Noah Petherbridge 82884c79ae Signed Levels and Levelpacks
Add the ability for the free version of the game to allow loading levels that
use embedded custom doodads if those levels are signed.

* Uses the same signing keys as the JWT token for license registrations.
* Levels and Levelpacks can both be signed. So individual levels with embedded
  doodads can work in free versions of the game.
* Levelpacks now support embedded doodads properly: the individual levels in
  the pack don't need to embed a custom doodad, but if the doodad exists in
  the levelpack's doodads/ folder it will load from there instead - for full
  versions of the game OR when the levelpack is signed.

Signatures are computed by getting a listing of embedded assets inside the
zipfile (the assets/ folder in levels, and the doodads/ + levels/ folders
in levelpacks). Thus for individual signed levels, the level geometry and
metadata may be changed without breaking the signature but if custom doodads
are changed the signature will break.

The doodle-admin command adds subcommands to `sign-level` and `verify-level`
to manage signatures on levels and levelpacks.

When using the `doodad levelpack create` command, any custom doodads the
levels mention that are found in your profile directory get embedded into
the zipfile by default (with --doodads custom).
2023-02-18 17:37:54 -08:00

976 lines
28 KiB

package doodle
import (
// PlayScene manages the "Edit Level" game mode.
type PlayScene struct {
// Configuration attributes.
Filename string
Level *level.Level
CanEdit bool // i.e. you came from the Editor Mode
HasNext bool // has a next level to load next
RememberScrollPosition render.Point // for the Editor quality of life
SpawnPoint render.Point // if not zero, overrides Start Flag
// If this level was part of a levelpack. The Play Scene will read it
// from the levelpack ZIP file in priority over any other location.
LevelPack *levelpack.LevelPack
// Private variables.
d *Doodle
drawing *uix.Canvas
scripting *scripting.Supervisor
running bool
deathBarrier int // Y position of death barrier in case of falling OOB.
lastCursor render.Point // position of cursor X,Y last tick
// Score variables.
startTime time.Time // wallclock time when level begins
perfectRun bool // set false on first respawn
cheated bool // user has entered a cheat code while playing
// UI widgets.
Supervisor *ui.Supervisor
screen *ui.Frame // A window sized invisible frame to position UI elements.
menubar *ui.MenuBar
editButton *ui.Button
winLevelPacks *ui.Window
// Custom debug labels.
debPosition *string
debViewport *string
debScroll *string
debWorldIndex *string
debLoadUnload *string
// Player character
Player *uix.Actor
playerPhysics *physics.Mover
slipperyPhysics *physics.Mover
lastCheckpoint render.Point
playerLastDirection float64 // player's heading last tick
slippery bool // player is on a slippery surface
antigravity bool // Cheat: disable player gravity
noclip bool // Cheat: disable player clipping
godMode bool // Cheat: player can't die
godModeUntil time.Time // Invulnerability timer at respawn.
playerJumpCounter int // limit jump length
jumpCooldownUntil uint64 // future game tick for jump cooldown (swimming esp.)
mustFollowPlayerUntil uint64 // first frames where anvils don't take focus from player
// Inventory HUD. Impl. in play_inventory.go
invenFrame *ui.Frame
invenItems []string // item list
invenDoodads map[string]*uix.Canvas
// Cheats window
cheatsWindow *ui.Window
// Elapsed Time frame.
timerFrame *ui.Frame
timerPerfectImage *ui.Image
timerImperfectImage *ui.Image
timerLabel *ui.Label
// Touchscreen controls state.
isTouching bool
playerIsIdle bool // LoopTouchable watches for inactivity on input controls.
idleLastStart time.Time
idleHelpAlpha int // fade in UI hints
// Name of the scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Name() string {
return "Play"
// Setup the play scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Setup(d *Doodle) error {
s.d = d
s.scripting = scripting.NewSupervisor()
s.Supervisor = ui.NewSupervisor()
// Show the loading screen.
go func() {
if err := s.setupAsync(d); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.setupAsync: %s", err)
return nil
// setupAsync initializes the play screen in the background, underneath
// a Loading screen.
func (s *PlayScene) setupAsync(d *Doodle) error {
// Create an invisible 'screen' frame for UI elements to use for positioning.
s.screen = ui.NewFrame("Screen")
s.screen.Resize(render.NewRect(d.width, d.height))
// Menu Bar
s.menubar = s.setupMenuBar(d)
s.screen.Pack(s.menubar, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
FillX: true,
// Level Exit handler.
