Noah Petherbridge 653184b8f8 JavaScript Exception Catcher UI
* Add an exception catcher that pops open a UI window showing errors that
  occur in doodad scripts during gameplay.
* Shows a preview of the header of the error (character wrapped) with a
  Copy button to copy the full raw text to clipboard for inspection.
* Buttons to dismiss the modal once or stop any further errors from
  opening during this gameplay session (until next restart).
* Add developer shell commands to test the exception catcher:
  - 'throw <message>' to throw a custom message.
  - 'throw2' to stress test a "long" message.
  - 'throw3' to throw a realistic message copied from an actual error.
* Scripting engine: console.log() and friends will now insert the script
  VM's name in front of its messages (the filename + actor ID).
2022-09-24 21:58:01 -07:00

102 lines
2.4 KiB

//go:build !js
// +build !js
package native
import (
sdl2 ""
// Native render engine functions (SDL2 edition),
// not for JavaScript/WASM yet.
// HasTouchscreen checks if the device has at least one SDL_GetNumTouchDevices.
func HasTouchscreen(e render.Engine) bool {
if _, ok := e.(*sdl.Renderer); ok {
return sdl2.GetNumTouchDevices() > 0
return false
// CopyToClipboard puts some text on your clipboard.
func CopyToClipboard(text string) error {
if _, ok := shmem.CurrentRenderEngine.(*sdl.Renderer); ok {
return sdl2.SetClipboardText(text)
return errors.New("not supported")
TextToImage takes an SDL2_TTF texture and makes it into a Go image.
- The text is made Black & White with a white background on the image.
- Drop shadow, stroke, etc. probably not supported.
- Returns a non-antialiased image.
func TextToImage(e render.Engine, text render.Text) (image.Image, error) {
// engine, _ := e.(*sdl.Renderer)
// Make the text black & white for ease of identifying pixels.
text.Color = render.Black
var (
// renderer = engine.GetSDL2Renderer()
font *ttf.Font
surface *sdl2.Surface
pixFmt *sdl2.PixelFormat
surface2 *sdl2.Surface
err error
if font, err = sdl.LoadFont(text.FontFilename, text.Size); err != nil {
return nil, err
if surface, err = font.RenderUTF8Solid(text.Text, sdl.ColorToSDL(text.Color)); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer surface.Free()
// Convert the Surface into a pixelformat that supports the .At(x,y)
// function properly, as the one we got above is "Not implemented"
if pixFmt, err = sdl2.AllocFormat(sdl2.PIXELFORMAT_RGB888); err != nil {
return nil, err
if surface2, err = surface.Convert(pixFmt, 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer surface2.Free()
// Read back the pixels.
var (
x int
y int
w = int(surface2.W)
h = int(surface2.H)
img = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(x, y, w, h))
for x = 0; x < w; x++ {
for y = 0; y < h; y++ {
hue := surface2.At(x, y)
img.Set(x, y, hue)
// log.Warn("hue: %s", hue)
// r, g, b, _ := hue.RGBA()
// if r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0 {
// img.Set(x, y, hue)
// } else {
// img.Set(x, y, color.Transparent)
// }
return img, nil