Camera connectivity established!

* Two users can activate their cameras locally and then connect them together
  with WebRTC with video and audio support working!
* Limitation: users need to be broadcasting video themselves before they can
  connect to someone's camera. If the offerer doesn't add tracks of their own,
  the SDP offer doesn't request video channels; so even though the answerer
  adds their tracks to the connection, they aren't used by the offerer.
* As currently implemented, the offerer's camera feed will also appear on
  screen for the answerer - every video connection opens the feed both ways.

Compared to the previous commit (where clients shared SDP messages but not
ICE candidates or anything further) the fixes and learnings were:

* The back-end was trying to relay candidate messages, but there was a JSON
  marshalling error (json object casted into a string) - changed the Message
  type to map[string]interface{} and both sides could exchange ICE candidates.
* Both sides needed to add their video tracks to the connection so that there
  was anything of value to be sent over the WebRTC channel.

Other changes:

* Server will send a ping message every minute to connected WebSockets.
Noah 2023-02-04 21:00:01 -08:00
parent 5dbe938780
commit 3f756c5318
5 changed files with 116 additions and 23 deletions

pkg/config.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package barertc
import "time"
const PingInterval = 60 * time.Second

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ type Message struct {
OpenSecret string `json:"openSecret,omitempty"`
// Parameters sent on WebRTC signaling messages.
Candidate string `json:"candidate,omitempty"` // candidate
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // sdp
Candidate map[string]interface{} `json:"candidate,omitempty"` // candidate
Description map[string]interface{} `json:"description,omitempty"` // sdp
const (
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ const (
ActionRing = "ring" // receiver of a WebRTC open request
// Actions sent by server only
ActionPing = "ping"
ActionWhoList = "who" // server pushes the Who List
ActionPresence = "presence" // a user joined or left the room
ActionError = "error" // ChatServer errors

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ type Subscriber struct {
VideoActive bool
conn *websocket.Conn
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
messages chan []byte
closeSlow func()
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ func (sub *Subscriber) ReadLoop(s *Server) {
for {
msgType, data, err := sub.conn.Read(sub.ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Error("ReadLoop error: %+v", err)
log.Error("ReadLoop error(%s): %+v", sub.Username, err)
Action: ActionPresence,
@ -119,11 +120,12 @@ func (s *Server) WebSocket() http.HandlerFunc {
// CloseRead starts a goroutine that will read from the connection
// until it is closed.
// ctx := c.CloseRead(r.Context())
ctx, _ := context.WithCancel(r.Context())
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(r.Context())
sub := &Subscriber{
conn: c,
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
messages: make(chan []byte, s.subscriberMessageBuffer),
closeSlow: func() {
c.Close(websocket.StatusPolicyViolation, "connection too slow to keep up with messages")
@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ func (s *Server) WebSocket() http.HandlerFunc {
// defer s.DeleteSubscriber(sub)
go sub.ReadLoop(s)
pinger := time.NewTicker(PingInterval)
for {
select {
case msg := <-sub.messages:
@ -141,7 +144,13 @@ func (s *Server) WebSocket() http.HandlerFunc {
if err != nil {
case timestamp := <-pinger.C:
Action: ActionPing,
Message: timestamp.Format(time.RFC3339),
case <-ctx.Done():
@ -179,6 +188,12 @@ func (s *Server) GetSubscriber(username string) (*Subscriber, error) {
// DeleteSubscriber removes a subscriber from the server.
func (s *Server) DeleteSubscriber(sub *Subscriber) {
log.Error("DeleteSubscriber: %s", sub.Username)
// Cancel its context to clean up the for-loop goroutine.
if sub.cancel != nil {
delete(s.subscribers, sub)

