* Initial WebAssembly build target for Doodle in the wasm/ folder. * Add a new render.Engine implementation, lib/render/canvas that uses the HTML 5 Canvas API instead of SDL2 for the WebAssembly target. * Ported the basic DrawLine(), DrawBox() etc. functions from SDL2 to Canvas context2d API. * Fonts are handled with CSS embedded fonts named after the font filename and defined in wasm/index.html * `make wasm` builds the WASM program, and `make wasm-serve` runs a dev Go server that hosts the WASM file for development. The server also watches the dev tree for *.go files and rebuilds the WASM binary automatically on change. * This build "basically" runs the game. UI and fonts all work and mouse movements and clicks are detected. No wallpaper support yet or texture caching (which will crash the game as soon as you click and draw a pixel in your map!)
113 lines
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113 lines
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SHELL := /bin/bash
VERSION=$(shell grep -e 'Version =' pkg/branding/branding.go | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)
BUILD=$(shell git describe --always)
BUILD_DATE=$(shell date -Iseconds)
CURDIR=$(shell curdir)
# Inject the build version (commit hash) into the executable.
LDFLAGS := -ldflags "-X main.Build=$(BUILD) -X main.BuildDate=$(BUILD_DATE)"
# `make setup` to set up a new environment, pull dependencies, etc.
.PHONY: setup
setup: clean
go get ./...
# `make build` to build the binary.
.PHONY: build
gofmt -w .
go build $(LDFLAGS) -i -o bin/doodle cmd/doodle/main.go
go build $(LDFLAGS) -i -o bin/doodad cmd/doodad/main.go
# `make build-free` to build the binary in free mode.
.PHONY: build-free
gofmt -w .
go build $(LDFLAGS) -tags="shareware" -i -o bin/doodle cmd/doodle/main.go
go build $(LDFLAGS) -tags="shareware" -i -o bin/doodad cmd/doodad/main.go
# `make build-debug` to build the binary in developer mode.
.PHONY: build-debug
gofmt -w .
go build $(LDFLAGS) -tags="developer" -i -o bin/doodle cmd/doodle/main.go
go build $(LDFLAGS) -tags="developer" -i -o bin/doodad cmd/doodad/main.go
# `make wasm` builds the WebAssembly port.
.PHONY: wasm
cd wasm && make
# `make wasm-serve` builds and launches the WebAssembly server.
.PHONY: wasm-serve
wasm-serve: wasm
sh -c 'sleep 1; xdg-open http://localhost:8080/' &
cd wasm && go run server.go
# `make install` to install the Go binaries to your GOPATH.
.PHONY: install
go install git.kirsle.net/apps/doodle/cmd/...
# `make doodads` to build the doodads from the dev-assets folder.
.PHONY: doodads
cd dev-assets/doodads && ./build.sh
# `make mingw` to cross-compile a Windows binary with mingw.
.PHONY: mingw
env CGO_ENABLED="1" CC="/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" \
GOOS="windows" CGO_LDFLAGS="-lmingw32 -lSDL2" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_REENTRANT" \
go build $(LDFLAGS) -i -o bin/doodle.exe cmd/doodle/main.go
env CGO_ENABLED="1" CC="/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" \
GOOS="windows" CGO_LDFLAGS="-lmingw32 -lSDL2" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_REENTRANT" \
go build $(LDFLAGS) -i -o bin/doodad.exe cmd/doodad/main.go
# `make run` to run it in debug mode.
.PHONY: run
go run cmd/doodle/main.go -debug
# `make guitest` to run it in guitest mode.
.PHONY: guitest
go run cmd/doodle/main.go -debug -guitest
# `make test` to run unit tests.
.PHONY: test
go test ./...
# `make dist` builds and tars up a release.
.PHONY: dist
dist: build
mkdir -p dist/doodle-$(VERSION)
cp bin/* dist/doodle-$(VERSION)/
cp -r assets fonts README.md dist/doodle-$(VERSION)/
cd dist && tar -czvf doodle-$(VERSION).tar.gz doodle-$(VERSION)
cd dist && zip -r doodle-$(VERSION).zip doodle-$(VERSION)
# `make docker` to run the Docker builds
.PHONY: docker docker.ubuntu docker.debian docker.fedora __docker.dist
mkdir -p docker/ubuntu
mkdir -p docker/debian
mkdir -p docker/fedora
docker: docker.ubuntu docker.debian docker.fedora
__docker.dist: dist
cp dist/*.tar.gz dist/*.zip /mnt/export/
# `make clean` cleans everything up.
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf bin dist docker/ubuntu docker/debian docker/fedora