Noah Petherbridge fb5a8a1ae8 Async Giant Screenshot, Player Physics and UI Polish
* The "Giant Screenshot" feature takes a very long time, so it is made
  asynchronous. If you try and run a second one while the first is busy,
  you get an error flash. You can continue editing the level, even
  playtest it, or load a different level, and it will continue crunching
  on the Giant Screenshot and flash when it's finished.
* Updated the player physics to use proper Velocity to jump off the
  ground rather than the hacky timer-based fixed speed approach.
* FlashError() function to flash "error level" messages to the screen.
  They appear in orange text instead of the usual blue, and most error
  messages in the game use this now. The dev console "error <msg>"
  command can simulate an error message.
* Flashed message fonts are updated. The blue font now uses softer
  stroke and shadow colors and the same algorithm applies to the orange
  error flashes.

Some other changes to player physics:

* Max velocity, acceleration speed, and gravity have been tweaked.
* Fast turn-around if you are moving right and then need to go left.
  Your velocity resets to zero at the transition so you quickly get
  going the way you want to go.

Some levels that need a bit of love for the new platforming physics:

* Tutorial 3.level
2021-10-07 18:27:38 -07:00

217 lines
5.4 KiB

package balance
import (
// Theme and appearance variables.
var (
// Title Screen Font
TitleScreenFont = render.Text{
Size: 46,
Color: render.Pink,
Stroke: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.Black,
TitleScreenSubtitleFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: "DejaVuSans.ttf",
Size: 18,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(128),
// Color: render.RGBA(255, 153, 0, 255),
// Shadow: render.RGBA(200, 80, 0, 255),
TitleScreenVersionFont = render.Text{
Size: 14,
Color: render.Grey,
Shadow: render.Black,
// Loading Screen fonts.
LoadScreenFont = render.Text{
Size: 46,
Color: render.Pink,
Stroke: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.Black,
LoadScreenSecondaryFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: "DejaVuSans.ttf",
Size: 18,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(128),
// Color: render.RGBA(255, 153, 0, 255),
// Shadow: render.RGBA(200, 80, 0, 255),
// Play Mode Touch UI Hints Font
TouchHintsFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: "DejaVuSans.ttf",
Size: 14,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(128),
Padding: 8,
PadY: 12,
// Window and panel styles.
TitleConfig = ui.Config{
Background: render.MustHexColor("#FF9900"),
OutlineSize: 1,
OutlineColor: render.Black,
TitleFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf",
Size: 9,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.White,
Stroke: render.Red,
WindowBackground = render.MustHexColor("#cdb689")
WindowBorder = render.Grey
// Developer Shell and Flashed Messages styles.
FlashStrokeDarken = 60
FlashShadowDarken = 120
FlashFont = func(text string) render.Text {
return render.Text{
Text: text,
Size: 18,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Stroke: render.SkyBlue.Darken(FlashStrokeDarken),
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(FlashShadowDarken),
FlashErrorColor = render.MustHexColor("#FF9900")
// Menu bar styles.
MenuBackground = render.Black
MenuFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
PadX: 4,
MenuFontBold = render.Text{
FontFilename: "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf",
Size: 12,
PadX: 4,
// TabFrame styles.
TabFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
PadX: 8,
PadY: 4,
// Modal backdrop color.
ModalBackdrop = render.RGBA(1, 1, 1, 42)
// StatusFont is the font for the status bar.
StatusFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// UIFont is the main font for UI labels.
UIFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// LabelFont is the font for strong labels in UI.
LabelFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
FontFilename: "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf",
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
LargeLabelFont = render.Text{
Size: 18,
FontFilename: "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf",
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// SmallMonoFont for cramped spaces like the +/- buttons on Toolbar.
SmallMonoFont = render.Text{
Size: 14,
PadX: 3,
FontFilename: "DejaVuSansMono.ttf",
Color: render.Black,
// CodeLiteralFont for rendering <code>-like text.
CodeLiteralFont = render.Text{
Size: 11,
PadX: 3,
FontFilename: "DejaVuSansMono.ttf",
Color: render.Magenta,
// Small font
SmallFont = render.Text{
Size: 10,
Padding: 2,
Color: render.Black,
// Color for draggable doodad.
DragColor = render.MustHexColor("#0099FF")
// Link lines drawn between connected doodads.
LinkLineColor = render.Magenta
LinkLighten = 128
LinkAnimSpeed uint64 = 30 // ticks
PlayButtonFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf",
Size: 16,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.RGBA(255, 255, 0, 255),
Stroke: render.RGBA(100, 100, 0, 255),
// Doodad Dropper Window settings.
DoodadButtonBackground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 200, 255)
DoodadButtonSize = 64
DoodadDropperCols = 6 // rows/columns of buttons
DoodadDropperRows = 3
// Button styles, customized in init().
ButtonPrimary = style.DefaultButton
ButtonDanger = style.DefaultButton
ButtonBabyBlue = style.DefaultButton
ButtonPink = style.DefaultButton
ButtonLightRed = style.DefaultButton
// Customize the various button styles.
func init() {
// Primary: white on rich blue color
ButtonPrimary.Background = render.RGBA(0, 60, 153, 255)
ButtonPrimary.Foreground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 254, 255)
ButtonPrimary.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(0, 153, 255, 255)
ButtonPrimary.HoverForeground = ButtonPrimary.Foreground
// Danger: white on red
ButtonDanger.Background = render.RGBA(153, 30, 30, 255)
ButtonDanger.Foreground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 254, 255)
ButtonDanger.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(255, 30, 30, 255)
ButtonDanger.HoverForeground = ButtonPrimary.Foreground
ButtonBabyBlue.Background = render.RGBA(40, 200, 255, 255)
ButtonBabyBlue.Foreground = render.Black
ButtonBabyBlue.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(0, 220, 255, 255)
ButtonBabyBlue.HoverForeground = render.Black
ButtonPink.Background = render.RGBA(255, 153, 255, 255)
ButtonPink.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(255, 220, 255, 255)
ButtonLightRed.Background = render.RGBA(255, 90, 90, 255)
ButtonLightRed.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(255, 128, 128, 255)