online'" class="status-away-icon">
<i v-if="user.status === 'away'" class="fa fa-clock has-text-light"
title="Status: Away"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'lunch'" class="fa fa-utensils has-text-light"
title="Status: Out to lunch"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'call'" class="fa fa-phone-volume has-text-light"
title="Status: On the phone"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'brb'" class="fa fa-stopwatch-20 has-text-light"
title="Status: Be right back"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'busy'" class="fa fa-briefcase has-text-light"
title="Status: Working"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'book'" class="fa fa-book has-text-light"
title="Status: Studying"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'gaming'"
class="fa fa-gamepad who-status-wide-icon-2 has-text-light"
title="Status: Gaming"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'idle'" class="fa-regular fa-moon has-text-light"
title="Status: Idle"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'horny'" class="fa fa-fire has-text-light"
title="Status: Horny"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'chatty'" class="fa fa-comment has-text-light"
title="Status: Chatty and sociable"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'introverted'" class="fa fa-spoon has-text-light"
title="Status: Introverted and quiet"></i>
<i v-else-if="user.status === 'exhibitionist'"
class="fa-regular fa-eye who-status-wide-icon-1 has-text-light"
title="Status: Watch me"></i>
<i v-else class="fa fa-clock has-text-light" :title="'Status: ' + user.status"></i>
<div class="column pr-0 is-clipped" :class="{ 'pl-1': avatarURL }">
<strong class="truncate-text-line is-size-7"
:class="{'cursor-pointer': profileURL}">
{{ user.username }}
<sup class="fa fa-peace has-text-warning-dark is-size-7 ml-1" v-if="user.op"
<sup class="is-size-7 ml-1" :class="vipConfig.Icon" v-else-if=""
<div class="column is-narrow pl-0">
<!-- Emoji icon (Who's Online tab only) -->
<span v-if="user.emoji && !isWatchingTab" class="pr-1 cursor-default" :title="user.emoji">
{{ user.emoji.split(" ")[0] }}
<!-- Profile button -->
<button type="button" v-if="profileURL" class="button is-small px-2 py-1"
:class="profileButtonClass" @click="openProfile()"
:title="'Open profile page' + (user.gender ? ` (gender: ${user.gender})` : '') + ( ? ` (${vipConfig.Name})` : '')">
<i class="fa fa-user"></i>
<!-- Unmute User button (if muted) -->
<button type="button" v-if="isMuted" class="button is-small px-2 py-1"
@click="muteUser()" title="This user is muted. Click to unmute them.">
<i class="fa fa-comment-slash has-text-danger"></i>
<!-- DM button (if not muted) -->
<button type="button" v-else class="button is-small px-2 py-1" @click="openDMs(u)"
:disabled="user.username === username || (user.dnd && !isOp)"
:title="user.dnd ? 'This person is not accepting new DMs' : 'Send a Direct Message'">
<i class="fa" :class="{ 'fa-comment': !user.dnd, 'fa-comment-slash': user.dnd }"></i>
<!-- Video button -->
<button type="button" class="button is-small px-2 py-1"
:disabled="!( & VideoFlag.Active)"
<i class="fa" :class="videoIconClass"></i>
<!-- Boot from Video button (Watching tab only) -->
<button v-if="isWatchingTab" type="button" class="button is-small px-2 py-1"
title="Kick this person off your cam">
<i class="fa fa-user-xmark has-text-danger"></i>
<style scoped>