// Initialize debug overlay values.
s.debPosition = new(string)
s.debViewport = new(string)
s.debScroll = new(string)
s.debWorldIndex = new(string)
s.debLoadUnload = new(string)
customDebugLabels = []debugLabel{
{"Pixel:", s.debWorldIndex},
{"Player:", s.debPosition},
{"Viewport:", s.debViewport},
{"Scroll:", s.debScroll},
{"Chunks:", s.debLoadUnload},
// Initialize the "Edit Map" button.
s.editButton = ui.NewButton("Edit", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "Edit (E)",
Font: balance.PlayButtonFont,
s.editButton.Handle(ui.Click, func(ed ui.EventData) error {
return nil
// Set up the inventory HUD.
// Set up the elapsed time frame.
s.timerFrame = ui.NewFrame("Elapsed Timer")
// Set the gold and silver images.
gold, _ := sprites.LoadImage(s.d.Engine, balance.GoldCoin)
silver, _ := sprites.LoadImage(s.d.Engine, balance.SilverCoin)
s.timerPerfectImage = gold
s.timerImperfectImage = silver
s.timerLabel = ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "00:00",
Font: balance.TimerFont,
if s.timerPerfectImage != nil {
s.timerFrame.Pack(s.timerPerfectImage, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 2,
if s.timerImperfectImage != nil {
s.timerFrame.Pack(s.timerImperfectImage, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 2,
s.timerFrame.Pack(s.timerLabel, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 2,
s.screen.Place(s.timerFrame, ui.Place{
Top: 40,
Left: 40,
// Initialize the drawing canvas.
s.drawing = uix.NewCanvas(balance.ChunkSize, false)
s.drawing.Name = "play-canvas"
// Handler when an actor touches water or fire.
s.drawing.OnLevelCollision = func(a *uix.Actor, col *collision.Collide) {
if col.InFire != "" {
a.Canvas.MaskColor = render.Black
if a.ID() == "PLAYER" { // only the player dies in fire.
} else if col.InWater {
a.Canvas.MaskColor = render.DarkBlue
} else {
a.Canvas.MaskColor = render.Invisible
// Slippery floor?
s.slippery = col.IsSlippery
// Handle a doodad changing the player character.
s.drawing.OnSetPlayerCharacter = s.SetPlayerCharacter
s.drawing.OnResetTimer = s.ResetTimer
// If this level game from a signed LevelPack, inform the canvas.
if s.LevelPack != nil && levelsigning.IsLevelPackSigned(s.LevelPack) {
s.drawing.IsSignedLevelPack = s.LevelPack
// Given a filename or map data to play?
if s.Level != nil {
log.Debug("PlayScene.Setup: received level from scene caller")
if err := s.installActors(); err != nil {
log.Error("InstallActors: %s", err)
} else if s.Filename != "" {
loadscreen.SetSubtitle("Opening: " + s.Filename)
log.Debug("PlayScene.Setup: loading map from file %s", s.Filename)
// NOTE: s.LoadLevel also calls s.drawing.InstallActors
if s.Level == nil {
log.Debug("PlayScene.Setup: no grid given, initializing empty grid")
s.Level = level.New()
if err := s.installActors(); err != nil {
log.Error("InstallActors: %s", err)
// Choose a death barrier in case the user falls off the map,
// so they don't fall forever.
worldSize := s.Level.Chunker.WorldSize()
s.deathBarrier = worldSize.H + 1000
log.Debug("Death barrier at %d", s.deathBarrier)
// Set the loading screen text with the level metadata.
"by "+s.Level.Author,
// Load all actor scripts.
if err := s.scripting.InstallScripts(s.Level); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: failed to InstallScripts: %s", err)
// Load in the player character.
if s.CanEdit {
d.Flash("Entered Play Mode. Press 'E' to edit this map.")
} else {
d.FlashError("%s", s.Level.Title)
// Pre-cache all bitmap images from the level chunks.
// Note: we are not running on the main thread, so SDL2 Textures
// don't get created yet, but we do the full work of caching bitmap
// images which later get fed directly into SDL2 saving speed at
// runtime, + the bitmap generation is pretty wicked fast anyway.
// Gamepad: put into GameplayMode.
