Noah Petherbridge 93623e4e8a Zipfiles as File Format for Levels and Doodads
Especially to further optimize memory for large levels, Levels and
Doodads can now read and write to a ZIP file format on disk with
chunks in external files within the zip.

Existing doodads and levels can still load as normal, and will be
converted into ZIP files on the next save:

* The Chunker.ChunkMap which used to hold ALL chunks in the main json/gz
  file, now becomes the cache of "hot chunks" loaded from ZIP. If there is
  a ZIP file, chunks not accessed recently are flushed from the ChunkMap
  to save on memory.
* During save, the ChunkMap is flushed to ZIP along with any non-loaded
  chunks from a previous zipfile. So legacy levels "just work" when
  saving, and levels loaded FROM Zip will manage their ChunkMap hot
  memory more carefully.

Memory savings observed on "Azulian Tag - Forest.level":

* Before: 1716 MB was loaded from the old level format into RAM along
  with a slow load screen.
* After: only 243 MB memory was used by the game and it loaded with
  a VERY FAST load screen.

Updates to the F3 Debug Overlay:

* "Chunks: 20 in 45 out 20 cached" shows the count of chunks inside the
  viewport (having bitmaps and textures loaded) vs. chunks outside which
  have their textures freed (but data kept), and the number of chunks
  currently hot cached in the ChunkMap.

The `doodad` tool has new commands to "touch" your existing levels
and doodads, to upgrade them to the new format (or you can simply
open and re-save them in-game):

    doodad edit-level --touch ./example.level
    doodad edit-doodad --touch ./example.doodad

The output from that and `doodad show` should say "File format: zipfile"
in the headers section.

To do:

* File attachments should also go in as ZIP files, e.g. wallpapers
2022-04-29 20:34:59 -07:00

