
576 lines
14 KiB

package windows
import (
magicform ""
// AddEditLevel is the "Create New Level & Edit Level Properties" window
type AddEditLevel struct {
Supervisor *ui.Supervisor
Engine render.Engine
// Editing settings for an existing level?
EditLevel *level.Level
// Callback functions.
OnChangePageTypeAndWallpaper func(pageType level.PageType, wallpaper string)
OnCreateNewLevel func(*level.Level)
OnCreateNewDoodad func(size int)
OnReload func()
OnCancel func()
// NewAddEditLevel initializes the window.
func NewAddEditLevel(config AddEditLevel) *ui.Window {
// Default options.
var (
title = "New Drawing"
// Given a level to edit?
if config.EditLevel != nil {
title = "Level Properties"
window := ui.NewWindow(title)
Width: 400,
Height: 290,
Background: render.Grey,
// Tabbed UI for New Level or New Doodad.
tabframe := ui.NewTabFrame("Level Tabs")
window.Pack(tabframe, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
Fill: true,
Expand: true,
// Add the tabs.
config.setupLevelFrame(tabframe) // Level Properties (always)
if config.EditLevel == nil {
// New Doodad properties (New window only)
} else {
// Additional Level tabs (existing level only)
return window
// Creates the Create/Edit Level tab ("index").
func (config AddEditLevel) setupLevelFrame(tf *ui.TabFrame) {
// Default options.
var (
tabLabel = "New Level"
newPageType = level.Bounded.String()
newWallpaper = "notebook.png"
paletteName = level.DefaultPaletteNames[0]
isNewLevel = config.EditLevel == nil
// Default text for the Palette drop-down for already-existing levels.
// (needs --experimental feature flag to enable the UI).
textCurrentPalette = "Keep current palette"
// For NEW levels, if a custom wallpaper is selected from disk, cache
// it in these vars. For pre-existing levels, the wallpaper updates
// immediately in the live config.EditLevel object.
newWallpaperB64 string
// Given a level to edit?
if !isNewLevel {
tabLabel = "Properties"
newPageType = config.EditLevel.PageType.String()
newWallpaper = config.EditLevel.Wallpaper
paletteName = textCurrentPalette
frame := tf.AddTab("index", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: tabLabel,
Font: balance.TabFont,
* Frame for selecting Page Type
// Selected "Page Type" property.
var pageType = level.Bounded
if !isNewLevel {
pageType = config.EditLevel.PageType
form := magicform.Form{
Supervisor: config.Supervisor,
Engine: config.Engine,
Vertical: true,
LabelWidth: 120,
PadY: 2,
fields := []magicform.Field{
Label: "Page type:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
Options: []magicform.Option{
Label: "Bounded",
Value: level.Bounded,
Label: "Unbounded",
Value: level.Unbounded,
Label: "No Negative Space",
Value: level.NoNegativeSpace,
SelectValue: pageType,
OnSelect: func(v interface{}) {
value, _ := v.(level.PageType)
newPageType = value.String() // for the "New" screen background
config.OnChangePageTypeAndWallpaper(value, newWallpaper)
* Wallpaper settings
var selectedWallpaper = "notebook.png"
if config.EditLevel != nil {
selectedWallpaper = config.EditLevel.Wallpaper
fields = append(fields, []magicform.Field{
Label: "Wallpaper:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
SelectValue: selectedWallpaper,
Options: balance.Wallpapers,
OnSelect: func(v interface{}) {
if filename, ok := v.(string); ok {
// Picking the Custom option?
if filename == balance.CustomWallpaperFilename {
filename, err := native.OpenFile("Choose a custom wallpaper:", "*.png *.jpg *.gif")
if err == nil {
b64data, err := wallpaper.FileToB64(filename)
if err != nil {
shmem.Flash("Error loading wallpaper: %s", err)
// If editing a level, apply the update straight away.
if config.EditLevel != nil {
config.EditLevel.SetFile(balance.CustomWallpaperEmbedPath, []byte(b64data))
newWallpaper = balance.CustomWallpaperFilename
// Trigger the page type change to the caller.
if pageType, ok := level.PageTypeFromString(newPageType); ok {
config.OnChangePageTypeAndWallpaper(pageType, balance.CustomWallpaperFilename)
} else {
// Hold onto the new wallpaper until the level is created.
newWallpaper = balance.CustomWallpaperFilename
newWallpaperB64 = b64data
if pageType, ok := level.PageTypeFromString(newPageType); ok {
config.OnChangePageTypeAndWallpaper(pageType, filename)
newWallpaper = filename
* Frame for picking a default color palette.
