Noah Petherbridge
Add support for your website to apply chat moderation rules to users as they log onto the chat room.
745 lines
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745 lines
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package barertc
import (
// OnLogin handles "login" actions from the client.
func (s *Server) OnLogin(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
// Using a JWT token for authentication?
var claims = &jwt.Claims{}
if msg.JWTToken != "" || (config.Current.JWT.Enabled && config.Current.JWT.Strict) {
parsed, ok, err := jwt.ParseAndValidate(msg.JWTToken)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error parsing JWT token in WebSocket login: %s", err)
sub.ChatServer("Your authentication has expired. Please go back and launch the chat room again.")
// Sanity check the username.
if msg.Username != parsed.Subject {
log.Error("JWT login had a different username: %s vs %s", parsed.Subject, msg.Username)
// Strict enforcement?
if config.Current.JWT.Strict && !ok {
log.Error("JWT enforcement is strict and user did not pass JWT checks")
sub.ChatServer("Server side authentication is required. Please go back and launch the chat room from your logged-in account.")
claims = parsed
msg.Username = claims.Subject
sub.JWTClaims = claims
if claims.Subject != "" {
log.Debug("JWT claims: %+v", claims)
// Somehow no username?
if msg.Username == "" {
msg.Username = "anonymous"
// Ensure the username is unique, or rename it.
username, err := s.UniqueUsername(msg.Username)
if err != nil {
// If JWT authentication was used: disconnect the original (conflicting) username.
if claims.Subject == msg.Username {
if other, err := s.GetSubscriber(msg.Username); err == nil {
other.ChatServer("You have been signed out of chat because you logged in from another location.")
Action: messages.ActionKick,
other.authenticated = false
other.Username = ""
// They will take over their original username.
username = msg.Username
// If JWT auth was not used: UniqueUsername already gave them a uniquely spelled name.
msg.Username = username
// Is the username currently banned?
if IsBanned(msg.Username) {
"You are currently banned from entering the chat room. Chat room bans are temporarily and usually last for " +
"24 hours. Please try coming back later.",
Action: messages.ActionKick,
// Use their username.
sub.Username = msg.Username
sub.authenticated = true
sub.DND = msg.DND
sub.loginAt = time.Now()
log.Debug("OnLogin: %s joins the room", sub.Username)
// Tell everyone they joined.
Action: messages.ActionPresence,
Username: msg.Username,
Message: messages.PresenceJoined,
// Send the user back their settings.
// Send the WhoList to everybody.
// Send the initial ChatServer messages to the public channels.
for _, channel := range config.Current.PublicChannels {
for _, msg := range channel.WelcomeMessages {
Channel: channel.ID,
Action: messages.ActionError,
Username: "ChatServer",
Message: RenderMarkdown(msg),
// OnMessage handles a chat message posted by the user.
func (s *Server) OnMessage(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(msg.Channel, "@") {
log.Info("[%s to #%s] %s", sub.Username, msg.Channel, msg.Message)
if sub.Username == "" || !sub.authenticated {
sub.ChatServer("You must log in first.")
// Process commands.
if handled := s.ProcessCommand(sub, msg); handled {
// Translate their message as Markdown syntax.
markdown := RenderMarkdown(msg.Message)
if markdown == "" {
// Detect and expand media such as YouTube videos.
markdown = s.ExpandMedia(markdown)
// Assign a message ID and own it to the sender.
var mid = messages.NextMessageID()
sub.messageIDs[mid] = struct{}{}
// Message to be echoed to the channel.
var message = messages.Message{
Action: messages.ActionMessage,
Channel: msg.Channel,
Username: sub.Username,
Message: markdown,
MessageID: mid,
// Run message filters.
if filter, ok := s.filterMessage(sub, msg, &message); ok {
// What do we do with the matched filter?