// Run all the actor scripts' main() functions.
if err := s.drawing.InstallScripts(); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: failed to drawing.InstallScripts: %s", err)
s.startTime = time.Now()
s.perfectRun = true
s.running = true
// // Cap the canvas size in case the user has an ultra HD monitor that's bigger
// // than a bounded level's limits.
// s.screen.Compute(d.Engine)
// s.PlaceResizeCanvas()
return nil
// Common function to install the actors into the level.
// InstallActors may return an error if doodads were not found - because the
// player is on the free version and can't load attached doodads from nonsigned
// files.
func (s *PlayScene) installActors() error {
if err := s.drawing.InstallActors(s.Level.Actors); err != nil {
summary := "This level references some doodads that were not found:"
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), license.ErrRegisteredFeature.Error()) {
summary = "This level contains embedded doodads, but this is not\n" +
"available in the free version of the game. The following\n" +
"doodads could not be loaded:"
modal.Alert("%s\n\n%s", summary, err).WithTitle("Level Errors")
return fmt.Errorf("EditorScene.LoadLevel: InstallActors: %s", err)
return nil
// PlaceResizeCanvas updates the Canvas size and placement on the screen,
// e.g. if an ultra HD monitor plays a Bounded level where the entirety of a
// level bounds is on-screen, the drawing should be cut there and the
// canvas centered.
func (s *PlayScene) PlaceResizeCanvas() {
var (
width = s.d.width
height = s.d.height
menubar = 0
if s.menubar != nil {
menubar = s.menubar.Size().H
height -= menubar
if s.Level != nil && s.Level.PageType >= level.Bounded {
if s.Level.MaxWidth < int64(width) {
width = int(s.Level.MaxWidth)
if s.Level.MaxHeight < int64(height) {
height = int(s.Level.MaxHeight)
s.drawing.Resize(render.NewRect(width, height))
X: (s.d.width / 2) - (width / 2),
Y: menubar,
// Canvas returns the main level canvas - useful to call from the debug console as `d.Scene.Canvas()`
func (s *PlayScene) Canvas() *uix.Canvas {
return s.drawing
// ScriptSupervisor returns the scripting supervisor for play mode.
func (s *PlayScene) ScriptSupervisor() *scripting.Supervisor {
return s.scripting
// SetPlayerCharacter changes the doodad used for the player, by destroying the
// current player character and making it from scratch.
func (s *PlayScene) SetPlayerCharacter(filename string) {
// Record the player position and size and back up their inventory.
var (
spawn = s.Player.Position()
inventory = s.Player.Inventory()
// TODO: to account for different height players, the position ought to be
// adjusted so the player doesn't clip and fall thru the floor.
spawn.Y -= 20 // work-around
log.Info("SetPlayerCharacter: %s", filename)
s.installPlayerDoodad(filename, spawn, render.Rect{})
if err := s.drawing.InstallScripts(); err != nil {
log.Error("SetPlayerCharacter: InstallScripts: %s", err)
// Restore their inventory.
for item, qty := range inventory {
s.Player.AddItem(item, qty)
// ResetTimer sets the level elapsed timer back to zero.
func (s *PlayScene) ResetTimer() {
s.startTime = time.Now()
// setupPlayer creates and configures the Player Character in the level.
func (s *PlayScene) setupPlayer(playerCharacterFilename string) {
// Find the spawn point of the player. Search the level for the
// "start-flag.doodad"
var (
isStartFlagCharacter bool
spawn render.Point
centerIn render.Rect
flag = &level.Actor{}
flagSize = render.NewRect(86, 86) // TODO: start-flag.doodad is 86x86 px
flagCount int
for actorID, actor := range s.Level.Actors {
if actor.Filename == "start-flag.doodad" {
// Support alternative player characters: if the Start Flag is linked
// to another actor, that actor becomes the player character.
for _, linkID := range actor.Links {
if linkedActor, ok := s.Level.Actors[linkID]; ok {
playerCharacterFilename = linkedActor.Filename
isStartFlagCharacter = true
log.Info("Playing as: %s", playerCharacterFilename)
// TODO: start-flag.doodad is 86x86 pixels but we can't tell that
// from right here.
log.Info("Found start-flag.doodad at %s (ID %s)", actor.Point, actorID)
flag = actor
// If the user is cheating for the player character, mark the
// session cheated already. e.g. "Play as Bird" cheat would let
// them just fly to the goal in levels that don't link their
// Start Flag to a specific character.
if !isStartFlagCharacter && !balance.IsPlayerCharacterDefault() {
log.Warn("Mark session as cheated: the player spawned as %s instead of default", playerCharacterFilename)
// The Start Flag becomes the player's initial checkpoint.
s.lastCheckpoint = flag.Point
if !s.SpawnPoint.IsZero() {
spawn = s.SpawnPoint
} else {
spawn = flag.Point
centerIn = render.Rect{
W: flagSize.W,
H: flagSize.H,
// Surface warnings around the spawn flag.
if flagCount == 0 {
s.d.FlashError("Warning: this level contained no Start Flag.")
