Noah Petherbridge 4851730ccf Fix RLE Encoding Off-by-One Errors [PTO]
Levels can now be converted to RLE encoded chunk accessors and be re-saved
continuously without any loss of information.

Off-by-one errors resolved:

* The rle.NewGrid() was adding a +1 everywhere making the 2D grids have 129
  elements to a side for a 128 chunk size.
* In rle.Decompress() the cursor value and translation to X,Y coordinates is
  fixed to avoid a pixel going missing at the end of the first row (128,0)
* The abs.X-- hack in UnmarshalBinary is no longer needed to prevent the
  chunks from scooting a pixel to the right on every save.

Doodad tool updates:

* Remove unused CLI flags in `doodad resave` (actors, chunks, script,
  attachment, verbose) and add a `--output` flag to save to a different file
  name to the original.
* Update `doodad show` to allow debugging of RLE compressed chunks:
    * CLI flag `--chunk=1,2` to specify a single chunk coordinate to debug
    * CLI flag `--visualize-rle` will Visualize() RLE compressed chunks in
      their 2D grid form in your terminal window (VERY noisy for large
      levels! Use the --chunk option to narrow to one chunk).

Bug fixes and misc changes:

* Chunk.Usage() to return a better percentage of chunk utilization.
* Chunker.ChunkFromZipfile() was split out into two functions:
    * RawChunkFromZipfile retrieves the raw bytes of the chunk as well as the
      file extension discovered (.bin or .json) so the caller can interpret
      the bytes correctly.
    * ChunkFromZipfile calls the former function and then depending on file
      extension, unmarshals from binary or json.
    * The Raw function enables the `doodad show` command to debug and visualize
      the raw contents of the RLE compressed chunks.
* Updated the Visualize() function for the RLE encoder: instead of converting
  palette indexes to hex (0-F) which would begin causing problems for palette
  indexes above 16 (as they would use two+ characters), indexes are mapped to
  a wider range of symbols (0-9A-Z) and roll over if you have more than 36
  colors on your level. This at least keeps the Visualize() grid an easy to
  read 128x128 characters in your terminal.
2024-05-24 13:54:41 -07:00