// If we will not send this message out, do echo it back to
// the sender (possibly with censors applied).
if !filter.ForwardMessage {
s.SendTo(sub.Username, message)
// Is ChatServer to say something?
if filter.ChatServerResponse != "" {
// Are we to report the message to the site admin?
if filter.ReportMessage {
// If the user is OP, just tell them we would.
if sub.IsAdmin() {
sub.ChatServer("Your recent chat context would have been reported to your main website.")
} else if err := s.reportFilteredMessage(sub, msg); err != nil {
// Send the report to the main website.
log.Error("Reporting filtered message: %s", err)
// If we are not forwarding this message, stop here.
if !filter.ForwardMessage {
// Is this a DM?
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Channel, "@") {
// Echo the message only to both parties.
s.SendTo(sub.Username, message)
message.Channel = "@" + sub.Username
// Don't deliver it if the receiver has muted us. Note: admin users, even if muted,
// can still deliver a DM to the one who muted them.
rcpt, err := s.GetSubscriber(strings.TrimPrefix(msg.Channel, "@"))
if err != nil {
// Recipient was no longer online: the message won't be sent.
sub.ChatServer("Could not deliver your message: %s appears not to be online.", msg.Channel)
} else if rcpt.Mutes(sub.Username) && !sub.IsAdmin() {
log.Debug("Do not send message to %s: they have muted or booted %s", rcpt.Username, sub.Username)
// If the sender already mutes the recipient, reply back with the error.
if sub.Mutes(rcpt.Username) && !sub.IsAdmin() {
sub.ChatServer("You have muted %s and so your message has not been sent.", rcpt.Username)
// If there is blocking happening, do not send.
if sub.Blocks(rcpt) {
// Log this conversation?
if IsLoggingUsername(sub) && IsLoggingUsername(rcpt) {
// Both sides are logged, copy it to both logs.
LogMessage(sub, rcpt.Username, sub.Username, msg)
LogMessage(rcpt, sub.Username, sub.Username, msg)
} else if IsLoggingUsername(sub) {
// The sender of this message is being logged.
LogMessage(sub, rcpt.Username, sub.Username, msg)
} else if IsLoggingUsername(rcpt) {
// The recipient of this message is being logged.
LogMessage(rcpt, sub.Username, sub.Username, msg)
// Add it to the DM history SQLite database.
if err := (models.DirectMessage{}).LogMessage(sub.Username, rcpt.Username, message); err != nil && err != models.ErrNotInitialized {
log.Error("Logging DM history to SQLite: %s", err)
if err := s.SendTo(msg.Channel, message); err != nil {
sub.ChatServer("Your message could not be delivered: %s", err)
// Are we logging this public channel?
if IsLoggingChannel(msg.Channel) {
LogChannel(s, msg.Channel, sub.Username, msg)
// Broadcast a chat message to the room.
// OnTakeback handles takebacks (delete your message for everybody)
func (s *Server) OnTakeback(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
// In case we're in a DM thread, remove this message ID from the history table
// if the username matches.
wasRemovedFromHistory, err := (models.DirectMessage{}).TakebackMessage(sub.Username, msg.MessageID, sub.IsAdmin())
if err != nil && err != models.ErrNotInitialized {
log.Error("Error taking back DM history message (%s, %d): %s", sub.Username, msg.MessageID, err)
// Permission check.
if sub.JWTClaims == nil || !sub.JWTClaims.IsAdmin {
_, ok := sub.messageIDs[msg.MessageID]
if !ok {
// The messageID is not found in the current chat session, but did we remove
// it from past DM history for the correct current user?
if !wasRemovedFromHistory {
sub.ChatServer("That is not your message to take back.")
// Broadcast to everybody to remove this message.
Action: messages.ActionTakeback,
MessageID: msg.MessageID,
// OnReact handles emoji reactions for chat messages.
func (s *Server) OnReact(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
// Forward the reaction to everybody.
