Adds some support for "less giant" level screenshots. * In the Editor, the Level->Take Screenshot menu will render a cropped screen shot of just the level viewport on screen. Note: it is not an SDL2 screen copy but generated from scratch from the level data. * In levels themselves, screenshots can be stored inside the level data in three different sizes: large (1280x720), medium and small (each a halved size of the previous). * The first screenshot is created when the level is saved, starting from wherever the scroll position in the editor is at, and recording the 720p view of the level from there. * The level screenshot can be previewed and updated in the Level Properties window of the editor: so you can scroll the editor to just the right position and take a good screenshot to represent your level. * In the future: these embedded level screenshots will be displayed on the Story Mode and other screens to see a preview of each level. Other tweaks: * When taking a Giant Screenshot: a confirm modal will warn the player that it may take a while. And during the screenshot, show the new Wait Modal to block player interaction until the screenshot has finished.
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package balance
import (
magicform ""
// Theme and appearance variables.
var (
// Sprite filenames.
WindowIcon = "assets/icons/96.png"
GoldCoin = "assets/sprites/gold.png"
SilverCoin = "assets/sprites/silver.png"
LockIcon = "assets/sprites/padlock.png"
GearIcon = "assets/sprites/gear.png"
// Cursors
CursorIcon = "assets/sprites/pointer.png"
PencilIcon = "assets/sprites/pencil.png"
FloodCursor = "assets/sprites/flood-cursor.png"
// Pixel attributes
AttrSolid = "assets/sprites/attr-solid.png"
AttrFire = "assets/sprites/attr-fire.png"
AttrWater = "assets/sprites/attr-water.png"
AttrSemiSolid = "assets/sprites/attr-semisolid.png"
AttrSlippery = "assets/sprites/attr-slippery.png"
// Title Screen Font
TitleScreenFont = render.Text{
Size: 46,
Color: render.Pink,
Stroke: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.Black,
TitleScreenSubtitleFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansSerifFont,
Size: 18,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(128),
// Color: render.RGBA(255, 153, 0, 255),
// Shadow: render.RGBA(200, 80, 0, 255),
TitleScreenVersionFont = render.Text{
Size: 14,
Color: render.Grey,
Shadow: render.Black,
// Loading Screen fonts.
LoadScreenFont = render.Text{
Size: 46,
Color: render.Pink,
Stroke: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.Black,
LoadScreenSecondaryFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansSerifFont,
Size: 18,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(128),
// Color: render.RGBA(255, 153, 0, 255),
// Shadow: render.RGBA(200, 80, 0, 255),
// Play Mode Touch UI Hints Font
TouchHintsFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansSerifFont,
Size: 14,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(128),
Padding: 8,
PadY: 12,
// Window and panel styles.
TitleConfig = ui.Config{
Background: render.MustHexColor("#FF9900"),
OutlineSize: 1,
OutlineColor: render.Black,
TitleFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansBoldFont,
Size: 9,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.White,
Stroke: render.Red,
WindowBackground = render.MustHexColor("#cdb689")
WindowBorder = render.Grey
// Developer Shell and Flashed Messages styles.
FlashStrokeDarken = 60
FlashShadowDarken = 120
FlashFont = func(text string) render.Text {
return render.Text{
Text: text,
Size: 18,
Color: render.SkyBlue,
Stroke: render.SkyBlue.Darken(FlashStrokeDarken),
Shadow: render.SkyBlue.Darken(FlashShadowDarken),
FlashErrorColor = render.MustHexColor("#FF9900")
// Menu bar styles.
MenuBackground = render.Black
MenuFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
PadX: 4,
MenuFontBold = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansBoldFont,
Size: 12,
PadX: 4,
// TabFrame styles.
TabFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
PadX: 8,
PadY: 4,
// Modal backdrop color.
ModalBackdrop = render.RGBA(1, 1, 1, 42)
// StatusFont is the font for the status bar.
StatusFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// UIFont is the main font for UI labels.
UIFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// DangerFont is a red version of UIFont.
DangerFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Red,
// LabelFont is the font for strong labels in UI.
LabelFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
FontFilename: SansBoldFont,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// A New Record! Label (Gold/Perfect and Silver/Normal)
NewRecordPerfectFont = LabelFont.Update(render.Text{
Color: render.Yellow,
Stroke: render.Orange,
NewRecordFont = LabelFont.Update(render.Text{
Color: render.White,
Stroke: render.Grey,
LargeLabelFont = render.Text{
Size: 18,
FontFilename: SansBoldFont,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.Black,
// SmallMonoFont for cramped spaces like the +/- buttons on Toolbar.
SmallMonoFont = render.Text{
Size: 14,
PadX: 3,
FontFilename: MonospaceFont,
Color: render.Black,
// CodeLiteralFont for rendering <code>-like text.
CodeLiteralFont = render.Text{
Size: 11,
PadX: 3,
FontFilename: MonospaceFont,
Color: render.Magenta,
// ExceptionFont for showing JavaScript errors to the user.
ExceptionFont = render.Text{
Size: 12,
PadX: 3,
FontFilename: MonospaceFont,
Color: render.Black,
// Small font
SmallFont = render.Text{
Size: 10,
Padding: 2,
Color: render.Black,
// Color for draggable doodad.
DragColor = render.MustHexColor("#0099FF")
// Link lines drawn between connected doodads.
LinkLineColor = render.Magenta
LinkLighten = 128
LinkAnimSpeed uint64 = 30 // ticks
PlayButtonFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: SansBoldFont,
Size: 16,
Padding: 4,
Color: render.RGBA(255, 255, 0, 255),
Stroke: render.RGBA(100, 100, 0, 255),
// In-game level timer font.
TimerFont = render.Text{
FontFilename: MonospaceFont,
Size: 16,
Color: render.Cyan,
Stroke: render.DarkCyan,
// Doodad Dropper Window settings.
DoodadButtonBackground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 200, 255)
DoodadButtonSize = 64
DoodadDropperCols = 6 // rows/columns of buttons
DoodadDropperRows = 3
// CheatsMenu window settings.
CheatsMenuBackground = render.RGBA(0, 153, 153, 255)
// Button styles, customized in init().
ButtonPrimary = style.DefaultButton
ButtonDanger = style.DefaultButton
ButtonBabyBlue = style.DefaultButton
ButtonPink = style.DefaultButton
ButtonLightRed = style.DefaultButton
DefaultCrosshairColor = render.RGBA(0, 153, 255, 255)
// Default built-in wallpapers.
Wallpapers = []magicform.Option{
Label: "Notebook",
Value: "notebook.png",
Label: "Legal Pad",
Value: "legal.png",
Label: "Graph paper",
Value: "graph.png",
Label: "Dotted paper",
Value: "dots.png",
Label: "Dotted paper (dark)",
Value: "dots-dark.png",
Label: "Blueprint",
Value: "blueprint.png",
Label: "Red parchment",
Value: "red-parchment.png",
Label: "Green parchment",
Value: "green-parchment.png",
Label: "Blue parchment",
Value: "blue-parchment.png",
Label: "Yellow parchment",
Value: "yellow-parchment.png",
Label: "White parchment",
Value: "white-parchment.png",
Label: "Pure white",
Value: "white.png",
Label: "Atmosphere",
Value: "atmosphere.png",
Separator: true,
Label: "Custom wallpaper...",
Value: CustomWallpaperFilename,
// Customize the various button styles.
func init() {
// Primary: white on rich blue color
ButtonPrimary.Background = render.RGBA(0, 60, 153, 255)
ButtonPrimary.Foreground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 254, 255)
ButtonPrimary.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(0, 153, 255, 255)
ButtonPrimary.HoverForeground = ButtonPrimary.Foreground
// Danger: white on red
ButtonDanger.Background = render.RGBA(153, 30, 30, 255)
ButtonDanger.Foreground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 254, 255)
ButtonDanger.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(255, 30, 30, 255)
ButtonDanger.HoverForeground = ButtonPrimary.Foreground
ButtonBabyBlue.Background = render.RGBA(40, 200, 255, 255)
ButtonBabyBlue.Foreground = render.Black
ButtonBabyBlue.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(0, 220, 255, 255)
ButtonBabyBlue.HoverForeground = render.Black
ButtonPink.Background = render.RGBA(255, 153, 255, 255)
ButtonPink.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(255, 220, 255, 255)
ButtonLightRed.Background = render.RGBA(255, 90, 90, 255)
ButtonLightRed.HoverBackground = render.RGBA(255, 128, 128, 255)