273 lines
6.8 KiB

package commands
import (
// Show information about a Level or Doodad file.
var Show *cli.Command
func init() {
Show = &cli.Command{
Name: "show",
Usage: "show information about a level or doodad file",
ArgsUsage: "<.level or .doodad>",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "actors",
Usage: "print verbose actor data in Level files",
Name: "chunks",
Usage: "print verbose data about all the pixel chunks in a file",
Name: "script",
Usage: "print the script from a doodad file and exit",
Name: "attachment",
Aliases: []string{"a"},
Usage: "print the contents of the attached filename to terminal",
Name: "verbose",
Aliases: []string{"v"},
Usage: "print verbose output (all verbose flags enabled)",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.NArg() < 1 {
return cli.Exit(
"Usage: doodad show <.level .doodad ...>",
filenames := c.Args().Slice()
for _, filename := range filenames {
switch strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) {
case enum.LevelExt:
if err := showLevel(c, filename); err != nil {
return cli.Exit("Error", 1)
case enum.DoodadExt:
if err := showDoodad(c, filename); err != nil {
return cli.Exit("Error", 1)
log.Error("File %s: not a level or doodad", filename)
return nil
// showLevel shows data about a level file.
func showLevel(c *cli.Context, filename string) error {
lvl, err := level.LoadJSON(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
// Are we printing an attached file?
if filename := c.String("attachment"); filename != "" {
if data, err := lvl.GetFile(filename); err == nil {
return nil
} else {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't get attached file '%s': %s\n", filename, err)
return err
// Is it a new zipfile format?
var fileType = "json or gzip"
if lvl.Zipfile != nil {
fileType = "zipfile"
fmt.Printf("===== Level: %s =====\n", filename)
fmt.Printf(" File format: %s\n", fileType)
fmt.Printf(" File version: %d\n", lvl.Version)
fmt.Printf(" Game version: %s\n", lvl.GameVersion)
fmt.Printf(" Level title: %s\n", lvl.Title)
fmt.Printf(" Author: %s\n", lvl.Author)
fmt.Printf(" Password: %s\n", lvl.Password)
fmt.Printf(" Locked: %+v\n", lvl.Locked)
fmt.Println("Game Rules:")
fmt.Printf(" Difficulty: %s (%d)\n", lvl.GameRule.Difficulty, lvl.GameRule.Difficulty)
fmt.Printf(" Survival: %+v\n", lvl.GameRule.Survival)
fmt.Println("Level Settings:")
fmt.Printf(" Page type: %s\n", lvl.PageType.String())
fmt.Printf(" Max size: %dx%d\n", lvl.MaxWidth, lvl.MaxHeight)
fmt.Printf(" Wallpaper: %s\n", lvl.Wallpaper)
fmt.Println("Attached Files:")
if files := lvl.ListFiles(); len(files) > 0 {
for _, v := range files {
data, _ := lvl.GetFile(v)
fmt.Printf(" %s: %d bytes\n", v, len(data))
} else {
fmt.Printf(" None\n\n")
// Print the actor information.
fmt.Printf(" Level contains %d actors\n", len(lvl.Actors))
if c.Bool("actors") || c.Bool("verbose") {
fmt.Println(" List of Actors:")
for id, actor := range lvl.Actors {
fmt.Printf(" - Name: %s\n", actor.Filename)
fmt.Printf(" UUID: %s\n", id)
fmt.Printf(" At: %s\n", actor.Point)
if c.Bool("links") {
for _, link := range actor.Links {
if other, ok := lvl.Actors[link]; ok {
fmt.Printf(" Link: %s (%s)\n", link, other.Filename)
} else {
fmt.Printf(" Link: %s (**UNRESOLVED**)", link)
} else {
fmt.Print(" Use -actors or -verbose to serialize Actors\n\n")
// Serialize chunk information.
showChunker(c, lvl.Chunker)
return nil
func showDoodad(c *cli.Context, filename string) error {
dd, err := doodads.LoadJSON(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.Bool("script") {
fmt.Printf("// %s.js\n", filename)
return nil
// Is it a new zipfile format?
var fileType = "json or gzip"
if dd.Zipfile != nil {
fileType = "zipfile"
fmt.Printf("===== Doodad: %s =====\n", filename)
fmt.Printf(" File format: %s\n", fileType)
fmt.Printf(" File version: %d\n", dd.Version)
fmt.Printf(" Game version: %s\n", dd.GameVersion)
fmt.Printf(" Doodad title: %s\n", dd.Title)
fmt.Printf(" Author: %s\n", dd.Author)
fmt.Printf(" Hitbox: %s\n", dd.Hitbox)
fmt.Printf(" Locked: %+v\n", dd.Locked)
fmt.Printf(" Hidden: %+v\n", dd.Hidden)
fmt.Printf(" Script size: %d bytes\n", len(dd.Script))
if len(dd.Tags) > 0 {
for k, v := range dd.Tags {
fmt.Printf(" %s: %s\n", k, v)
for i, layer := range dd.Layers {
fmt.Printf("Layer %d: %s\n", i, layer.Name)
showChunker(c, layer.Chunker)
return nil
func showPalette(pal *level.Palette) {
for _, sw := range pal.Swatches {
fmt.Printf(" - Swatch name: %s\n", sw.Name)
fmt.Printf(" Attributes: %s\n", sw.Attributes())
fmt.Printf(" Color: %s\n", sw.Color.ToHex())
func showChunker(c *cli.Context, ch *level.Chunker) {
var worldSize = ch.WorldSize()
var width = worldSize.W - worldSize.X
var height = worldSize.H - worldSize.Y
fmt.Printf(" Pixels Per Chunk: %d^2\n", ch.Size)
fmt.Printf(" Number Generated: %d\n", len(ch.Chunks))
fmt.Printf(" Coordinate Range: (%d,%d) ... (%d,%d)\n",
fmt.Printf(" World Dimensions: %dx%d\n", width, height)
// Verbose chunk information.
if c.Bool("chunks") || c.Bool("verbose") {
fmt.Println(" Chunk Details:")
for point, chunk := range ch.Chunks {
fmt.Printf(" - Coord: %s\n", point)
fmt.Printf(" Type: %s\n", chunkTypeToName(chunk.Type))
fmt.Printf(" Range: (%d,%d) ... (%d,%d)\n",
} else {
fmt.Println(" Use -chunks or -verbose to serialize Chunks")
func chunkTypeToName(v int) string {
switch v {
case level.MapType:
return "map"
case level.GridType:
return "grid"
return fmt.Sprintf("type %d", v)