362 lines
9.2 KiB

package commands
import (
// Show information about a Level or Doodad file.
var Show *cli.Command
func init() {
Show = &cli.Command{
Name: "show",
Usage: "show information about a level or doodad file",
ArgsUsage: "<.level or .doodad>",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "actors",
Usage: "print verbose actor data in Level files",
Name: "chunks",
Usage: "print verbose data about all the pixel chunks in a file",
Name: "script",
Usage: "print the script from a doodad file and exit",
Name: "attachment",
Aliases: []string{"a"},
Usage: "print the contents of the attached filename to terminal",
Name: "verbose",
Aliases: []string{"v"},
Usage: "print verbose output (all verbose flags enabled)",
Name: "visualize-rle",
Usage: "visually dump RLE encoded chunks to the terminal (VERY noisy for large drawings!)",
Name: "chunk",
Usage: "specific chunk coordinate; when debugging chunks, only show this chunk (example: 2,-1)",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.NArg() < 1 {
return cli.Exit(
"Usage: doodad show <.level .doodad ...>",
filenames := c.Args().Slice()
for _, filename := range filenames {
switch strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) {
case enum.LevelExt:
if err := showLevel(c, filename); err != nil {
return cli.Exit("Error", 1)
case enum.DoodadExt:
if err := showDoodad(c, filename); err != nil {
return cli.Exit("Error", 1)
log.Error("File %s: not a level or doodad", filename)
return nil
// showLevel shows data about a level file.
func showLevel(c *cli.Context, filename string) error {
lvl, err := level.LoadJSON(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
// Are we printing an attached file?
if filename := c.String("attachment"); filename != "" {
if data, err := lvl.GetFile(filename); err == nil {
return nil
} else {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't get attached file '%s': %s\n", filename, err)
return err
// Is it a new zipfile format?
var fileType = "json or gzip"
if lvl.Zipfile != nil {
fileType = "zipfile"
fmt.Printf("===== Level: %s =====\n", filename)
fmt.Printf(" File format: %s\n", fileType)
fmt.Printf(" File version: %d\n", lvl.Version)
fmt.Printf(" Game version: %s\n", lvl.GameVersion)
fmt.Printf(" Level UUID: %s\n", lvl.UUID)
fmt.Printf(" Level title: %s\n", lvl.Title)
fmt.Printf(" Author: %s\n", lvl.Author)
fmt.Printf(" Password: %s\n", lvl.Password)
fmt.Printf(" Locked: %+v\n", lvl.Locked)
fmt.Println("Game Rules:")
fmt.Printf(" Difficulty: %s (%d)\n", lvl.GameRule.Difficulty, lvl.GameRule.Difficulty)
fmt.Printf(" Survival: %+v\n", lvl.GameRule.Survival)
fmt.Println("Level Settings:")
fmt.Printf(" Page type: %s\n", lvl.PageType.String())
fmt.Printf(" Max size: %dx%d\n", lvl.MaxWidth, lvl.MaxHeight)
fmt.Printf(" Wallpaper: %s\n", lvl.Wallpaper)
fmt.Println("Attached Files:")
if files := lvl.ListFiles(); len(files) > 0 {
for _, v := range files {
data, _ := lvl.GetFile(v)
fmt.Printf(" %s: %d bytes\n", v, len(data))
} else {
fmt.Printf(" None\n\n")
// Print the actor information.
fmt.Printf(" Level contains %d actors\n", len(lvl.Actors))
if c.Bool("actors") || c.Bool("verbose") {
fmt.Println(" List of Actors:")
for id, actor := range lvl.Actors {
fmt.Printf(" - Name: %s\n", actor.Filename)
fmt.Printf(" UUID: %s\n", id)
fmt.Printf(" At: %s\n", actor.Point)
if len(actor.Options) > 0 {
var ordered = []string{}
for name := range actor.Options {
ordered = append(ordered, name)
fmt.Println(" Options:")
for _, name := range ordered {
val := actor.Options[name]
fmt.Printf(" %s %s = %v\n", val.Type, val.Name, val.Value)
if c.Bool("links") {
for _, link := range actor.Links {
if other, ok := lvl.Actors[link]; ok {
fmt.Printf(" Link: %s (%s)\n", link, other.Filename)
} else {
fmt.Printf(" Link: %s (**UNRESOLVED**)", link)
} else {
fmt.Print(" Use -actors or -verbose to serialize Actors\n\n")
// Serialize chunk information.
showChunker(c, lvl.Chunker)
return nil
func showDoodad(c *cli.Context, filename string) error {
dd, err := doodads.LoadJSON(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.Bool("script") {
fmt.Printf("// %s.js\n", filename)
return nil
// Is it a new zipfile format?
var fileType = "json or gzip"
if dd.Zipfile != nil {
fileType = "zipfile"
fmt.Printf("===== Doodad: %s =====\n", filename)
fmt.Printf(" File format: %s\n", fileType)
fmt.Printf(" File version: %d\n", dd.Version)
fmt.Printf(" Game version: %s\n", dd.GameVersion)
fmt.Printf(" Doodad title: %s\n", dd.Title)
fmt.Printf(" Author: %s\n", dd.Author)
fmt.Printf(" Dimensions: %s\n", dd.Size)
fmt.Printf(" Hitbox: %s\n", dd.Hitbox)
fmt.Printf(" Locked: %+v\n", dd.Locked)
fmt.Printf(" Hidden: %+v\n", dd.Hidden)
fmt.Printf(" Script size: %d bytes\n", len(dd.Script))
if len(dd.Tags) > 0 {
for k, v := range dd.Tags {
fmt.Printf(" %s: %s\n", k, v)
if len(dd.Options) > 0 {
var ordered = []string{}
for name := range dd.Options {
ordered = append(ordered, name)
for _, name := range ordered {
opt := dd.Options[name]
fmt.Printf(" %s %s = %v\n", opt.Type, opt.Name, opt.Default)
for i, layer := range dd.Layers {
fmt.Printf("Layer %d: %s\n", i, layer.Name)
showChunker(c, layer.Chunker)
return nil
func showPalette(pal *level.Palette) {
for _, sw := range pal.Swatches {
fmt.Printf(" - Swatch name: %s\n", sw.Name)
fmt.Printf(" Attributes: %s\n", sw.Attributes())
fmt.Printf(" Color: %s\n", sw.Color.ToHex())
func showChunker(c *cli.Context, ch *level.Chunker) {
var (
worldSize = ch.WorldSize()
chunkSize = int(ch.Size)
width = worldSize.W - worldSize.X
height = worldSize.H - worldSize.Y
// Chunk debugging CLI options.
visualize = c.Bool("visualize-rle")
specificChunk = c.String("chunk")
fmt.Printf(" Pixels Per Chunk: %d^2\n", ch.Size)
fmt.Printf(" Number Generated: %d\n", len(ch.Chunks))
fmt.Printf(" Coordinate Range: (%d,%d) ... (%d,%d)\n",
fmt.Printf(" World Dimensions: %dx%d\n", width, height)
// Verbose chunk information.
if c.Bool("chunks") || c.Bool("verbose") {
fmt.Println(" Chunk Details:")
for point := range ch.IterChunks() {
// Debugging specific chunk coordinate?
if specificChunk != "" && point.String() != specificChunk {
log.Warn("Skip chunk %s: not the specific chunk you're looking for", point)
chunk, ok := ch.GetChunk(point)
if !ok {
fmt.Printf(" - Coord: %s\n", point)
fmt.Printf(" Type: %s\n", chunkTypeToName(chunk.Type))
fmt.Printf(" Range: (%d,%d) ... (%d,%d)\n",
fmt.Printf(" Usage: %f (%d len of %d)\n", chunk.Usage(), chunk.Len(), chunkSize*chunkSize)
// Visualize the RLE encoded chunks?
if visualize && chunk.Type == level.RLEType {
ext, bin, err := ch.RawChunkFromZipfile(point)
if err != nil {
} else if ext != ".bin" {
log.Error("Unexpected filetype for RLE compressed chunk (expected .bin, got %s)", ext)
// Read off the first byte (chunk type)
var reader = bytes.NewBuffer(bin)
bin = reader.Bytes()
grid, err := rle.NewGrid(chunkSize)
if err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Println(" Use -chunks or -verbose to serialize Chunks")
func chunkTypeToName(v uint64) string {
switch v {
case level.MapType:
return "map"
case level.RLEType:
return "rle map"
case level.GridType:
return "grid"
return fmt.Sprintf("type %d", v)