} else if flagCount > 1 {
s.d.FlashError("Warning: this level contains multiple Start Flags. Player spawn point is ambiguous.")
s.installPlayerDoodad(playerCharacterFilename, spawn, centerIn)
// Scroll the level canvas to center on the start point.
scroll := render.Point{
X: -(spawn.X - (s.d.width / 2)),
Y: -(spawn.Y - (s.d.height / 2)),
log.Info("Scrolling level viewport to spawn (%s) location: %s", spawn, scroll)
// Load and install the player doodad onto the level.
// Make sure the previous PLAYER was removed.
// If spawn is zero, uses the player's last spawn point.
// centerIn is optional, ignored if zero.
func (s *PlayScene) installPlayerDoodad(filename string, spawn render.Point, centerIn render.Rect) {
// Load in the player character.
player, err := doodads.LoadFromEmbeddable(filename, s.Level, false)
if err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: failed to load player doodad: %s", err)
player = doodads.NewDummy(32)
// Center the player within the box of the doodad, for the Start Flag especially.
if !centerIn.IsZero() {
spawn = render.NewPoint(
// Y: the bottom of the flag, 4 pixels from the floor.
} else if spawn.IsZero() && !s.SpawnPoint.IsZero() {
spawn = s.SpawnPoint
s.Player = uix.NewActor("PLAYER", &level.Actor{Filename: filename}, player)
s.Player.SetInventory(true) // player always can pick up items
s.drawing.FollowActor = s.Player.ID()
// Set up the movement physics for the player.
s.playerPhysics = &physics.Mover{
MaxSpeed: physics.NewVector(balance.PlayerMaxVelocity, balance.PlayerMaxVelocity),
Acceleration: balance.PlayerAcceleration,
Friction: balance.PlayerFriction,
s.slipperyPhysics = &physics.Mover{
MaxSpeed: s.playerPhysics.MaxSpeed,
Acceleration: balance.SlipperyAcceleration,
Friction: balance.SlipperyFriction,
// Set up the player character's script in the VM.
if err := s.scripting.AddLevelScript(s.Player.ID(), s.Player.Actor.Filename); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: scripting.InstallActor(player) failed: %s", err)
// EditLevel toggles out of Play Mode to edit the level.
func (s *PlayScene) EditLevel() {
log.Info("Edit Mode, Go!")
// If they didn't come from the Level Editor originally, e.g. they are in Story Mode,
// confirm they want the editor in case they accidentally hit the "E" key due to
// its proximity to the WASD keys.
if !s.CanEdit {
modal.Confirm("Open this level in the editor?").Then(s.doEditLevel)
} else {
// Common logic to transition into the Editor.
func (s *PlayScene) doEditLevel() {
Filename: s.Filename,
Level: s.Level,
RememberScrollPosition: s.RememberScrollPosition,
// RestartLevel starts the level over again.
func (s *PlayScene) RestartLevel() {
log.Info("Restart Level")
LevelPack: s.LevelPack,
Filename: s.Filename,
Level: s.Level,
CanEdit: s.CanEdit,
// SetCheckpoint sets the player's checkpoint.
func (s *PlayScene) SetCheckpoint(where render.Point) {
s.lastCheckpoint = where
// RetryCheckpoint moves the player back to their last checkpoint.
func (s *PlayScene) RetryCheckpoint() {
// Grant the player invulnerability for 5 seconds
s.godModeUntil = time.Now().Add(balance.RespawnGodModeTimer)
log.Info("Move player back to last checkpoint")
s.running = true
// BeatLevel handles the level success condition.
func (s *PlayScene) BeatLevel() {
"Level Completed",
"Congratulations on clearing the level!",
FailLevel handles a level failure triggered by a doodad or fire pixel.
