* The crumbly floor doodad was made 50% larger. * New doodad: Small Key and Small Key Door. These work like the colored doors and locks except each Small Key is consumed when it unlocks a door. The door's appearance is of iron bars. * The inventory HUD displays a small quantity label in the lower-right corner of items that have a quantity, such as the Small Key. This is done as a Canvas.CornerLabel string attribute on uix.Canvas. * The "give all keys" cheat adds 99 Small Keys to your inventory.
216 lines
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216 lines
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package uix
import (
// Present the canvas.
func (w *Canvas) Present(e render.Engine, p render.Point) {
var (
S = w.Size()
Viewport = w.Viewport()
// w.MoveTo(p) // TODO: when uncommented the canvas will creep down the Workspace frame in EditorMode
w.DrawBox(e, p)
e.DrawBox(w.Background(), render.Rect{
X: p.X + w.BoxThickness(1),
Y: p.Y + w.BoxThickness(1),
W: S.W - w.BoxThickness(2),
H: S.H - w.BoxThickness(2),
// Draw the wallpaper.
if w.wallpaper.Valid() {
err := w.PresentWallpaper(e, p)
if err != nil {
// Get the chunks in the viewport and cache their textures.
for coord := range w.chunks.IterViewportChunks(Viewport) {
if chunk, ok := w.chunks.GetChunk(coord); ok {
var tex render.Texturer
if w.MaskColor != render.Invisible {
tex = chunk.TextureMasked(e, w.MaskColor)
} else {
tex = chunk.Texture(e)
// Zoom in the texture.
texSize := tex.Size()
if w.Zoom != 0 {
texSize.W = w.ZoomMultiply(texSize.W)
texSize.H = w.ZoomMultiply(texSize.H)
src := render.Rect{
W: texSize.W,
H: texSize.H,
// If the source bitmap is already bigger than the Canvas widget
// into which it will render, cap the source width and height.
// This is especially useful for Doodad buttons because the drawing
// is bigger than the button.
if src.W > S.W {
src.W = S.W
if src.H > S.H {
src.H = S.H
dst := render.Rect{
X: p.X + w.Scroll.X + w.BoxThickness(1) + (coord.X * chunk.Size),
Y: p.Y + w.Scroll.Y + w.BoxThickness(1) + (coord.Y * chunk.Size),
// src.W and src.H will be AT MOST the full width and height of
// a Canvas widget. Subtract the scroll offset to keep it bounded
// visually on its right and bottom sides.
W: src.W,
H: src.H,
// Zoom the destination rect.
if w.Zoom != 0 {
// dst.X += int(w.GetZoomMultiplier())
// dst.Y += int(w.GetZoomMultiplier())
// dst.X = w.ZoomMultiply(dst.X)
// dst.Y = w.ZoomMultiply(dst.Y)
// dst.W = w.ZoomMultiply(dst.W)
// dst.H = w.ZoomMultiply(dst.H)
// TODO: all this shit is in TrimBox(), make it DRY
// If the destination width will cause it to overflow the widget
// box, trim off the right edge of the destination rect.
// Keep in mind we're dealing with chunks here, and a chunk is
// a small part of the image. Example:
// - Canvas is 800x600 (S.W=800 S.H=600)
// - Chunk wants to render at 790,0 width 100,100 or whatever
// dst={790, 0, 100, 100}
// - Chunk box would exceed 800px width (X=790 + W=100 == 890)
// - Find the delta how much it exceeds as negative (800 - 890 == -90)
// - Lower the Source and Dest rects by that delta size so they
// stay proportional and don't scale or anything dumb.
if dst.X+src.W > p.X+S.W {
// NOTE: delta is a negative number,
// so it will subtract from the width.
delta := (p.X + S.W - w.BoxThickness(1)) - (dst.W + dst.X)
src.W += delta
dst.W += delta
if dst.Y+src.H > p.Y+S.H {
// NOTE: delta is a negative number
delta := (p.Y + S.H - w.BoxThickness(1)) - (dst.H + dst.Y)
src.H += delta
dst.H += delta
// The same for the top left edge, so the drawings don't overlap
// menu bars or left side toolbars.
// - Canvas was placed 80px from the left of the screen.
// Canvas.MoveTo(80, 0)
// - A texture wants to draw at 60, 0 which would cause it to
// overlap 20 pixels into the left toolbar. It needs to be cropped.
// - The delta is: p.X=80 - dst.X=60 == 20
// - Set destination X to p.X to constrain it there: 20
// - Subtract the delta from destination W so we don't scale it.
// - Add 20 to X of the source: the left edge of source is not visible
if dst.X < p.X {
// NOTE: delta is a positive number,
// so it will add to the destination coordinates.
delta := p.X - dst.X
dst.X = p.X + w.BoxThickness(1)
dst.W -= delta
src.X += delta
if dst.Y < p.Y {
delta := p.Y - dst.Y
dst.Y = p.Y + w.BoxThickness(1)
dst.H -= delta
src.Y += delta
// Trim the destination width so it doesn't overlap the Canvas border.
if dst.W >= S.W-w.BoxThickness(1) {
dst.W = S.W - w.BoxThickness(1)
e.Copy(tex, src, dst)
w.drawActors(e, p)
// Custom label in the canvas corner? (e.g. for Inventory item counts)
if w.CornerLabel != "" {
label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: w.CornerLabel,
Font: render.Text{
FontFilename: balance.ShellFontFilename,
Size: balance.ShellFontSizeSmall,
Color: render.White,
label.SetBackground(render.RGBA(0, 0, 50, 150))
label.Present(e, render.Point{
X: p.X + S.W - label.Size().W - w.BoxThickness(1),
Y: p.Y + S.H - label.Size().H - w.BoxThickness(1),
// XXX: Debug, show label in canvas corner.
if balance.DebugCanvasLabel {
rows := []string{
// XXX: debug options, uncomment for more details
// Size of the canvas
// fmt.Sprintf("S=%d,%d", S.W, S.H),
// Viewport of the canvas
// fmt.Sprintf("V=%d,%d:%d,%d",
// Viewport.X, Viewport.Y,
// Viewport.W, Viewport.H,
// ),
// Draw the actor's position details.
// LP = Level Position, where the Actor starts at in the level data
// WP = World Position, the Actor's current position in the level
if w.actor != nil {
rows = append(rows,
fmt.Sprintf("LP=%s", w.actor.Actor.Point),
fmt.Sprintf("WP=%s", w.actor.Position()),
label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: strings.Join(rows, "\n"),
Font: render.Text{
FontFilename: balance.ShellFontFilename,
Size: balance.ShellFontSizeSmall,
Color: render.White,
label.SetBackground(render.RGBA(0, 0, 50, 150))
label.Present(e, render.Point{
X: p.X + S.W - label.Size().W - w.BoxThickness(1),
Y: p.Y + w.BoxThickness(1),