// For new level or --experimental only.
if config.EditLevel == nil || balance.Feature.ChangePalette {
var (
palettes = []magicform.Option{}
if config.EditLevel != nil {
palettes = append(palettes, []magicform.Option{
Label: paletteName, // "Keep current palette"
Value: paletteName,
Separator: true,
for _, palName := range level.DefaultPaletteNames {
palettes = append(palettes, magicform.Option{
Label: palName,
Value: palName,
// Add form fields.
fields = append(fields, []magicform.Field{
Label: "Palette:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
Options: palettes,
OnSelect: func(v interface{}) {
value, _ := v.(string)
paletteName = value
* Extended options for editing existing level (vs. Create New screen)
if config.EditLevel != nil {
var (
levelSizeStr = fmt.Sprintf("%dx%d", config.EditLevel.MaxWidth, config.EditLevel.MaxHeight)
levelSizeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+)x(\d+)$`)
fields = append(fields, []magicform.Field{
Label: "Limits (bounded):",
Font: balance.UIFont,
TextVariable: &levelSizeStr,
OnClick: func() {
shmem.Prompt(fmt.Sprintf("Enter new limits in WxH format or [%s]: ", levelSizeStr), func(answer string) {
if answer == "" {
match := levelSizeRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(answer)
if match == nil {
levelSizeStr = match[0]
width, _ := strconv.Atoi(match[1])
height, _ := strconv.Atoi(match[2])
config.EditLevel.MaxWidth = int64(width)
config.EditLevel.MaxHeight = int64(height)
Label: "Metadata",
Font: balance.LabelFont,
Label: "Title:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
TextVariable: &config.EditLevel.Title,
PromptUser: func(answer string) {
config.EditLevel.Title = answer
Label: "Author:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
TextVariable: &config.EditLevel.Author,
PromptUser: func(answer string) {
config.EditLevel.Author = answer
// The confirm/cancel buttons.
var okLabel = "Apply"
if config.EditLevel == nil {
okLabel = "Continue"
fields = append(fields, []magicform.Field{
Buttons: []magicform.Field{
ButtonStyle: &balance.ButtonPrimary,
Label: okLabel,
Font: balance.UIFont,
OnClick: func() {
// Is it a NEW level?
if config.EditLevel == nil {
shmem.Flash("Create new map with %s page type and %s wallpaper", newPageType, newWallpaper)
pageType, ok := level.PageTypeFromString(newPageType)
if !ok {
shmem.Flash("Invalid Page Type '%s'", newPageType)
lvl := level.New()
lvl.Palette = level.DefaultPalettes[paletteName]
lvl.Wallpaper = newWallpaper
lvl.PageType = pageType
// Was a custom wallpaper selected for our NEW level?
if lvl.Wallpaper == balance.CustomWallpaperFilename && len(newWallpaperB64) > 0 {
lvl.SetFile(balance.CustomWallpaperEmbedPath, []byte(newWallpaperB64))
if config.OnCreateNewLevel != nil {
} else {
shmem.FlashError("OnCreateNewLevel not attached")
} else {
// Editing an existing level.
// If we're editing a level, did we select a new palette?