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
// Response for the opener to begin WebRTC connection.
const secret = msg.openSecret;
console.log("OPEN: connect to %s with secret %s", msg.username, secret);
this.ChatClient(`Connecting to stream for ${msg.username}.`);
this.ChatClient(`onOpen called for ${msg.username}.`);
this.startWebRTC(msg.username, true);
@ -137,6 +137,11 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
this.startWebRTC(msg.username, false);
onUserExited(msg) {
// A user has logged off the server. Clean up any WebRTC connections.
// Handle messages sent in chat.
onMessage(msg) {
@ -149,7 +154,8 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
// Dial the WebSocket connection.
dial() {
console.log("Dialing WebSocket...");
const conn = new WebSocket(`ws://${}/ws`);
const proto = location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws';
const conn = new WebSocket(`${proto}://${}/ws`);
conn.addEventListener("close", ev => { = false;
@ -193,6 +199,11 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
case "presence":
// TODO: make a dedicated leave event
if (msg.message.indexOf("has exited the room!") > -1) {
// Clean up data about this user.
action: msg.action,
username: msg.username,
@ -235,14 +246,21 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
let pc = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
this.WebRTC.pc[username] = pc;
// Create a data channel so we have something to connect over even if
// the local user is not broadcasting their own camera.
let dataChannel = pc.createDataChannel("data");
dataChannel.addEventListener("open", event => {
// beginTransmission(dataChannel);
// 'onicecandidate' notifies us whenever an ICE agent needs to deliver a
// message to the other peer through the signaling server.
pc.onicecandidate = event => {
this.ChatClient("On ICE Candidate called");
console.error("WebRTC OnICECandidate called!", event);
// this.ChatClient("On ICE Candidate called!");
if (event.candidate) {
this.ChatClient(`Send ICE candidate: ${event.candidate}`);
// this.ChatClient(`Send ICE candidate: ${JSON.stringify(event.candidate)}`);
console.log("Sending candidate to websockets:", event.candidate);{
action: "candidate",
username: username,
@ -253,8 +271,9 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
// If the user is offerer let the 'negotiationneeded' event create the offer.
if (isOfferer) {
this.ChatClient("Sending offer:");
this.ChatClient("We are the offerer - set up onNegotiationNeeded");
pc.onnegotiationneeded = () => {
console.error("WebRTC OnNegotiationNeeded called!");
this.ChatClient("Negotiation Needed, creating WebRTC offer.");
pc.createOffer().then(this.localDescCreated(pc, username)).catch(this.ChatClient);
@ -262,6 +281,8 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
// When a remote stream arrives.
pc.ontrack = event => {
this.ChatServer("ON TRACK CALLED!!!");
console.error("WebRTC OnTrack called!", event);
const stream = event.streams[0];
// Do we already have it?
@ -270,13 +291,28 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
this.WebRTC.streams[username].id !== {
this.WebRTC.streams[username] = stream;
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.ChatServer("Setting <video> srcObject for "+username);
let $ref = document.getElementById(`videofeed-${username}`);
console.log("Video elem:", $ref);
$ref.srcObject = stream;
// this.$refs[`videofeed-${username}`].srcObject = stream;
// If we were already broadcasting video, send our stream to
// the connecting user.
if (!isOfferer && {
// TODO: currently both users need to have video on for the connection
// to succeed - if offerer doesn't addTrack it won't request a video channel
// and so the answerer (who has video) won't actually send its
if ( {
this.ChatClient(`Sharing our video stream to ${username}.`); => pc.addTrack(track,;
let stream =;
stream.getTracks().forEach(track => {
console.error("Add stream track to WebRTC", stream, track);
pc.addTrack(track, stream)
// If we are the offerer, begin the connection.
@ -295,7 +331,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({{
action: "sdp",
username: username,
description: JSON.stringify(pc.localDescription),
description: pc.localDescription,
@ -305,12 +341,16 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
// Handle inbound WebRTC signaling messages proxied by the websocket.
onCandidate(msg) {
if (this.WebRTC.pc[msg.username] == undefined) return;
console.error("onCandidate() called:", msg);
if (this.WebRTC.pc[msg.username] == undefined) {
console.error("DID NOT FIND RTCPeerConnection for username:", msg.username);
let pc = this.WebRTC.pc[msg.username];
// Add the new ICE candidate.
console.log("Add ICE candidate: %s", msg.candidate);
this.ChatClient(`Received an ICE candidate from ${username}: ${msg.candidate}`);
// this.ChatClient(`Received an ICE candidate from ${msg.username}: ${JSON.stringify(msg.candidate)}`);
new RTCIceCandidate(
@ -320,16 +360,34 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
onSDP(msg) {
if (this.WebRTC.pc[msg.username] == undefined) return;
console.error("onSDP() called:", msg);
if (this.WebRTC.pc[msg.username] == undefined) {
console.error("DID NOT FIND RTCPeerConnection for username:", msg.username);
let pc = this.WebRTC.pc[msg.username];
let description = JSON.parse(msg.description);
let message = msg.description;
// Add the new ICE candidate.
console.log("Set description: %s", description);
this.ChatClient(`Received a Remote Description from ${msg.username}: ${msg.description}.`);
pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(description), () => {
console.log("Set description:", message);
this.ChatClient(`Received a Remote Description from ${msg.username}: ${JSON.stringify(msg.description)}.`);
pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(message), () => {
// When receiving an offer let's answer it.
if (pc.remoteDescription.type === 'offer') {
// Add our local video tracks to the connection.
// if ( {
// this.ChatClient(`Sharing our video stream to ${msg.username}.`);
// let stream =;
// stream.getTracks().forEach(track => {
// console.error("Add stream track to WebRTC", stream, track);
// pc.addTrack(track, stream)
// });
// }
this.ChatClient(`setRemoteDescription callback. Offer recieved - sending answer. Cam active? ${}`);
console.warn("Creating answer now");
pc.createAnswer().then(this.localDescCreated(pc, msg.username)).catch(this.ChatClient);
}, console.error);
@ -368,6 +426,14 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
// We need to broadcast video to connect to another.
// TODO: because if the offerer doesn't add video tracks they
// won't request video support so the answerer's video isn't sent
if (! {
this.ChatServer("You will need to turn your own camera on first before you can connect to " + user.username + ".");

View File

@ -108,8 +108,14 @@
autoplay muted>
<div class="feed">
<video class="feed"
v-for="(stream, username) in WebRTC.streams"
autoplay muted>
<div v-for="(stream, username) in WebRTC.streams" class="feed">
[[username]] - [[stream]]
<div class="feed">