Action: messages.ActionReact,
Username: sub.Username,
Message: msg.Message,
MessageID: msg.MessageID,
// OnFile handles a picture shared in chat with a channel.
func (s *Server) OnFile(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
if sub.Username == "" {
sub.ChatServer("You must log in first.")
// Moderation rules?
if rule := sub.GetModerationRule(); rule != nil {
// Are they barred from watching cameras on chat?
if rule.NoImage {
"A chat server moderation rule is currently in place which restricts your ability to share images. Please " +
"contact a chat operator for more information.",
// Detect image type and convert it into an <img src="data:"> tag.
var (
filename = msg.Message
ext = filepath.Ext(filename)
filetype string
switch strings.ToLower(ext) {
case ".jpg", ".jpeg":
filetype = "image/jpeg"
case ".gif":
filetype = "image/gif"
case ".png":
filetype = "image/png"
sub.ChatServer("Unsupported image type, should be a jpeg, GIF or png.")
// Process the image: scale it down, strip metadata, etc.
img, pvWidth, pvHeight := ProcessImage(filetype, msg.Bytes)
var dataURL = fmt.Sprintf("data:%s;base64,%s", filetype, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(img))
// Assign a message ID and own it to the sender.
var mid = messages.NextMessageID()
sub.messageIDs[mid] = struct{}{}
// Message to be echoed to the channel.
var message = messages.Message{
Action: messages.ActionMessage,
Channel: msg.Channel,
Username: sub.Username,
MessageID: mid,
// Their image embedded via a data: URI - no server storage needed!
Message: fmt.Sprintf(
`<img src="%s" width="%d" height="%d" onclick="setModalImage(this.src)" style="cursor: pointer">`,
pvWidth, pvHeight,
// Is this a DM?
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Channel, "@") {
// Echo the message only to both parties.
s.SendTo(sub.Username, message)
message.Channel = "@" + sub.Username
// Don't deliver it if the receiver has muted us.
rcpt, err := s.GetSubscriber(strings.TrimPrefix(msg.Channel, "@"))
if err == nil && rcpt.Mutes(sub.Username) {
log.Debug("Do not send message to %s: they have muted or booted %s", rcpt.Username, sub.Username)
// If the sender already mutes the recipient, reply back with the error.
if sub.Mutes(rcpt.Username) {
sub.ChatServer("You have muted %s and so your message has not been sent.", rcpt.Username)
// If there is blocking happening, do not send.
if sub.Blocks(rcpt) {
if err := s.SendTo(msg.Channel, message); err != nil {
sub.ChatServer("Your message could not be delivered: %s", err)
// Broadcast a chat message to the room.
// OnMe handles current user state updates.
func (s *Server) OnMe(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
// Reflect a 'me' message back at them? (e.g. if server forces their camera NSFW)
var reflect bool
if msg.VideoStatus&messages.VideoFlagActive == messages.VideoFlagActive {
log.Debug("User %s turns on their video feed", sub.Username)
// Moderation rules?
if rule := sub.GetModerationRule(); rule != nil {
// Are they barred from sharing their camera on chat?
if rule.NoBroadcast || rule.NoVideo {
"A chat server moderation rule is currently in place which restricts your ability to share your webcam. Please " +
"contact a chat operator for more information.",
msg.VideoStatus = 0
// Is their camera forced to always be explicit?
if rule.CameraAlwaysNSFW && !(msg.VideoStatus&messages.VideoFlagNSFW == messages.VideoFlagNSFW) {
msg.VideoStatus |= messages.VideoFlagNSFW
reflect = true // send them a 'me' echo afterward to inform the front-end page properly of this
"A chat server moderation rule is currently in place which forces your camera to stay marked as Explicit. Please " +
"contact a chat moderator if you have any questions about this.",
// Hidden status: for operators only, + fake a join/exit chat message.
