
128 lines
2.9 KiB

package config
import (
// Version of the config format - when new fields are added, it will attempt
// to write the settings.toml to disk so new defaults populate.
var currentVersion = 3
// Config for your BareRTC app.
type Config struct {
Version int // will re-save your settings.toml on migrations
JWT struct {
Enabled bool
Strict bool
SecretKey string
Title string
Branding string
WebsiteURL string
CORSHosts []string
PermitNSFW bool
UseXForwardedFor bool
PublicChannels []Channel
// GetChannels returns a JavaScript safe array of the default PublicChannels.
func (c Config) GetChannels() template.JS {
data, _ := json.Marshal(c.PublicChannels)
return template.JS(data)
// Channel config for a default public room.
type Channel struct {
ID string // Like "lobby"
Name string // Like "Main Chat Room"
Icon string `toml:",omitempty"` // CSS class names for room icon (optional)
// ChatServer messages to send to the user immediately upon connecting.
WelcomeMessages []string
// Current loaded configuration.
var Current = DefaultConfig()
// DefaultConfig returns sensible defaults and will write the initial
// settings.toml file to disk.
func DefaultConfig() Config {
var c = Config{
Title: "BareRTC",
Branding: "BareRTC",
WebsiteURL: "",
CORSHosts: []string{
PublicChannels: []Channel{
ID: "lobby",
Name: "Lobby",
Icon: "fa fa-gavel",
WelcomeMessages: []string{
"Welcome to the chat server!",
"Please follow the basic rules:\n\n1. Have fun\n2. Be kind",
ID: "offtopic",
Name: "Off Topic",
WelcomeMessages: []string{
"Welcome to the Off Topic channel!",
c.JWT.Strict = true
return c
// LoadSettings reads a settings.toml from disk if available.
func LoadSettings() error {
data, err := os.ReadFile("./settings.toml")
if err != nil {
// Settings file didn't exist, create the default one.
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
return err
_, err = toml.Decode(string(data), &Current)
// Have we added new config fields? Save the settings.toml.
if Current.Version < currentVersion {
log.Warn("New options are available for your settings.toml file. Your settings will be re-saved now.")
Current.Version = currentVersion
if err := WriteSettings(); err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't write your settings.toml file: %s", err)
return err
// WriteSettings will commit the settings.toml to disk.
func WriteSettings() error {
log.Error("Note: initial settings.toml was written to disk.")
var buf = new(bytes.Buffer)
err := toml.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(Current)
if err != nil {
return err
return os.WriteFile("./settings.toml", buf.Bytes(), 0644)