Noah Petherbridge c7a3c7a797 Remove never-used GridType accessor + documentation [PTO]
* Add documentation for the game's file formats and RLE encoding
* Remove the never-used GridType Chunk Accessor constant
2024-05-24 16:06:43 -07:00

413 lines
11 KiB

package level
import (
// Types of chunks.
const (
MapType uint64 = iota
// Default chunk type for newly created chunks (was MapType).
const DefaultChunkType = RLEType
// Chunk holds a single portion of the pixel canvas.
type Chunk struct {
Type uint64 // map vs. 2D array.
// Values told to it from higher up, not stored in JSON.
Point render.Point
Size uint8
// Texture cache properties so we don't redraw pixel-by-pixel every frame.
uuid uuid.UUID
bitmap image.Image
texture render.Texturer
textureMasked render.Texturer
textureMaskedColor render.Color
dirty bool // Chunk is changed and needs textures redrawn
modified bool // Chunk is changed and is held in memory til next Zipfile save
// JSONChunk holds a lightweight (interface-free) copy of the Chunk for
// unmarshalling JSON files from disk.
type JSONChunk struct {
Type uint64 `json:"type"`
Data json.RawMessage `json:"data"`
BinData interface{} `json:"-"`
// Accessor provides a high-level API to interact with absolute pixel coordinates
// while abstracting away the details of how they're stored.
type Accessor interface {
Inflate(*Palette) error
Iter() <-chan Pixel
IterViewport(viewport render.Rect) <-chan Pixel
Get(render.Point) (*Swatch, error)
Set(render.Point, *Swatch) error
Delete(render.Point) error
Len() int
MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
UnmarshalBinary([]byte) error
// NewChunk creates a new chunk.
func NewChunk() *Chunk {
var c = &Chunk{
Type: RLEType,
c.Accessor = NewRLEAccessor(c)
return c
// Texture will return a cached texture for the rendering engine for this
// chunk's pixel data. If the cache is dirty it will be rebuilt in this func.
// Texture cache can be disabled with balance.DisableChunkTextureCache=true.
func (c *Chunk) Texture(e render.Engine) render.Texturer {
if c.texture == nil || c.dirty {
// Generate the normal bitmap and one with a color mask if applicable.
tex, err := c.generateTexture(render.Invisible)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Texture: %s", err)
c.texture = tex
c.textureMasked = nil // invalidate until next call
c.dirty = false
return c.texture
// TextureMasked returns a cached texture with the ColorMask applied.
func (c *Chunk) TextureMasked(e render.Engine, mask render.Color) render.Texturer {
if c.textureMasked == nil || c.textureMaskedColor != mask {
// Force regenerate with the new mask color.
c.dirty = true
tex, err := c.generateTexture(mask)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Texture: %s", err)
c.textureMasked = tex
c.textureMaskedColor = mask
return c.textureMasked
// SetDirty sets the `dirty` flag to true and forces the texture to be
// re-computed next frame.
func (c *Chunk) SetDirty() {
c.dirty = true
// CachedBitmap returns a cached render of the chunk as a bitmap image.
// This is like Texture() but skips the step of actually producing an
// (SDL2) texture. The benefit of this is that you can call it from
// your non-main threads and offload the bitmap work into background
// tasks, then when SDL2 needs the Texture, the cached bitmap is
// immediately there saving time on the main thread.
func (c *Chunk) CachedBitmap(mask render.Color) image.Image {
if c.bitmap == nil || c.dirty {
c.bitmap = c.ToBitmap(mask)
return c.bitmap
// generateTexture takes the chunk's Bitmap, turns it into an (SDL2)
// texture, and caches the texture in memory until the chunk is marked
// as dirty.
func (c *Chunk) generateTexture(mask render.Color) (render.Texturer, error) {
// Generate a unique name for this chunk cache.
var name string
if c.uuid == uuid.Nil {
c.uuid = uuid.Must(uuid.NewUUID())
name = c.uuid.String()
if mask != render.Invisible {
name += fmt.Sprintf("-%02x%02x%02x%02x",
mask.Red, mask.Green, mask.Blue, mask.Alpha,
// Get (and/or cache) the chunk to a bitmap image.
// Note: the 1st call to Bitmap or after SetDirty will
// generate the image and store it cached.
bitmap := c.CachedBitmap(mask)
// Cache the texture data with the current renderer.
tex, err := shmem.CurrentRenderEngine.StoreTexture(name, bitmap)
return tex, err
// ToBitmap exports the chunk's pixels as a bitmap image.
// NOT CACHED! This will always run the logic. Use Bitmap() if you
// want a cached bitmap image that only generates itself once, and
// again when marked dirty.
func (c *Chunk) ToBitmap(mask render.Color) image.Image {
var (
size = int(c.Size)
canvas = c.SizePositive()
imgSize = image.Rectangle{
Min: image.Point{},
Max: image.Point{
X: size,
Y: size,
if imgSize.Max.X == 0 {
imgSize.Max.X = int(canvas.W)
if imgSize.Max.Y == 0 {
imgSize.Max.Y = int(canvas.H)
img := image.NewRGBA(imgSize)
// Blank out the pixels.