If the Survival GameRule is set, this ends the level with a note on how long the
player had survived for and they get a silver rating.
func (s *PlayScene) FailLevel(message string) {
if s.Player.Invulnerable() || s.godMode || s.godModeUntil.After(time.Now()) {
if s.Level.GameRule.Survival {
"You've died!",
"%s\nCongrats on surviving for %s!",
"You've died!",
// DieByFire ends the level by "fire", or w/e the swatch is named.
func (s *PlayScene) DieByFire(name string) {
s.FailLevel(fmt.Sprintf("Watch out for %s!", name))
// SetImperfect sets the perfectRun flag to false and changes the icon for the timer.
func (s *PlayScene) SetImperfect() {
if s.cheated {
s.perfectRun = false
if s.timerPerfectImage != nil {
if s.timerImperfectImage != nil {
// SetCheated marks the level as having been cheated. The developer shell will call
// this if the user enters a cheat code during gameplay.
func (s *PlayScene) SetCheated() {
s.cheated = true
s.perfectRun = false
// Hide both timer icons.
if s.timerPerfectImage != nil {
if s.timerImperfectImage != nil {
// GetCheated gives read-only access to tell if you have been cheating. However, by
// querying this in the dev console during gameplay, you would be marked as cheating. ;)
func (s *PlayScene) GetCheated() bool {
return s.cheated
// GetPerfect gives read-only access to the perfectRun flag.
func (s *PlayScene) GetPerfect() bool {
return s.perfectRun
// ShowEndLevelModal centralizes the EndLevel modal config.
// This is the common handler function between easy methods such as
// BeatLevel, FailLevel, and DieByFire.
func (s *PlayScene) ShowEndLevelModal(success bool, title, message string) {
// Always restore the cursor.
cursor.Current = cursor.NewPointer(s.d.Engine)
config := modal.ConfigEndLevel{
Engine: s.d.Engine,
Success: success,
OnRestartLevel: s.RestartLevel,
OnRetryCheckpoint: s.RetryCheckpoint,
OnExitToMenu: func() {
if s.CanEdit {
config.OnEditLevel = s.EditLevel
// Survival Mode failure? The level is considered completed even if you
// die (silver high score) but the default button should be Retry rather
// than Next Level.
var survivalFailure bool
if !success && s.Level.GameRule.Survival {
survivalFailure = true
success = true // level is completed
// Beaten the level?
if success {
config.OnRetryCheckpoint = nil
// Are we in a levelpack?
if s.LevelPack != nil {
// Update the savegame to mark the level completed.
save, err := savegame.GetOrCreate()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Load savegame file: %s", err)
log.Info("Mark level '%s' from pack '%s' as completed", s.Filename, s.LevelPack.Filename)
if !s.cheated {
elapsed := time.Since(s.startTime)
highscore := save.NewHighScore(s.LevelPack.Filename, s.Filename, s.perfectRun, elapsed, s.Level.GameRule)
if highscore {
s.d.Flash("New record!")
config.NewRecord = true
config.IsPerfect = s.perfectRun
config.TimeElapsed = elapsed
} else {
// Player has cheated! Mark the level completed but grant no high score.
save.MarkCompleted(s.LevelPack.Filename, s.Filename)
// Save the player's scores file.
if err = save.Save(); err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't save game: %s", err)
// Show the "Next Level" button if there is a sequel to this level.
for i, level := range s.LevelPack.Levels {
i := i
level := level
if level.Filename == s.Filename && i < len(s.LevelPack.Levels)-1 {
// Show "Next" button!
config.OnNextLevel = func() {
nextLevel := s.LevelPack.Levels[i+1]
log.Info("Advance to next level: %s", nextLevel.Filename)
s.d.PlayFromLevelpack(s.LevelPack, nextLevel)
// Survival Mode failures: the Retry buttons should be higher
// priority than Next Level but they still get the (pity)
// Next Level button.
if survivalFailure {
config.OnPityNextLevel = config.OnNextLevel
config.OnNextLevel = nil
// Show the modal.
modal.EndLevel(config, title, message)
// Stop the simulation.
s.running = false
// Loop the editor scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Loop(d *Doodle, ev *event.State) error {
// Skip if still loading.
if loadscreen.IsActive() {
return nil
// Inform the gamepad controller whether we have antigravity controls.
gamepad.PlayModeAntigravity = s.antigravity || !s.Player.HasGravity()
// Update debug overlay values.
