Noah Petherbridge e80a3f0446 Various minor tweaks and changes
* Recolor some of the region doodads
* Add command: `doodad edit-level --remove-actor` to remove actors from
  your level.
* Tweak the player jump velocity from playtesting levels.
2021-10-07 20:50:24 -07:00

193 lines
4.2 KiB

package commands
import (
// EditLevel allows writing level metadata.
var EditLevel *cli.Command
func init() {
EditLevel = &cli.Command{
Name: "edit-level",
Usage: "update metadata for a Level file",
ArgsUsage: "<filename.level>",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "quiet",
Aliases: []string{"q"},
Usage: "limit output (don't show doodad data at the end)",
Name: "title",
Usage: "set the level title",
Name: "author",
Usage: "set the level author",
Name: "password",
Usage: "set the level password",
Name: "type",
Usage: "set the page type. One of: Unbounded, Bounded, NoNegativeSpace, Bordered",
Name: "max-size",
Usage: "set the page max size (WxH format, like 2550x3300)",
Name: "wallpaper",
Usage: "set the wallpaper filename",
Name: "lock",
Usage: "write-lock the level file",
Name: "unlock",
Usage: "remove the write-lock on the level file",
Name: "remove-actor",
Usage: "Remove all instances of the actor from the level. Value is their filename or UUID.",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.NArg() < 1 {
return cli.Exit(
"Usage: doodad edit-level <filename.level>",
var filenames = c.Args().Slice()
for _, filename := range filenames {
if err := editLevel(c, filename); err != nil {
log.Error("%s: %s", filename, err)
return nil
func editLevel(c *cli.Context, filename string) error {
var modified bool
lvl, err := level.LoadJSON(filename)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to load %s: %s", filename, err)
log.Info("File: %s", filename)
* Update level properties *
if c.String("title") != "" {
lvl.Title = c.String("title")
log.Info("Set title: %s", lvl.Title)
modified = true
if c.String("author") != "" {
lvl.Author = c.String("author")
log.Info("Set author: %s", lvl.Author)
modified = true
if c.String("password") != "" {
lvl.Password = c.String("password")
log.Info("Updated level password")
modified = true
if c.String("max-size") != "" {
w, h, err := render.ParseResolution(c.String("max-size"))
if err != nil {
log.Error("-max-size: %s", err)
} else {
lvl.MaxWidth = int64(w)
lvl.MaxHeight = int64(h)
modified = true
if c.Bool("lock") {
lvl.Locked = true
log.Info("Write lock enabled.")
modified = true
} else if c.Bool("unlock") {
lvl.Locked = false
log.Info("Write lock disabled.")
modified = true
if c.String("type") != "" {
if pageType, ok := level.PageTypeFromString(c.String("type")); ok {
lvl.PageType = pageType
log.Info("Page Type set to %s", pageType)
modified = true
} else {
log.Error("Invalid -type value. Should be like Unbounded, Bounded, NoNegativeSpace, Bordered")
if c.String("wallpaper") != "" {
lvl.Wallpaper = c.String("wallpaper")
log.Info("Set wallpaper: %s", c.String("wallpaper"))
modified = true
if c.String("remove-actor") != "" {
var (
match = c.String("remove-actor")
removeIDs = []string{}
for id, actor := range lvl.Actors {
if id == match || actor.Filename == match {
removeIDs = append(removeIDs, id)
if len(removeIDs) > 0 {
for _, id := range removeIDs {
delete(lvl.Actors, id)
log.Info("Removed %d instances of actor %s from the level.", len(removeIDs), match)
modified = true
} else {
log.Error("Did not find any actors like %s in the level.", match)
* Save level changes to disk *
if modified {
if err := lvl.WriteFile(filename); err != nil {
return cli.Exit(fmt.Sprintf("Write error: %s", err), 1)
} else {
log.Warn("Note: No changes made to level")
if c.Bool("quiet") {
return nil
return showLevel(c, filename)