Noah Petherbridge 82884c79ae Signed Levels and Levelpacks
Add the ability for the free version of the game to allow loading levels that
use embedded custom doodads if those levels are signed.

* Uses the same signing keys as the JWT token for license registrations.
* Levels and Levelpacks can both be signed. So individual levels with embedded
  doodads can work in free versions of the game.
* Levelpacks now support embedded doodads properly: the individual levels in
  the pack don't need to embed a custom doodad, but if the doodad exists in
  the levelpack's doodads/ folder it will load from there instead - for full
  versions of the game OR when the levelpack is signed.

Signatures are computed by getting a listing of embedded assets inside the
zipfile (the assets/ folder in levels, and the doodads/ + levels/ folders
in levelpacks). Thus for individual signed levels, the level geometry and
metadata may be changed without breaking the signature but if custom doodads
are changed the signature will break.

The doodle-admin command adds subcommands to `sign-level` and `verify-level`
to manage signatures on levels and levelpacks.

When using the `doodad levelpack create` command, any custom doodads the
levels mention that are found in your profile directory get embedded into
the zipfile by default (with --doodads custom).
2023-02-18 17:37:54 -08:00

539 lines
12 KiB

package windows
import (
// LevelPack window lets the user open and play a level from a pack.
type LevelPack struct {
Supervisor *ui.Supervisor
Engine render.Engine
// Callback functions.
OnPlayLevel func(pack *levelpack.LevelPack, level levelpack.Level)
OnCloseWindow func()
// Internal variables
window *ui.Window
tabFrame *ui.TabFrame
savegame *savegame.SaveGame
goldSprite *ui.Image
silverSprite *ui.Image
// NewLevelPackWindow initializes the window.
func NewLevelPackWindow(config LevelPack) *ui.Window {
// Default options.
var (
title = "Select a Level"
// size of the popup window
width = 320
height = 360
// Get the available .levelpack files.
lpFiles, packmap, err := levelpack.LoadAllAvailable()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't list levelpack files: %s", err)
// Load the user's savegame.json
sg, err := savegame.GetOrCreate()
config.savegame = sg
if err != nil {
log.Warn("NewLevelPackWindow: didn't load savegame json (fresh struct created): %s", err)
// Cache the gold/silver sprite icons.
if goldSprite, err := sprites.LoadImage(config.Engine, "sprites/gold.png"); err == nil {
config.goldSprite = goldSprite
if silverSprite, err := sprites.LoadImage(config.Engine, "sprites/silver.png"); err == nil {
config.silverSprite = silverSprite
window := ui.NewWindow(title)
Width: width,
Height: height,
Background: render.Grey,
config.window = window
frame := ui.NewFrame("Window Body Frame")
window.Pack(frame, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
Fill: true,
Expand: true,
// Use a TabFrame to organize the "screens" of this window.
// The default screen is a pager for LevelPacks,
// And each LevelPack's screen is a pager for its Levels.
tabFrame := ui.NewTabFrame("Screens Manager")
window.Pack(tabFrame, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
FillX: true,
config.tabFrame = tabFrame
// Make the tabs.
indexTab := tabFrame.AddTab("LevelPacks", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "LevelPacks",
Font: balance.TabFont,
config.makeIndexScreen(indexTab, width, height, lpFiles, packmap, func(screen string) {
// Callback for user choosing a level pack.
// Hide the index screen and show the screen for this pack.
for _, filename := range lpFiles {
tab := tabFrame.AddTab(filename, ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: filename,
Font: balance.TabFont,
config.makeDetailScreen(tab, width, height, packmap[filename])
// Close button.
if config.OnCloseWindow != nil {
closeBtn := ui.NewButton("Close Window", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "Close",
Font: balance.MenuFont,
closeBtn.Handle(ui.Click, func(ed ui.EventData) error {
return nil
window.Place(closeBtn, ui.Place{
Bottom: 15,
Center: true,
return window
Index screen for the LevelPack window.
frame: a TabFrame to populate
func (config LevelPack) makeIndexScreen(frame *ui.Frame, width, height int,
lpFiles []string, packmap map[string]*levelpack.LevelPack, onChoose func(string)) {
var (
buttonHeight = 60 // height of each LevelPack button
buttonWidth = width - 40
// pagination values
page = 1
pages int
perPage = 3
maxPageButtons = 10
label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "Select from a Level Pack below:",
Font: balance.LabelFont,
frame.Pack(label, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
PadX: 8,
PadY: 8,
pages = int(
float64(len(lpFiles)) / float64(perPage),
var buttons []*ui.Button
for i, filename := range lpFiles {
filename := filename
lp, ok := packmap[filename]
if !ok {
log.Error("Couldn't find %s in packmap!", filename)
// Make a frame to hold a complex button layout.
btnFrame := ui.NewFrame("Frame")
W: buttonWidth,
H: buttonHeight,
// Draw labels...
label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: lp.Title,
Font: balance.LabelFont,
btnFrame.Pack(label, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
description := lp.Description
if description == "" {
description = "(No description)"
byline := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: description,
Font: balance.MenuFont,
btnFrame.Pack(byline, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
numLevels := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: fmt.Sprintf("[completed %d of %d levels]", config.savegame.CountCompleted(lp.Filename), len(lp.Levels)),
Font: balance.MenuFont,
btnFrame.Pack(numLevels, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
button := ui.NewButton(filename, btnFrame)
