* Added a Settings window for game options, such as enabling the horizontal toolbars in Edit Mode. The Settings window also has a Controls tab showing the gameplay buttons and keyboard shortcuts. * The Settings window is available as a button on the home screen OR from the Edit->Settings menu in the EditScene. * Bugfix: using WASD to move the player character now works better and is considered by the game to be identical to the arrow key inputs. Boy now updates his animation based on these keys, and they register as boolean on/off keys instead of affected by key-repeat. * Refactor the boolProps: they are all part of usercfg now, and if you run e.g. "boolProp show-all-doodads true" and then cause the user settings to save to disk, that boolProp will be permanently enabled until turned off again.
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// Package keybind centralizes the global hotkey bindings.
// Whenever the app would need to query a hotkey like "F3" or "Ctrl-Z"
// is held down, it should use a method in this file. It can be
// expanded later to allow user customizable bindings or something.
// NOTE: arrow key and gameplay controls not yet ported to here.
package keybind
import "git.kirsle.net/go/render/event"
// State returns a version of event.State which is domain specific
// to what the game actually cares about.
type State struct {
State *event.State
Shutdown bool // Escape key
Help bool // F1
DebugOverlay bool // F3
DebugCollision bool // F4
Undo bool // Ctrl-Z
Redo bool // Ctrl-Y
NewLevel bool // Ctrl-N
Save bool // Ctrl-S
SaveAs bool // Shift-Ctrl-S
Open bool // Ctrl-O
ZoomIn bool // +
ZoomOut bool // -
ZoomReset bool // 1
Origin bool // 0
GotoPlay bool // p
GotoEdit bool // e
PencilTool bool
LineTool bool
RectTool bool
EllipseTool bool
EraserTool bool
DoodadDropper bool
ShellKey bool
Enter bool
Left bool
Right bool
Up bool
Down bool
Use bool
// FromEvent converts a render.Event readout of the current keys
// being pressed but formats them in the way the game uses them.
// For example, WASD and arrow keys both move the player and the
// game only cares which direction.
func FromEvent(ev *event.State) State {
return State{
State: ev,
Shutdown: Shutdown(ev),
Help: Help(ev),
DebugOverlay: DebugOverlay(ev),
DebugCollision: DebugCollision(ev), // F4
Undo: Undo(ev), // Ctrl-Z
Redo: Redo(ev), // Ctrl-Y
NewLevel: NewLevel(ev), // Ctrl-N
Save: Save(ev), // Ctrl-S
SaveAs: SaveAs(ev), // Shift-Ctrl-S
Open: Open(ev), // Ctrl-O
ZoomIn: ZoomIn(ev), // +
ZoomOut: ZoomOut(ev), // -
ZoomReset: ZoomReset(ev), // 1
Origin: Origin(ev), // 0
GotoPlay: GotoPlay(ev), // p
GotoEdit: GotoEdit(ev), // e
PencilTool: PencilTool(ev),
LineTool: LineTool(ev),
RectTool: RectTool(ev),
EllipseTool: EllipseTool(ev),
EraserTool: EraserTool(ev),
DoodadDropper: DoodadDropper(ev),
ShellKey: ShellKey(ev),
Enter: Enter(ev),
Left: Left(ev),
Right: Right(ev),
Up: Up(ev),
Down: Down(ev),
Use: Use(ev),
// Shutdown (Escape) signals the game to start closing down.
func Shutdown(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Escape
// Help (F1) can be checked one time.
func Help(ev *event.State) bool {
result := ev.KeyDown("F1")
ev.SetKeyDown("F1", false)
return result
// DebugOverlay (F3) can be checked one time.
func DebugOverlay(ev *event.State) bool {
result := ev.KeyDown("F3")
ev.SetKeyDown("F3", false)
return result
// DebugCollision (F4) can be checked one time.
func DebugCollision(ev *event.State) bool {
result := ev.KeyDown("F4")
ev.SetKeyDown("F4", false)
return result
// Undo (Ctrl-Z)
func Undo(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Ctrl && ev.KeyDown("z")
// Redo (Ctrl-Y)
func Redo(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Ctrl && ev.KeyDown("y")
// New Level (Ctrl-N)
func NewLevel(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Ctrl && ev.KeyDown("n")
// Save (Ctrl-S)
func Save(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Ctrl && ev.KeyDown("s")
// SaveAs (Shift-Ctrl-S)
func SaveAs(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Ctrl && ev.Shift && ev.KeyDown("s")
// Open (Ctrl-O)
func Open(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Ctrl && ev.KeyDown("o")
// ZoomIn (+)
func ZoomIn(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("=") || ev.KeyDown("+")
// ZoomOut (-)
func ZoomOut(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("-")
// ZoomReset (1)
func ZoomReset(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("1")
// Origin (0) -- scrolls the canvas back to 0,0 in Editor Mode.
func Origin(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("0")
// GotoPlay (P) play tests the current level in the editor.
func GotoPlay(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("p")
// GotoEdit (E) opens the current played level in Edit Mode, if the
// player has come from the editor originally.
func GotoEdit(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("e")
// LineTool (L) selects the Line Tool in the editor.
func LineTool(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("l")
// PencilTool (F) selects the freehand pencil tool in the editor.
// GotoPlay (P) play tests the current level in the editor.
func PencilTool(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("f")
// RectTool (R) selects the rectangle in the editor.
func RectTool(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("r")
// EllipseTool (C) selects this tool in the editor.
func EllipseTool(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("c")
// EraserTool (X) selects this tool in the editor.
func EraserTool(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("x")
// DoodadDropper (D) opens the doodad dropper in the editor.
func DoodadDropper(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.KeyDown("d")
// ShellKey (`) opens the developer console.
func ShellKey(ev *event.State) bool {
v := ev.KeyDown("`")
ev.SetKeyDown("`", false)
return v
// Enter key.
func Enter(ev *event.State) bool {
v := ev.Enter
ev.Enter = false
return v
// Shift key.
func Shift(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Shift
// Left arrow.
func Left(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Left || ev.KeyDown("a")
// Right arrow.
func Right(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Right || ev.KeyDown("d")
// Up arrow.
func Up(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Up || ev.KeyDown("w")
// Down arrow.
func Down(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Down || ev.KeyDown("s")
// "Use" button.
func Use(ev *event.State) bool {
return ev.Space || ev.KeyDown("q")