Adds several new doodads to the game and 5 new wallpapers (parchment paper in blue, green, red, white and yellow). New doodads: * Crusher: A purple block-headed mob wearing an iron helmet. It tries to crush the player when you get underneath. Its flat helmet can be ridden on like an elevator back up. * Snake: A green stationary mob that always faces toward the player. If the player is nearby and jumps, the Snake will jump too and hope to catch the player in mid-air. * Gems and Totems: A new key & lock collectible. Gems have quantity so you can collect multiple, and place them into matching Totems. A Totem gives off a power signal when its gem is placed and all other Totems it is linked to have also been activated. A single Totem may link to an Electric Door and require only one gem to open it, or it can link to other Totems and they all require gems before the power signal is sent out.
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package balance
import (
magicform ""
// Theme and appearance variables.
var (
// Sprite filenames.
WindowIcon = "assets/icons/96.png"
GoldCoin = "assets/sprites/gold.png"
SilverCoin = "assets/sprites/silver.png"
LockIcon = "assets/sprites/padlock.png"
CursorIcon = "assets/sprites/pointer.png"
// Title Screen Font
TitleScreenFont = render.Text{
Size: 46,
Color: render.Pink,
Stroke: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.Black,
TitleScreenSubtitleFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansSerifFont,
Size: 18,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(128),
// Color: render.RGBA(255, 153, 0, 255),
// Shadow: render.RGBA(200, 80, 0, 255),
TitleScreenVersionFont = render.Text{
Size: 14,
Color: render.Grey,
Shadow: render.Black,
// Loading Screen fonts.
LoadScreenFont = render.Text{
Size: 46,
Color: render.Pink,
Stroke: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.Black,
LoadScreenSecondaryFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansSerifFont,
Size: 18,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(128),
// Color: render.RGBA(255, 153, 0, 255),
// Shadow: render.RGBA(200, 80, 0, 255),
// Play Mode Touch UI Hints Font
TouchHintsFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansSerifFont,
Size: 14,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(128),
Padding: 8,
PadY: 12,
// Window and panel styles.
TitleConfig = ui.Config{
Background: render.MustHexColor("#FF9900"),
OutlineSize: 1,
OutlineColor: render.Black,
TitleFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansBoldFont,
Size: 9,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.White,
Stroke: render.Red,
WindowBackground = render.MustHexColor("#cdb689")
WindowBorder = render.Grey
// Developer Shell and Flashed Messages styles.
FlashStrokeDarken = 60
FlashShadowDarken = 120
FlashFont = func(text string) render.Text {
return render.Text{
Text: text,
Size: 18,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Stroke: render.SkyBlue.Darken(FlashStrokeDarken),
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(FlashShadowDarken),
FlashErrorColor = render.MustHexColor("#FF9900")
// Menu bar styles.
MenuBackground = render.Black
MenuFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
PadX: 4,
MenuFontBold = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansBoldFont,
Size: 12,
PadX: 4,
// TabFrame styles.
TabFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
PadX: 8,
PadY: 4,
// Modal backdrop color.
ModalBackdrop = render.RGBA(1, 1, 1, 42)
// StatusFont is the font for the status bar.
StatusFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// UIFont is the main font for UI labels.
UIFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// LabelFont is the font for strong labels in UI.
LabelFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
FontFilename: SansBoldFont,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// A New Record! Label (Gold/Perfect and Silver/Normal)
NewRecordPerfectFont = LabelFont.Update(render.Text{
Color: render.Yellow,
Stroke: render.Orange,
NewRecordFont = LabelFont.Update(render.Text{
Color: render.White,
Stroke: render.Grey,
LargeLabelFont = render.Text{
Size: 18,
FontFilename: SansBoldFont,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// SmallMonoFont for cramped spaces like the +/- buttons on Toolbar.
SmallMonoFont = render.Text{
Size: 14,
PadX: 3,
FontFilename: MonospaceFont,
Color: render.Black,
// CodeLiteralFont for rendering <code>-like text.
CodeLiteralFont = render.Text{
Size: 11,
PadX: 3,
FontFilename: MonospaceFont,
Color: render.Magenta,
// Small font
SmallFont = render.Text{
Size: 10,
Padding: 2,
Color: render.Black,
// Color for draggable doodad.
DragColor = render.MustHexColor("#0099FF")
// Link lines drawn between connected doodads.
LinkLineColor = render.Magenta
LinkLighten = 128
LinkAnimSpeed uint64 = 30 // ticks
PlayButtonFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansBoldFont,
Size: 16,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.RGBA(255, 255, 0, 255),
Stroke: render.RGBA(100, 100, 0, 255),
// In-game level timer font.
TimerFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: MonospaceFont,
Size: 16,
Color: render.Cyan,
Stroke: render.DarkCyan,
// Doodad Dropper Window settings.
DoodadButtonBackground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 200, 255)
DoodadButtonSize = 64
DoodadDropperCols = 6 // rows/columns of buttons
DoodadDropperRows = 3
// Button styles, customized in init().
ButtonPrimary = style.DefaultButton
ButtonDanger = style.DefaultButton
ButtonBabyBlue = style.DefaultButton
ButtonPink = style.DefaultButton
ButtonLightRed = style.DefaultButton
DefaultCrosshairColor = render.RGBA(0, 153, 255, 255)
// Default built-in wallpapers.
Wallpapers = []magicform.Option{
Label: "Notebook",
Value: "notebook.png",
Label: "Legal Pad",
Value: "legal.png",
Label: "Graph paper",
Value: "graph.png",
Label: "Dotted paper",
Value: "dots.png",
Label: "Blueprint",
Value: "blueprint.png",
Label: "Red parchment",
Value: "red-parchment.png",
Label: "Green parchment",
Value: "green-parchment.png",
Label: "Blue parchment",
Value: "blue-parchment.png",
Label: "Yellow parchment",
Value: "yellow-parchment.png",
Label: "White parchment",
Value: "white-parchment.png",
Label: "Pure white",
Value: "white.png",
Separator: true,
Label: "Custom wallpaper...",
Value: CustomWallpaperFilename,
// Customize the various button styles.
func init() {
// Primary: white on rich blue color
ButtonPrimary.Background = render.RGBA(0, 60, 153, 255)
ButtonPrimary.Foreground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 254, 255)
ButtonPrimary.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(0, 153, 255, 255)
ButtonPrimary.HoverForeground = ButtonPrimary.Foreground
// Danger: white on red
ButtonDanger.Background = render.RGBA(153, 30, 30, 255)
ButtonDanger.Foreground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 254, 255)
ButtonDanger.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(255, 30, 30, 255)
ButtonDanger.HoverForeground = ButtonPrimary.Foreground
ButtonBabyBlue.Background = render.RGBA(40, 200, 255, 255)
ButtonBabyBlue.Foreground = render.Black
ButtonBabyBlue.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(0, 220, 255, 255)
ButtonBabyBlue.HoverForeground = render.Black
ButtonPink.Background = render.RGBA(255, 153, 255, 255)
ButtonPink.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(255, 220, 255, 255)
ButtonLightRed.Background = render.RGBA(255, 90, 90, 255)
ButtonLightRed.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(255, 128, 128, 255)