button.Handle(ui.Click, func(ed ui.EventData) error {
return nil
frame.Pack(button, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
PadY: 2,
if i > perPage-1 {
buttons = append(buttons, button)
pager := ui.NewPager(ui.Pager{
Name: "LevelPack Pager",
Page: page,
Pages: pages,
PerPage: perPage,
MaxPageButtons: maxPageButtons,
Font: balance.MenuFont,
OnChange: func(newPage, perPage int) {
page = newPage
log.Info("Page: %d, %d", page, perPage)
// Re-evaluate which rows are shown/hidden for the page we're on.
var (
minRow = (page - 1) * perPage
visible = 0
for i, row := range buttons {
if visible >= perPage {
if i < minRow {
} else {
frame.Pack(pager, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
PadY: 2,
// Detail screen for a given levelpack.
func (config LevelPack) makeDetailScreen(frame *ui.Frame, width, height int, lp *levelpack.LevelPack) *ui.Frame {
var (
buttonHeight = 40
buttonWidth = width - 40
page = 1
perPage = 4
pages = int(
float64(len(lp.Levels)) / float64(perPage),
maxPageButtons = 10
// Load the padlock icon for locked levels.
// If not loadable, won't be used in UI.
padlock, _ := sprites.LoadImage(config.Engine, balance.LockIcon)
// How many levels completed?
var (
numCompleted = config.savegame.CountCompleted(lp.Filename)
numUnlocked = lp.FreeLevels + numCompleted
/** Back Button */
backButton := ui.NewButton("Back", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "< Back",
Font: ui.MenuFont,
backButton.Handle(ui.Click, func(ed ui.EventData) error {
return nil
frame.Pack(backButton, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.NE,
PadY: 2,
PadX: 6,
// Spacer: the back button is position NW and the rest against N
// so may overlap.
spacer := ui.NewFrame("Spacer")
Width: 64,
Height: 30,
frame.Pack(spacer, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
// LevelPack Title label
label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: lp.Title,
Font: balance.LabelFont,
frame.Pack(label, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.NW,
PadX: 8,
PadY: 2,
// Description
if lp.Description != "" {
label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: lp.Description,
Font: balance.MenuFont,
frame.Pack(label, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
PadX: 8,
PadY: 2,
// Byline
if lp.Author != "" {
label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "by " + lp.Author,
Font: balance.MenuFont,
frame.Pack(label, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
PadX: 8,
PadY: 2,
// Loop over all the levels in this pack.
var buttons []*ui.Button
for i, level := range lp.Levels {
level := level
score := config.savegame.GetLevelScore(lp.Filename, level.Filename)
// Make a frame to hold a complex button layout.
btnFrame := ui.NewFrame("Frame")
W: buttonWidth,
H: buttonHeight,
// Padlock icon in the corner.
var locked = lp.FreeLevels > 0 && i+1 > numUnlocked
if locked && padlock != nil {
btnFrame.Pack(padlock, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.NE,
Padding: 4,
// Title Line
title := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: level.Title,
Font: balance.LabelFont,
btnFrame.Pack(title, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.NW,
// Score Frame
detail := ui.NewFrame("Score")
btnFrame.Pack(detail, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.NW,
if score.Completed {
check := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "✓ Completed",
Font: balance.MenuFont,
detail.Pack(check, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
// Perfect Time
if score.PerfectTime != nil {
perfFrame := ui.NewFrame("Perfect Score")
detail.Pack(perfFrame, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 8,
if config.goldSprite != nil {
perfFrame.Pack(config.goldSprite, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 1,
timeLabel := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: savegame.FormatDuration(*score.PerfectTime),
Font: balance.MenuFont.Update(render.Text{
Color: render.DarkYellow,
perfFrame.Pack(timeLabel, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
// Best Time (non-perfect)
if score.BestTime != nil {
bestFrame := ui.NewFrame("Best Score")
detail.Pack(bestFrame, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 4,
if config.silverSprite != nil {
bestFrame.Pack(config.silverSprite, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 1,
timeLabel := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: savegame.FormatDuration(*score.BestTime),
Font: balance.MenuFont.Update(render.Text{
Color: render.DarkGreen,
bestFrame.Pack(timeLabel, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
} else {
Text: "Not completed",
Font: balance.MenuFont,
}), ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
btn := ui.NewButton(level.Filename, btnFrame)
btn.Handle(ui.Click, func(ed ui.EventData) error {
// Is this level locked?
if locked && !balance.CheatEnabledUnlockLevels {
"This level hasn't been unlocked! Complete the earlier\n" +
"levels in this pack to unlock later levels.",
).WithTitle("Locked Level")
return nil
// Play Level
if config.OnPlayLevel != nil {
config.OnPlayLevel(lp, level)
} else {
log.Error("LevelPack Window: OnPlayLevel callback not ready")
return nil
frame.Pack(btn, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
PadY: 2,
if i > perPage-1 {
buttons = append(buttons, btn)
pager := ui.NewPager(ui.Pager{
Name: "Level Pager",
Page: page,
Pages: pages,
PerPage: perPage,
MaxPageButtons: maxPageButtons,
Font: balance.MenuFont,
OnChange: func(newPage, perPage int) {
page = newPage
log.Info("Page: %d, %d", page, perPage)
// Re-evaluate which rows are shown/hidden for the page we're on.
var (
minRow = (page - 1) * perPage
visible = 0
for i, row := range buttons {
if visible >= perPage {
if i < minRow {
} else {
frame.Pack(pager, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
PadY: 2,
return frame