// TODO PERF: may be slow?
for x := 0; x < img.Bounds().Max.X; x++ {
for y := 0; y < img.Bounds().Max.Y; y++ {
img.Set(x, y, balance.DebugChunkBitmapBackground.ToColor())
// Pixel coordinate offset to map the Chunk World Position to the
// smaller image boundaries.
pointOffset := render.Point{
X: c.Point.X * size,
Y: c.Point.Y * size,
// Blot all the pixels onto it.
for px := range c.Iter() {
var color = px.Swatch.Color
// Don't draw perfectly white pixels, SDL2 will make them invisible!
if color == render.White {
// If the swatch has a pattern, mesh it in.
if px.Swatch.Pattern != "" {
color = pattern.SampleColor(px.Swatch.Pattern, color, px.Point())
if mask != render.Invisible {
// A semi-transparent mask will overlay on top of the actual color.
if mask.Alpha < 255 {
color = color.AddColor(mask)
} else {
color = mask
return img
// Teardown the chunk and free (SDL2) texture memory in ways Go can not by itself.
// Returns the number of textures freed.
func (c *Chunk) Teardown() int {
var freed int
if c.bitmap != nil {
c.bitmap = nil
if c.texture != nil {
c.texture = nil // NPE <- here
if c.textureMasked != nil {
c.textureMasked = nil
return freed
// Set proxies to the accessor and flags the texture as dirty.
// It also marks the chunk as "Modified" so it will be kept in memory until the drawing
// is next saved to disk and the chunk written out to the zipfile.
func (c *Chunk) Set(p render.Point, sw *Swatch) error {
c.dirty = true
c.modified = true
return c.Accessor.Set(p, sw)
// Delete proxies to the accessor and flags the texture as dirty and marks the chunk "Modified".
func (c *Chunk) Delete(p render.Point) error {
c.dirty = true
c.modified = true
return c.Accessor.Delete(p)
IsModified returns the chunk's Modified flag. This is most likely to occur in the Editor when
the user is drawing onto the level. Modified chunks are not unloaded from memory ever, until
they can be saved back to disk in the Zipfile format. During regular gameplay, chunks are
loaded and unloaded as needed.
The modified flag is flipped on Set() or Delete() and is never unflipped. On file save,
the Chunker is reloaded from scratch to hold chunks cached from zipfile members.
func (c *Chunk) IsModified() bool {
return c.modified
// Rect returns the bounding coordinates that the Chunk has pixels for.
func (c *Chunk) Rect() render.Rect {
// Lowest and highest chunks.
var (
lowest render.Point
highest render.Point
for coord := range c.Iter() {
if coord.X < lowest.X {
lowest.X = coord.X
if coord.Y < lowest.Y {
lowest.Y = coord.Y
if coord.X > highest.X {
highest.X = coord.X
if coord.Y > highest.Y {
highest.Y = coord.Y
return render.Rect{
X: lowest.X,
Y: lowest.Y,
W: highest.X,
H: highest.Y,
// SizePositive returns the Size anchored to 0,0 with only positive
// coordinates.
func (c *Chunk) SizePositive() render.Rect {
S := c.Rect()
return render.Rect{
W: int(math.Abs(float64(S.X))) + S.W,
H: int(math.Abs(float64(S.Y))) + S.H,
// Usage returns the percent of free space vs. allocated pixels in the chunk.
func (c *Chunk) Usage() float64 {
size := float64(c.Size)
return float64(c.Len()) / (size * size)
// UnmarshalJSON loads the chunk from JSON and uses the correct accessor to
// parse the inner details.
// DEPRECATED in favor of binary marshalling.
// Only supports MapAccessor chunk types, which was the only one supported
// before this function was deprecated.
func (c *Chunk) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
// Parse it generically so we can hand off the inner "data" object to the
// right accessor for unmarshalling.
generic := &JSONChunk{}
err := json.Unmarshal(b, generic)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Chunk.UnmarshalJSON: failed to unmarshal into generic JSONChunk type: %s", err)
switch c.Type {
case MapType:
c.Accessor = NewMapAccessor(c)
if unmarshaler, ok := c.Accessor.(json.Unmarshaler); ok {
return unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(generic.Data)
return errors.New("Chunk.UnmarshalJSON: this chunk doesn't support JSON unmarshaling")
return fmt.Errorf("Chunk.UnmarshalJSON: unsupported chunk type '%d'", c.Type)
// MarshalBinary encodes a chunk to binary format.
// The binary format consists of one Uvarint for the chunk Type and then followed
// by whatever binary representation that chunk type encodes its data with.
func (c *Chunk) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
var (
compressed []byte
// Encode the chunk type first.
compressed = binary.AppendUvarint(compressed, c.Type)
// Encode the rest of the chunk.
data, err := c.Accessor.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
compressed = append(compressed, data...)
return compressed, nil
// UnmarshalBinary decodes a chunk from binary format.
func (c *Chunk) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error {
var reader = bytes.NewBuffer(b)
// Read off the type byte.
chunkType, err := binary.ReadUvarint(reader)
if err != nil {
return err
// Read off the remaining data.
// Decode the rest of the byte stream.
switch chunkType {
case MapType:
c.Type = MapType
c.Accessor = NewMapAccessor(c)
return c.Accessor.UnmarshalBinary(reader.Bytes())
case RLEType:
c.Type = RLEType
c.Accessor = NewRLEAccessor(c)
return c.Accessor.UnmarshalBinary(reader.Bytes())
return fmt.Errorf("Chunk.UnmarshalJSON: unsupported chunk type '%d'", c.Type)