if sub.JWTClaims != nil && sub.JWTClaims.IsAdmin {
if sub.ChatStatus != "hidden" && msg.ChatStatus == "hidden" {
// Going hidden - fake leave message
Action: messages.ActionPresence,
Username: sub.Username,
Message: messages.PresenceExited,
} else if sub.ChatStatus == "hidden" && msg.ChatStatus != "hidden" {
// Leaving hidden - fake join message
Action: messages.ActionPresence,
Username: sub.Username,
Message: messages.PresenceJoined,
} else if msg.ChatStatus == "hidden" {
// normal users can not set this status
msg.ChatStatus = "away"
sub.VideoStatus = msg.VideoStatus
sub.ChatStatus = msg.ChatStatus
sub.DND = msg.DND
// Sync the WhoList to everybody.
// Reflect a 'me' message back?
if reflect {
// OnOpen is a client wanting to start WebRTC with another, e.g. to see their camera.
func (s *Server) OnOpen(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
// Moderation rules?
if rule := sub.GetModerationRule(); rule != nil {
// Are they barred from watching cameras on chat?
if rule.NoVideo {
"A chat server moderation rule is currently in place which restricts your ability to watch webcams. Please " +
"contact a chat operator for more information.",
// Look up the other subscriber.
other, err := s.GetSubscriber(msg.Username)
if err != nil {
// Enforce whether the viewer has permission to see this camera.
if ok, reason := s.IsVideoNotAllowed(sub, other); !ok {
"Could not open that video: %s", reason,
// Make up a WebRTC shared secret and send it to both of them.
secret := util.RandomString(16)
log.Info("WebRTC: %s opens %s with secret %s", sub.Username, other.Username, secret)
// If the current user is an admin and was booted or muted, inform them.
if sub.IsAdmin() {
if other.Boots(sub.Username) {
sub.ChatServer("Note: %s had booted you off their camera before, and won't be notified of your watch.", other.Username)
} else if other.Mutes(sub.Username) {
sub.ChatServer("Note: %s had muted you before, and won't be notified of your watch.", other.Username)
// Ring the target of this request and give them the secret.
Action: messages.ActionRing,
Username: sub.Username,
OpenSecret: secret,
// To the caller, echo back the Open along with the secret.
Action: messages.ActionOpen,
Username: other.Username,
OpenSecret: secret,
// IsVideoNotAllowed verifies whether a viewer can open a broadcaster's camera.
// Returns a boolean and an error message to return if false.
func (s *Server) IsVideoNotAllowed(sub *Subscriber, other *Subscriber) (bool, string) {
var (
ourVideoActive = (sub.VideoStatus & messages.VideoFlagActive) == messages.VideoFlagActive
theirVideoActive = (other.VideoStatus & messages.VideoFlagActive) == messages.VideoFlagActive
theirMutualRequired = (other.VideoStatus & messages.VideoFlagMutualRequired) == messages.VideoFlagMutualRequired
theirVIPRequired = (other.VideoStatus & messages.VideoFlagOnlyVIP) == messages.VideoFlagOnlyVIP
// Conditions in which we can not watch their video.
var conditions = []struct {
If bool
Error string
If: !theirVideoActive,
Error: "Their video is not currently enabled.",
If: theirMutualRequired && !ourVideoActive,
Error: fmt.Sprintf("%s has requested that you should share your own camera too before opening theirs.", other.Username),
If: theirVIPRequired && !sub.IsVIP() && !sub.IsAdmin(),
Error: "You do not have permission to view that camera.",
If: (other.Mutes(sub.Username) || other.Blocks(sub)) && !sub.IsAdmin(),
Error: "You do not have permission to view that camera.",
for _, c := range conditions {
if c.If {
return false, c.Error
return true, ""
// OnBoot is a user kicking you off their video stream.
func (s *Server) OnBoot(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message, boot bool) {
if boot {
log.Info("%s boots %s off their camera", sub.Username, msg.Username)
sub.booted[msg.Username] = struct{}{}
// If the subject of the boot is an admin, inform them they have been booted.
