UI improvements specifically for mobile (running the game with the `-w mobile` or `-w landscape` options) screen sizes. * Rework the Settings window to be mobile friendly to landscape oriented screens (`doodle -w landscape`) and migrate Options tab to magicform. * The toolbar in the Editor will be a single column of buttons on small screens, such as `-w mobile` (375x812) portrait mode smartphone. On larger screens the toolbar shows in two columns of buttons. * Fix tooltips not drawing on top. * Centralize the hard-coded references to specific font filenames * Add cheat code: `test load screen` to bring a sample loading screen up for a few seconds. It needs improvement on `-w landscape`
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package balance
import (
// Debug related variables that can toggle on or off certain features and
// overlays within the game.
var (
* Visualizers *
// Debug overlay (FPS etc.) settings.
DebugFontFilename = SansBoldFont
DebugFontSize = 16
DebugLabelColor = render.MustHexColor("#FF9900")
DebugValueColor = render.MustHexColor("#00CCFF")
DebugStrokeDarken = 80
// Background color to use when exporting a drawing Chunk as a bitmap image
// on disk. Default is white. Setting this to translucent yellow is a great
// way to visualize the chunks loaded from cache on your screen.
DebugChunkBitmapBackground = render.Invisible // XXX: export $DEBUG_CHUNK_COLOR
// Put a border around all Canvas widgets.
DebugCanvasBorder = render.Invisible
DebugCanvasLabel = false // Tag the canvas with a label.
// Set to a color other than Invisible to force the uix.Canvas to color ALL
// Stroke pixels in this color.
DebugCanvasStrokeColor = render.Invisible
func init() {
// Load values from environment variables.
var config = map[string]interface{}{
// Window size.
"DOODLE_W": &Width,
"DOODLE_H": &Height,
// Tune some parameters. XXX: maybe dangerous at some point.
"D_SCROLL_SPEED": &CanvasScrollSpeed,
"D_DOODAD_SIZE": &DoodadSize,
// Shell settings.
"D_SHELL_BG": &ShellBackgroundColor,
"D_SHELL_FG": &ShellForegroundColor,
"D_SHELL_PC": &ShellPromptColor,
"D_SHELL_LN": &ShellHistoryLineCount,
"D_SHELL_FS": &ShellFontSize,
// Visualizers
"DEBUG_CHUNK_COLOR": &DebugChunkBitmapBackground,
"DEBUG_CANVAS_BORDER": &DebugCanvasBorder,
"DEBUG_CANVAS_LABEL": &DebugCanvasLabel,
for name, value := range config {
switch v := value.(type) {
case *int:
*v = IntEnv(name, *(v))
case *bool:
*v = BoolEnv(name, *(v))
case *int32:
*v = int32(IntEnv(name, int(*(v))))
case *render.Color:
*v = ColorEnv(name, *(v))
// Debug all?
if BoolEnv("DOODLE_DEBUG_ALL", false) {
DebugChunkBitmapBackground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 0, 128)
DebugCanvasBorder = render.Red
DebugCanvasLabel = true
// ColorEnv gets a color value from environment variable or returns a default.
// This will panic if the color is not valid, so only do this on startup time.
func ColorEnv(name string, v render.Color) render.Color {
if color := os.Getenv(name); color != "" {
return render.MustHexColor(color)
return v
// IntEnv gets an int value from environment variable or returns a default.
func IntEnv(name string, v int) int {
if env := os.Getenv(name); env != "" {
a, err := strconv.Atoi(env)
if err != nil {
return a
return v
// BoolEnv gets a bool from the environment with a default.
func BoolEnv(name string, v bool) bool {
if env := os.Getenv(name); env != "" {
switch strings.ToLower(env) {
case "true", "t", "1", "on", "yes", "y":
return true
case "false", "f", "0", "off", "no", "n":
return false
return v