Noah Petherbridge 82884c79ae Signed Levels and Levelpacks
Add the ability for the free version of the game to allow loading levels that
use embedded custom doodads if those levels are signed.

* Uses the same signing keys as the JWT token for license registrations.
* Levels and Levelpacks can both be signed. So individual levels with embedded
  doodads can work in free versions of the game.
* Levelpacks now support embedded doodads properly: the individual levels in
  the pack don't need to embed a custom doodad, but if the doodad exists in
  the levelpack's doodads/ folder it will load from there instead - for full
  versions of the game OR when the levelpack is signed.

Signatures are computed by getting a listing of embedded assets inside the
zipfile (the assets/ folder in levels, and the doodads/ + levels/ folders
in levelpacks). Thus for individual signed levels, the level geometry and
metadata may be changed without breaking the signature but if custom doodads
are changed the signature will break.

The doodle-admin command adds subcommands to `sign-level` and `verify-level`
to manage signatures on levels and levelpacks.

When using the `doodad levelpack create` command, any custom doodads the
levels mention that are found in your profile directory get embedded into
the zipfile by default (with --doodads custom).
2023-02-18 17:37:54 -08:00

232 lines
6.0 KiB

package doodads
import (
// Errors.
var (
ErrNotFound = errors.New("file not found")
// ListDoodads returns a listing of all available doodads between all locations,
// including user doodads.
func ListDoodads() ([]string, error) {
var names []string
// List doodads embedded into the binary.
if files, err := assets.AssetDir("assets/doodads"); err == nil {
names = append(names, files...)
if runtime.GOOS == "js" {
// Return the array of doodads embedded in the bindata.
// TODO: append user doodads to the list.
return names, nil
// Read system-level doodads first. Ignore errors, if the system path is
// empty we still go on to read the user directory.
files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(filesystem.SystemDoodadsPath)
for _, file := range files {
name := file.Name()
if strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(name), enum.DoodadExt) {
names = append(names, name)
// Append user doodads.
userFiles, err := userdir.ListDoodads()
names = append(names, userFiles...)
// Deduplicate names.
var uniq = map[string]interface{}{}
var result []string
for _, name := range names {
if _, ok := uniq[name]; !ok {
uniq[name] = nil
result = append(result, name)
return result, err
// ListBuiltin returns a listing of all built-in doodads.
// Exactly like ListDoodads() but doesn't return user home folder doodads.
func ListBuiltin() ([]string, error) {
var names []string
// List doodads embedded into the binary.
if files, err := assets.AssetDir("assets/doodads"); err == nil {
names = append(names, files...)
if runtime.GOOS == "js" {
// Return the array of doodads embedded in the bindata.
// TODO: append user doodads to the list.
return names, nil
// Read system-level doodads first. Ignore errors, if the system path is
// empty we still go on to read the user directory.
files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(filesystem.SystemDoodadsPath)
for _, file := range files {
name := file.Name()
if strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(name), enum.DoodadExt) {
names = append(names, name)
// Deduplicate names.
var uniq = map[string]interface{}{}
var result []string
for _, name := range names {
if _, ok := uniq[name]; !ok {
uniq[name] = nil
result = append(result, name)
return result, nil
LoadFromEmbeddable reads a doodad file, checking a level's embeddable
file data in addition to the usual places.
Use a true value for `force` to always return the file if available. By
default it will do a license check and free versions of the game won't
read the asset and get an error instead. A "Signed Level" is allowed to
use embedded assets in free versions and the caller uses force=true to
communicate the signature status.
func LoadFromEmbeddable(filename string, fs filesystem.Embeddable, force bool) (*Doodad, error) {
if bin, err := fs.GetFile(balance.EmbeddedDoodadsBasePath + filename); err == nil {
log.Debug("doodads.LoadFromEmbeddable: found %s", filename)
if !force && !license.IsRegistered() {
return nil, license.ErrRegisteredFeature
return Deserialize(filename, bin)
return LoadFile(filename)
// LoadFile reads a doodad file from disk, checking a few locations.
// It checks for embedded bindata, system-level doodads on the filesystem,
// and then user-owned doodads in their profile folder.
func LoadFile(filename string) (*Doodad, error) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(filename, enum.DoodadExt) {
filename += enum.DoodadExt
// Search the system and user paths for this level.
filename, err := filesystem.FindFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("doodads.LoadFile(%s): %s", filename, err)
// Do we have the file in bindata?
if jsonData, err := assets.Asset(filename); err == nil {
return FromJSON(filename, jsonData)
// WASM: try the file over HTTP ajax request.
if runtime.GOOS == "js" {
if result, ok := wasm.GetSession(filename); ok {
log.Info("recall doodad data from localStorage")
return FromJSON(filename, []byte(result))
// TODO: ajax load for doodads might not work, filesystem.FindFile returns
// the base file for WASM but for now force it to system doodads path
filename = "assets/doodads/" + filename
jsonData, err := wasm.HTTPGet(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return FromJSON(filename, jsonData)
// Load the JSON file from the filesystem.
return LoadJSON(filename)
// WriteFile saves a doodad to disk in the user's config directory.
func (d *Doodad) WriteFile(filename string) error {
if !strings.HasSuffix(filename, enum.DoodadExt) {
filename += enum.DoodadExt
// Set the version information.
d.Version = 1
d.GameVersion = branding.Version
bin, err := d.ToJSON()
if err != nil {
return err
// WASM: place in localStorage.
if runtime.GOOS == "js" {
log.Info("wasm: write %s to localStorage", filename)
wasm.SetSession(filename, string(bin))
return nil
// Desktop: write to disk.
filename = userdir.DoodadPath(filename)
log.Debug("Write Doodad: %s", filename)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, bin, 0644)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("doodads.WriteFile: %s", err)
return nil
// Serialize encodes a doodad to bytes and returns them, instead
// of writing to a file.
func (d *Doodad) Serialize() ([]byte, error) {
// Set the version information.
d.Version = 1
d.GameVersion = branding.Version
bin, err := d.ToJSON()
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
return bin, nil
// Deserialize loads a doodad from its bytes format.
func Deserialize(filename string, bin []byte) (*Doodad, error) {
return FromJSON(filename, bin)