*s.debWorldIndex = s.drawing.WorldIndexAt(render.NewPoint(ev.CursorX, ev.CursorY)).String()
*s.debPosition = s.Player.Position().String() + " vel " + s.Player.Velocity().String()
*s.debViewport = s.drawing.Viewport().String()
*s.debScroll = s.drawing.Scroll.String()
inside, outside := s.drawing.LoadUnloadMetrics()
*s.debLoadUnload = fmt.Sprintf("%d in %d out %d cached %d gc", inside, outside, s.drawing.Chunker().CacheSize(), s.drawing.Chunker().GCSize())
// Update the timer.
s.timerLabel.Text = savegame.FormatDuration(time.Since(s.startTime))
// Has the window been resized?
if ev.WindowResized || s.drawing.Point().IsZero() {
s.screen.Resize(render.NewRect(d.width, d.height))
return nil
// Switching to Edit Mode?
if keybind.GotoEdit(ev) {
return nil
// Is the simulation still running?
if s.running {
// Loop the script supervisor so timeouts/intervals can fire in scripts.
if err := s.scripting.Loop(); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Loop: scripting.Loop: %s", err)
// Touch regions.
// Hide the mouse cursor if a gameplay input was received.
if keybind.Right(ev) || keybind.Left(ev) || keybind.Up(ev) || keybind.Down(ev) ||
keybind.Use(ev) {
cursor.Current = cursor.NoCursor
} else if s.lastCursor != shmem.Cursor {
cursor.Current = cursor.NewPointer(s.d.Engine)
s.lastCursor = shmem.Cursor
if err := s.drawing.Loop(ev); err != nil {
log.Error("Drawing loop error: %s", err.Error())
// Check if the player hit the death barrier.
if s.Player.Position().Y > s.deathBarrier {
// The player must die to avoid the softlock of falling forever.
s.godMode = false
s.DieByFire("falling off the map")
// Update the inventory HUD.
return nil
// Draw the pixels on this frame.
func (s *PlayScene) Draw(d *Doodle) error {
// Skip if still loading.
if loadscreen.IsActive() {
return nil
// Clear the canvas and fill it with white.
// Draw the canvas widget.
s.drawing.Present(d.Engine, s.drawing.Point())
// Draw out bounding boxes.
if DebugCollision {
for _, actor := range s.drawing.Actors() {
d.DrawCollisionBox(s.drawing, actor)
// Bug: sometimes (especially after cheating) if you restart a level
// properly, cheated=false perfectRun=true but the perfectRunIcon
// would not be showing.
if !s.cheated && s.perfectRun && s.timerPerfectImage.Hidden() {
// Draw the UI screen and any widgets that attached to it.
s.screen.Present(d.Engine, render.Origin)
// Draw the Edit button.
var (
canSize = s.drawing.Size()
size = s.editButton.Size()
padding = 8
X: canSize.W - size.W - padding,
Y: canSize.H - size.H - padding,
s.editButton.Present(d.Engine, s.editButton.Point())
// Visualize the touch regions?
// Let Supervisor draw menus
return nil
// Drawing returns the private world drawing, for debugging with the console.
func (s *PlayScene) Drawing() *uix.Canvas {
return s.drawing
// LoadLevel loads a level from disk.
// If the PlayScene was called with a LevelPack, it will check there
// first before the usual locations.
// The usual locations are: embedded bindata, ./assets folder on disk,
// and user content finally.
func (s *PlayScene) LoadLevel(filename string) error {
s.Filename = filename
var (
lvl *level.Level
err error
// Are we playing out of a levelpack?
if s.LevelPack != nil {
levelbin, err := s.LevelPack.GetFile("levels/" + filename)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error reading levels/%s from zip: %s", filename, err)
lvl, err = level.FromJSON(filename, levelbin)
if err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.LoadLevel(%s) from zipfile: %s", filename, err)
log.Info("PlayScene.LoadLevel: found %s in LevelPack zip data", filename)
// Try the usual suspects.
if lvl == nil {
log.Info("PlayScene.LoadLevel: trying the usual places")
lvl, err = level.LoadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("PlayScene.LoadLevel(%s): %s", filename, err)
s.Level = lvl
if err := s.installActors(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Destroy the scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Destroy() error {
// Free SDL2 textures. Note: if they are switching to the Editor, the chunks still have
// their bitmaps cached and will regen the textures as needed.
// Free inventory doodad textures.
for _, can := range s.invenDoodads {
log.Info("Destroy inventory doodad: %s", can)
return nil