Noah Petherbridge c499a15c71 Animations for Thief + No More Moonwalking
* Adds walking animations for the Thief.
* Mobile doodads no longer moonwalk: their A.I. used to wait for the
  animation to finish before setting the appropriate animation, so when
  it changed directions it would "moonwalk" for a time. Their A.I. is
  now updated to cancel the animation if they change directions so to
  immediately play the correct animation.
2021-09-03 19:54:10 -07:00

130 lines
3.9 KiB

// Thief
function main() {
Self.SetHitbox(0, 0, 32, 58);
Self.AddAnimation("walk-left", 200, ["stand-left", "walk-left-1", "walk-left-2", "walk-left-3", "walk-left-2", "walk-left-1"]);
Self.AddAnimation("walk-right", 200, ["stand-right", "walk-right-1", "walk-right-2", "walk-right-3", "walk-right-2", "walk-right-1"]);
// All thieves can steal items.
// Controlled by the player character?
if (Self.IsPlayer()) {
return playable();
return ai();
// Common "steal" power between playable and A.I. thieves.
function stealable() {
// Steals your items.
Events.OnCollide(function (e) {
var victim = e.Actor;
if (!e.Settled) {
// Thieves don't steal from Thieves (unless controlled by the player).
if (!Self.IsPlayer() && victim.Drawing.Doodad.Filename === "thief.doodad") {
// Steal inventory
var stolen = 0;
if (victim.HasInventory()) {
var myInventory = Self.Inventory(),
theirInventory = victim.Inventory();
for (var key in theirInventory) {
if (!theirInventory.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var value = theirInventory[key];
if (value > 0 || myInventory[key] === undefined) {
victim.RemoveItem(key, value);
Self.AddItem(key, value);
stolen += (value === 0 ? 1 : value);
// If the player lost their items, notify them.
if (victim.IsPlayer() && stolen > 0) {
Flash("Watch out for thieves! %d item%s stolen!", parseInt(stolen), stolen === 1 ? ' was' : 's were');
// If the Thief IS the player, notify your earnings.
if (Self.IsPlayer() && stolen > 0) {
Flash("Awesome! Stole %d item%s from the %s!", parseInt(stolen), stolen === 1 ? '' : 's', e.Actor.Drawing.Doodad.Title);
// Enemy Doodad AI: walks back and forth, changing direction
// when it encounters and obstacle.
function ai() {
// Walks back and forth.
var Vx = Vy = 0.0,
playerSpeed = 4,
direction = "right",
lastDirection = "right",
lastSampledX = 0,
sampleTick = 0,
sampleRate = 2;
setInterval(function () {
if (sampleTick % sampleRate === 0) {
var curX = Self.Position().X,
delta = Math.abs(curX - lastSampledX);
if (delta < 5) {
direction = direction === "right" ? "left" : "right";
lastSampledX = curX;
Vx = parseFloat(playerSpeed * (direction === "left" ? -1 : 1));
Self.SetVelocity(Vector(Vx, Vy));
// If we changed directions, stop animating now so we can
// turn around quickly without moonwalking.
if (direction !== lastDirection) {
if (!Self.IsAnimating()) {
Self.PlayAnimation("walk-" + direction, null);
lastDirection = direction;
}, 100);
// If under control of the player character.
function playable() {
Events.OnKeypress(function (ev) {
Vx = 0;
Vy = 0;
if (ev.Right) {
if (!Self.IsAnimating()) {
Self.PlayAnimation("walk-right", null);
Vx = playerSpeed;
} else if (ev.Left) {
if (!Self.IsAnimating()) {
Self.PlayAnimation("walk-left", null);
Vx = -playerSpeed;
} else {
animating = false;
// Self.SetVelocity(Point(Vx, Vy));