Add a feature where recent public channel messages can be echoed back to newly joining users when they enter the chat room. * Configure in settings.toml with EchoMessagesOnJoin. 0 = disable storage. * Messages are stored in RAM and lost on a server reboot. * A buffer of recent public messages per channel can be kept, e.g. for the 10 most recent messages. * The settings can be reloaded with /reconfigure and the message buffers will rebalance on the next message sent. * When a new user logs in, a new "echo" message is sent that contains all of the echoed messages on a "messages" list, in one WebSocket packet. * Echoed messages are put above the ChatServer welcome messages. * If a message is taken back, it's removed from the echo message buffer. Other Changes * Don't broadcast Presence messages within 30 seconds of the server boot, to lessen a flood of messages when a lot of users were connected at reboot. * Change the default "Join messages" setting on front-end to hide them in public channels. * For the admin buttons in ProfileModal, use the AlertModal instead of native browser prompts.
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package barertc
import (
// Server is the primary back-end server struct for BareRTC, see main.go
type Server struct {
// Timestamp when the server started.
upSince time.Time
// HTTP router.
mux *http.ServeMux
// Max number of messages we'll buffer for a subscriber
subscriberMessageBuffer int
// Connected WebSocket subscribers.
subscribersMu sync.RWMutex
subscribers map[*Subscriber]struct{}
// Cached filehandles for channel logging.
logfh map[string]io.WriteCloser
// NewServer initializes the Server.
func NewServer() *Server {
return &Server{
subscriberMessageBuffer: 32,
subscribers: make(map[*Subscriber]struct{}),
// Setup the server: configure HTTP routes, etc.
func (s *Server) Setup() error {
// Enable the SQLite database for DM history?
if config.Current.DirectMessageHistory.Enabled {
if err := models.Initialize(config.Current.DirectMessageHistory.SQLiteDatabase); err != nil {
log.Error("Error initializing SQLite database: %s", err)
var mux = http.NewServeMux()
mux.Handle("/", IndexPage())
mux.Handle("/about", AboutPage())
mux.Handle("/logout", LogoutPage())
mux.Handle("/ws", s.WebSocket())
mux.Handle("/poll", s.PollingAPI())
mux.Handle("/api/statistics", s.Statistics())
mux.Handle("/api/blocklist", s.BlockList())
mux.Handle("/api/block/now", s.BlockNow())
mux.Handle("/api/disconnect/now", s.DisconnectNow())
mux.Handle("/api/authenticate", s.Authenticate())
mux.Handle("/api/shutdown", s.ShutdownAPI())
mux.Handle("/api/profile", s.UserProfile())
mux.Handle("/api/message/history", s.MessageHistory())
mux.Handle("/api/message/usernames", s.MessageUsernameHistory())
mux.Handle("/api/message/clear", s.ClearMessages())
mux.Handle("/assets/", http.StripPrefix("/assets/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("dist/assets"))))
mux.Handle("/static/", http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("dist/static"))))
s.mux = mux
return nil
// ListenAndServe starts the web server.
func (s *Server) ListenAndServe(address string) error {
// Run the polling user idle kicker.
s.upSince = time.Now()
go s.KickIdlePollUsers()
return http.ListenAndServe(address, s.mux)