Noah Petherbridge bdb5e6359b Various fixes and improvements
* Re-set user's status if they disconnect and reconnect
* Remove "(offline)" text next to ChatServer/ChatClient messages
* Make names and pictures in presence messages clickable to open profile
2023-10-14 11:01:58 -07:00

174 lines
4.9 KiB

package barertc
import (
// Functionality for handling server-side message filtering and reporting.
// filterMessage will check an incoming user message against the configured
// server-side filters and react accordingly. This function also is
// responsible for collecting the recent contexts (10 messages per channel).
// Parameters: the rawMsg is their (pre-Markdown-formatted) original message
// (for the message context); the msg pointer is their post-formatted one, which
// may be modified to censor their word before returning.
// Returns the matching message filter (or nil) and a boolean (matched).
func (s *Server) filterMessage(sub *Subscriber, rawMsg messages.Message, msg *messages.Message) (*config.MessageFilter, bool) {
// Collect the recent channel context first.
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Channel, "@") {
// DM
pushDirectMessageContext(sub, sub.Username, msg.Channel[1:], rawMsg)
// If either party is an admin user, waive filtering this DM chat.
if sub.IsAdmin() {
return nil, false
} else if other, err := s.GetSubscriber(msg.Channel[1:]); err == nil && other.IsAdmin() {
return nil, false
} else {
// Public channel
pushMessageContext(sub, msg.Channel, rawMsg)
// Check it against the configured filters.
var matched bool
for _, filter := range config.Current.MessageFilters {
if !filter.Enabled {
for _, phrase := range filter.IterPhrases() {
m := phrase.FindAllStringSubmatch(msg.Message, -1)
for _, match := range m {
// Found a match!
matched = true
// Censor it?
if filter.CensorMessage {
msg.Message = strings.ReplaceAll(msg.Message, match[0], strings.Repeat("*", len(match[0])))
if matched {
return filter, true
return nil, false
// Report the filtered message along with recent context.
func (s *Server) reportFilteredMessage(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) error {
if !WebhookEnabled(WebhookReport) {
return errors.New("report webhook is not enabled on this server")
// Prepare the report.
var context string
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Channel, "@") {
context = getDirectMessageContext(sub.Username, msg.Channel[1:])
} else {
context = getMessageContext(msg.Channel)
if _, err := PostWebhook(WebhookReport, WebhookRequest{
Action: WebhookReport,
APIKey: config.Current.AdminAPIKey,
Report: WebhookRequestReport{
FromUsername: sub.Username,
AboutUsername: sub.Username,
Channel: msg.Channel,
Timestamp: time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123),
Reason: "Server Side Message Filter",
Message: msg.Message,
Comment: fmt.Sprintf(
"This is an automated report via server side chat filters.\n\n"+
"The recent context in this channel included the following conversation:\n\n"+
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Message Context Caching
// Hold the recent (10) messages for each channel so in case of automated
// reporting, the context can be delivered in the report.
var (
messageContexts = map[string][]string{}
messageContextMu sync.RWMutex
messageContextSize = 10
// Push a message onto the recent messages context.
func pushMessageContext(sub *Subscriber, channel string, msg messages.Message) {
defer messageContextMu.Unlock()
// Initialize the context for new channel the first time.
if _, ok := messageContexts[channel]; !ok {
messageContexts[channel] = []string{}
// Append this message to it.
messageContexts[channel] = append(messageContexts[channel], fmt.Sprintf(
"%s [%s] %s",
time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
// Trim the context to recent messages only.
if len(messageContexts[channel]) > messageContextSize {
messageContexts[channel] = messageContexts[channel][len(messageContexts[channel])-messageContextSize:]
// Push a message context for DMs. A channel name will be derived consistently
// based on the sorted pair of usernames.
func pushDirectMessageContext(sub *Subscriber, username1, username2 string, msg messages.Message) {
var names = []string{username1, username2}
fmt.Sprintf("@%s", strings.Join(names, ":")),
// Get the recent message context, pretty printed.
func getMessageContext(channel string) string {
defer messageContextMu.RUnlock()
if _, ok := messageContexts[channel]; !ok {
return "(No recent message history in this channel)"
return strings.Join(messageContexts[channel], "\n\n")
func getDirectMessageContext(username1, username2 string) string {
var names = []string{username1, username2}
return getMessageContext(
fmt.Sprintf("@%s", strings.Join(names, ":")),