// Warn the user about if they want to change palettes.
if paletteName != textCurrentPalette {
"Are you sure you want to change the level palette?\n" +
"Existing pixels drawn on your level may change, and\n" +
"if the new palette is smaller, some pixels may be\n" +
"lost from your level. OK to continue?",
).WithTitle("Change Level Palette").Then(func() {
// Install the new level palette.
if config.OnReload != nil {
Label: "Cancel",
Font: balance.UIFont,
OnClick: func() {
form.Create(frame, fields)
// Creates the "New Doodad" frame.
func (config AddEditLevel) setupDoodadFrame(tf *ui.TabFrame) {
// Default options.
var (
doodadSize = 64
frame := tf.AddTab("doodad", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "New Doodad",
Font: balance.TabFont,
* Frame for selecting Page Type
typeFrame := ui.NewFrame("Doodad Options Frame")
frame.Pack(typeFrame, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
FillX: true,
label1 := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "Doodad sprite size (square):",
Font: balance.LabelFont,
typeFrame.Pack(label1, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
// A selectbox to suggest some sizes or let the user enter a custom.
sizeBtn := ui.NewSelectBox("Size Select", ui.Label{
Font: ui.MenuFont,
typeFrame.Pack(sizeBtn, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
Expand: true,
for _, row := range []struct {
Name string
Value int
{"32", 32},
{"64", 64},
{"96", 96},
{"128", 128},
{"200", 200},
{"256", 256},
{"Custom...", 0},
} {
row := row
sizeBtn.AddItem(row.Name, row.Value, func() {})
sizeBtn.Handle(ui.Change, func(ed ui.EventData) error {
if selection, ok := sizeBtn.GetValue(); ok {
if size, ok := selection.Value.(int); ok {
if size == 0 {
shmem.Prompt("Enter a custom size for the doodad width and height: ", func(answer string) {
if a, err := strconv.Atoi(answer); err == nil && a > 0 {
doodadSize = a
} else {
shmem.FlashError("Doodad size should be a number greater than zero.")
} else {
doodadSize = size
return nil
* Confirm/cancel buttons.
bottomFrame := ui.NewFrame("Button Frame")
frame.Pack(bottomFrame, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
FillX: true,
PadY: 8,
var buttons = []struct {
Label string
F func(ui.EventData) error
{"Continue", func(ed ui.EventData) error {
if config.OnCreateNewDoodad != nil {
} else {
shmem.FlashError("OnCreateNewDoodad not attached")
return nil
{"Cancel", func(ed ui.EventData) error {
return nil
for _, t := range buttons {
btn := ui.NewButton(t.Label, ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: t.Label,
Font: balance.MenuFont,
btn.Handle(ui.Click, t.F)
bottomFrame.Pack(btn, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 4,
PadY: 8,
// Creates the Game Rules frame for existing level (set difficulty, etc.)
func (config AddEditLevel) setupGameRuleFrame(tf *ui.TabFrame) {
frame := tf.AddTab("GameRules", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "Game Rules",
Font: balance.TabFont,
form := magicform.Form{
Supervisor: config.Supervisor,
Engine: config.Engine,
Vertical: true,
LabelWidth: 120,
PadY: 2,
fields := []magicform.Field{
Label: "Game Rules are specific to this level and can change some of\n" +
"the game's default behaviors.",
Font: balance.UIFont,
Label: "Difficulty:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
SelectValue: config.EditLevel.GameRule.Difficulty,
Tooltip: ui.Tooltip{
Text: "Peaceful: enemies may not attack\n" +
"Normal: default difficulty\n" +
"Hard: enemies may be more aggressive",
Edge: ui.Top,
Options: []magicform.Option{
Label: "Peaceful",
Value: enum.Peaceful,
Label: "Normal (recommended)",
Value: enum.Normal,
Label: "Hard",
Value: enum.Hard,
OnSelect: func(v interface{}) {
value, _ := v.(enum.Difficulty)
config.EditLevel.GameRule.Difficulty = value
log.Info("Set level difficulty to: %d (%s)", value, value)
Label: "Survival Mode (silver high score)",
Font: balance.UIFont,
BoolVariable: &config.EditLevel.GameRule.Survival,
Tooltip: ui.Tooltip{
Text: "Use for levels where dying at least once is very likely\n" +
"(e.g. Azulian Tag). The silver high score will be for\n" +
"longest time rather than fastest time. The gold high\n" +
"score will still be for fastest time.",
Edge: ui.Top,
form.Create(frame, fields)