if other, err := s.GetSubscriber(msg.Username); err == nil && other.IsAdmin() {
"%s has booted you off of their camera!",
} else {
log.Info("%s unboots %s from their camera", sub.Username, msg.Username)
delete(sub.booted, msg.Username)
// OnMute is a user kicking setting the mute flag for another user.
func (s *Server) OnMute(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message, mute bool) {
log.Info("%s mutes or unmutes %s: %v", sub.Username, msg.Username, mute)
if mute {
sub.muted[msg.Username] = struct{}{}
} else {
delete(sub.muted, msg.Username)
// If the subject of the mute is an admin, inform them they have been booted.
if other, err := s.GetSubscriber(msg.Username); err == nil && other.IsAdmin() {
"%s has muted you! Your new mute status is: %v",
sub.Username, mute,
// Send the Who List in case our cam will show as disabled to the muted party.
// OnBlock is a user placing a hard block (hide from) another user.
func (s *Server) OnBlock(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
log.Info("%s blocks %s", sub.Username, msg.Username)
// If the subject of the block is an admin, return an error.
if other, err := s.GetSubscriber(msg.Username); err == nil && other.IsAdmin() {
"You are not allowed to block a chat operator.",
sub.blocked[msg.Username] = struct{}{}
// Send the Who List so the blocker/blockee can disappear from each other's list.
// OnBlocklist is a bulk user mute from the CachedBlocklist sent by the website.
func (s *Server) OnBlocklist(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
log.Info("[%s] syncs their blocklist: %s", sub.Username, msg.Usernames)
for _, username := range msg.Usernames {
sub.muted[username] = struct{}{}
sub.blocked[username] = struct{}{}
// Send the Who List in case our cam will show as disabled to the muted party.
// OnReport handles a user's report of a message.
func (s *Server) OnReport(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
if !WebhookEnabled(WebhookReport) {
sub.ChatServer("Unfortunately, the report webhook is not enabled so your report could not be received!")
// Attach recent message context to DMs.
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Channel, "@") {
context := getDirectMessageContext(sub.Username, msg.Username)
msg.Message += "\n\nRecent message context:\n\n" + context
// Post to the report webhook.
if _, err := PostWebhook(WebhookReport, WebhookRequest{
Action: WebhookReport,
APIKey: config.Current.AdminAPIKey,
Report: WebhookRequestReport{
FromUsername: sub.Username,
AboutUsername: msg.Username,
Channel: msg.Channel,
Timestamp: msg.Timestamp,
Reason: msg.Reason,
Message: msg.Message,
Comment: msg.Comment,
}); err != nil {
sub.ChatServer("Error sending the report to the website: %s", err)
} else {
sub.ChatServer("Your report has been delivered successfully.")
// OnCandidate handles WebRTC candidate signaling.
func (s *Server) OnCandidate(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
// Look up the other subscriber.
other, err := s.GetSubscriber(msg.Username)
if err != nil {
Action: messages.ActionCandidate,
Username: sub.Username,
Candidate: msg.Candidate,
// OnSDP handles WebRTC sdp signaling.
func (s *Server) OnSDP(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
// Look up the other subscriber.
other, err := s.GetSubscriber(msg.Username)
if err != nil {
Action: messages.ActionSDP,
Username: sub.Username,
Description: msg.Description,
// OnWatch communicates video watching status between users.
func (s *Server) OnWatch(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
// Look up the other subscriber.
other, err := s.GetSubscriber(msg.Username)
if err != nil {
Action: messages.ActionWatch,
Username: sub.Username,
// OnUnwatch communicates video Unwatching status between users.
func (s *Server) OnUnwatch(sub *Subscriber, msg messages.Message) {
// Look up the other subscriber.
other, err := s.GetSubscriber(msg.Username)
if err != nil {
Action: messages.ActionUnwatch,
Username: sub.Username,