* Added support for Webhooks and you can configure a Report Message hook
to let users report messages on chat.
* Add /reconfigure command to dynamically reload the server
* TODO: documentation for the webhooks.
* Color code usernames on video windows to be blue or red depending on
their local cam explicit setting
* Attempt to detect freezes on RTCPeerConnection videos by registering a
video onmute handler. If a freeze is detected, show a cyan mountain
icon by their name. Clicking the icon will re-connect their video.
* Update the video buttons on the Who List to always re-connect video
instead of toggling it opened and closed. The X buttons on videos are
now how you close a video.
* New API endpoint: /api/blocklist where your site can pre-deliver muted
username lists for users before they enter the chat.
* Image sharing in DMs is allowed if either party is an operator.
* Add a scrollback buffer option to the chat Settings to trim room history
so your browser can manage its memory usage
* Update the wording that ChatServer sends to users when the /nsfw command
has been used on them
* Fix the ordering of active DMs for Chromium browsers so the most recently
updated DM thread moves to the top of the list
* Show an indicator on videos whether the person you watch also watches
you back
* Fix the "X" button on the photo modal not functioning correctly