Noah Petherbridge 029f25029d Cached Blocklist from your website
* New API endpoint: /api/blocklist where your site can pre-deliver muted
  username lists for users before they enter the chat.
* Image sharing in DMs is allowed if either party is an operator.
2023-07-30 10:32:08 -07:00

101 lines
3.9 KiB

package barertc
// Auto incrementing Message ID for anything pushed out by the server.
var MessageID int
Message is the basic carrier of WebSocket chat protocol actions.
Every message (client or server) has an Action and the rest of the
fields may vary depending on the action. Many messages target (or carry)
a Username, chat Channel and carry an arbitrary Message.
type Message struct {
Action string `json:"action,omitempty"`
Channel string `json:"channel,omitempty"`
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
// JWT token for `login` actions.
JWTToken string `json:"jwt,omitempty"`
// WhoList for `who` actions
WhoList []WhoList `json:"whoList,omitempty"`
// Sent on `me` actions along with Username
VideoStatus int `json:"video,omitempty"` // user video flags
ChatStatus string `json:"status,omitempty"` // online vs. away
// Message ID to support takebacks/local deletions
MessageID int `json:"msgID,omitempty"`
// Sent on `open` actions along with the (other) Username.
OpenSecret string `json:"openSecret,omitempty"`
// Send on `file` actions, passing e.g. image data.
Bytes []byte `json:"bytes,omitempty"`
// Send on `blocklist` actions, for doing a `mute` on a list of users
Usernames []string `json:"usernames,omitempty"`
// WebRTC negotiation messages: proxy their signaling messages
// between the two users to negotiate peer connection.
Candidate string `json:"candidate,omitempty"` // candidate
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // sdp
const (
// Actions sent by the client side only
ActionLogin = "login" // post the username to backend
ActionBoot = "boot" // boot a user off your video feed
ActionMute = "mute" // mute a user's chat messages
ActionUnmute = "unmute"
ActionBlocklist = "blocklist" // mute in bulk for usernames
// Actions sent by server or client
ActionMessage = "message" // post a message to the room
ActionMe = "me" // user self-info sent by FE or BE
ActionOpen = "open" // user wants to view a webcam (open WebRTC)
ActionRing = "ring" // receiver of a WebRTC open request
ActionWatch = "watch" // user has received video and is watching you
ActionUnwatch = "unwatch" // user has closed your video
ActionFile = "file" // image sharing in chat
ActionTakeback = "takeback" // user takes back (deletes) their message for everybody
ActionReact = "react" // emoji reaction to a chat message
// Actions sent by server only
ActionPing = "ping"
ActionWhoList = "who" // server pushes the Who List
ActionPresence = "presence" // a user joined or left the room
ActionError = "error" // ChatServer errors
ActionKick = "disconnect" // client should disconnect (e.g. have been kicked).
// WebRTC signaling messages.
ActionCandidate = "candidate"
ActionSDP = "sdp"
// WhoList is a member entry in the chat room.
type WhoList struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Nickname string `json:"nickname,omitempty"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Video int `json:"video"`
// JWT auth extra settings.
Operator bool `json:"op"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar,omitempty"`
ProfileURL string `json:"profileURL,omitempty"`
// VideoFlags to convey the state and setting of users' cameras concisely.
// Also see the VideoFlag object in BareRTC.js for front-end sync.
const (
VideoFlagActive int = 1 << iota // user's camera is enabled/broadcasting
VideoFlagNSFW // viewer's camera is marked as NSFW
VideoFlagMuted // user source microphone is muted
VideoFlagIsTalking // broadcaster seems to be talking
VideoFlagMutualRequired // video wants viewers to share their camera too
VideoFlagMutualOpen // viewer wants to auto-open viewers' cameras