
131 lines
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package level
import (
// RLEAccessor implements a chunk accessor which stores its on-disk format using
// Run Length Encoding (RLE), but in memory behaves equivalently to the MapAccessor.
type RLEAccessor struct {
chunk *Chunk // parent Chunk, for its Size and Point
acc *MapAccessor
// NewRLEAccessor initializes a RLEAccessor.
func NewRLEAccessor(chunk *Chunk) *RLEAccessor {
return &RLEAccessor{
chunk: chunk,
acc: NewMapAccessor(chunk),
// Inflate the sparse swatches from their palette indexes.
func (a *RLEAccessor) Inflate(pal *Palette) error {
return a.acc.Inflate(pal)
// Len returns the current size of the map, or number of pixels registered.
func (a *RLEAccessor) Len() int {
return a.acc.Len()
// IterViewport returns a channel to loop over pixels in the viewport.
func (a *RLEAccessor) IterViewport(viewport render.Rect) <-chan Pixel {
return a.acc.IterViewport(viewport)
// Iter returns a channel to loop over all points in this chunk.
func (a *RLEAccessor) Iter() <-chan Pixel {
return a.acc.Iter()
// Get a pixel from the map.
func (a *RLEAccessor) Get(p render.Point) (*Swatch, error) {
return a.acc.Get(p)
// Set a pixel on the map.
func (a *RLEAccessor) Set(p render.Point, sw *Swatch) error {
return a.acc.Set(p, sw)
// Delete a pixel from the map.
func (a *RLEAccessor) Delete(p render.Point) error {
return a.acc.Delete(p)
MarshalBinary converts the chunk data to a binary representation.
This accessor uses Run Length Encoding (RLE) in its binary format. Starting
with the top-left pixel of this chunk, the binary format is a stream of bytes
formatted as such:
- UVarint for the palette index number (0-255), with 0xFFFF meaning void
- UVarint for the length of repetition of that palette index
func (a *RLEAccessor) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
// Flatten the chunk out into a full 2D array of all its points.
var (
size = int(a.chunk.Size)
grid, err = rle.NewGrid(size)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Populate the dense 2D array of its pixels.
for y, row := range grid {
for x := range row {
var (
relative = render.NewPoint(x, y)
absolute = FromRelativeCoordinate(relative, a.chunk.Point, a.chunk.Size)
swatch, err = a.Get(absolute)
if err != nil {
var ptr = uint64(swatch.Index())
grid[relative.Y][relative.X] = &ptr
return grid.Compress()
// UnmarshalBinary will decode a compressed RLEAccessor byte stream.
func (a *RLEAccessor) UnmarshalBinary(compressed []byte) error {
// New format: decompress the byte stream.
// log.Debug("RLEAccessor.Unmarshal: Reading %d bytes of compressed chunk data", len(compressed))
grid, err := rle.NewGrid(int(a.chunk.Size))
if err != nil {
return err
if err := grid.Decompress(compressed); err != nil {
return err
// Load the grid into our MapAccessor.
for y, row := range grid {
for x, col := range row {
if col == nil {
abs := FromRelativeCoordinate(render.NewPoint(x, y), a.chunk.Point, a.chunk.Size)
a.acc.grid[abs] = NewSparseSwatch(int(*col))
return nil