Noah Petherbridge a06787411d Resolve circular import errors for Doodle++ plugin
* pkg/plus/dpp is the main plugin bridge, and defines nothing but an interface
  that defines the Doodle++ surface area (referring to internal game types such
  as doodad.Doodad or level.Level), but not their implementations.
  * dpp.Driver (an interface) is the main API that other parts of the game will
    call, for example "dpp.Driver.IsLevelSigned()"
  * plus_dpp.go and plus_foss.go provide the dpp.Driver implementation for their
    build; with plus_dpp.go generally forwarding function calls directly to the
    proprietary dpp package and plus_foss.go generally returning false/errors.
  * The bootstrap package simply assigns the above stub function to dpp.Driver
* pkg/plus/bootstrap is a package directly imported by main (in the doodle and
  doodad programs) and it works around circular dependency issues: this package
  simply assigns dpp.Driver to the DPP or FOSS version.

Miscellaneous fixes:

* File->Open in the editor and PlayScene will use the new Open Level window
  instead of loading the legacy GotoLoadMenu scene.
* Deprecated legacy scenes: d.GotoLoadMenu() and d.GotoPlayMenu().
* The doodle-admin program depends on the private dpp package, so can not be
  compiled in FOSS mode.
2024-04-18 22:12:56 -07:00

74 lines
1.8 KiB

package command
import (
// VerifyLevel a license key for Sketchy Maze.
var VerifyLevel *cli.Command
func init() {
VerifyLevel = &cli.Command{
Name: "verify-level",
Usage: "check the signature on a level or levelpack file.",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "key",
Aliases: []string{"k"},
Usage: "Public key .pem file that signed the level",
Required: true,
Name: "filename",
Aliases: []string{"f"},
Usage: "File name of the .level or .levelpack",
Required: true,
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
key, err := license.AdminLoadPublicKey(c.String("key"))
if err != nil {
return cli.Exit(err.Error(), 1)
filename := c.String("filename")
if strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".level") {
lvl, err := level.LoadJSON(filename)
if err != nil {
return cli.Exit(err.Error(), 1)
// Verify it.
if ok := levelsigning.VerifyLevel(key, lvl); !ok {
log.Error("Signature is not valid!")
return cli.Exit("", 1)
} else {
log.Info("Level signature is OK!")
} else if strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".levelpack") {
lp, err := levelpack.LoadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return cli.Exit(err.Error(), 1)
// Verify it.
if ok := levelsigning.VerifyLevelPack(key, lp); !ok {
log.Error("Signature is not valid!")
return cli.Exit("", 1)
} else {
log.Info("Levelpack signature is OK!")
return nil