API for your website to remove chatters from the room #44

opened 2024-03-15 21:18:46 +00:00 by kirsle · 0 comments

We have API integrations such as "block this user NOW" where when a user blocks another on your main website, BareRTC can immediately enforce the block in case one/both users are presently in the room.

A similar integration should be added for "kick this user NOW" in case the main site needs to remove them from the room.

Example use cases where this would be trigger include:

  • The user deactivates/deletes their account, or gets banned by an admin.
  • Specific use cases for the nonshy site:
    • The user privates their profile/photos to become a 'shy account' and are no longer allowed to be in chat.

The remote kick API should be able to include a custom ChatServer message to be sent to the user, so they can know why they were kicked.

To other users on chat, the kick should look like a regular log-off event (don't say "has been kicked from the room!" which implies it was a manual admin action, which can lead to questions and confusion).

We have API integrations such as "block this user NOW" where when a user blocks another on your main website, BareRTC can immediately enforce the block in case one/both users are presently in the room. A similar integration should be added for "kick this user NOW" in case the main site needs to remove them from the room. Example use cases where this would be trigger include: * The user deactivates/deletes their account, or gets banned by an admin. * Specific use cases for the nonshy site: * The user privates their profile/photos to become a 'shy account' and are no longer allowed to be in chat. The remote kick API should be able to include a custom ChatServer message to be sent to the user, so they can know why they were kicked. To other users on chat, the kick should look like a regular log-off event (don't say "has been kicked from the room!" which implies it was a manual admin action, which can lead to questions and confusion).
kirsle added the
label 2024-03-15 21:18:46 +00:00
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Reference: apps/BareRTC#44
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