Noah Petherbridge cb02feff1d Add Switches, Fire/Water Collision and Play Menu
* New doodads: Switches.
  * They come in four varieties: wall switch (background element, with
    "ON/OFF" text) and three side-profile switches for the floor, left
    or right walls.
  * On collision with the player, they flip their state from "OFF" to
    "ON" or vice versa. If the player walks away and then collides
    again, the switch flips again.
  * Can be used to open/close Electric Doors when turned on/off. Their
    default state is "off"
  * If a switch receives a power signal from another linked switch, it
    sets its own state to match. So, two "on/off" switches that are
    connected to a door AND to each other will both flip on/off when one
    of them flips.
* Update the Level Collision logic to support Decoration, Fire and Water
  pixel collisions.
  * Previously, ALL pixels in the level were acting as though solid.
  * Non-solid pixels don't count for collision detection, but their
    attributes (fire and water) are collected and returned.
* Updated the MenuScene to support loading a map file in Play Mode
  instead of Edit Mode. Updated the title screen menu to add a button
  for playing levels instead of editing them.
* Wrote some documentation.
2019-07-06 18:30:03 -07:00

275 lines
5.7 KiB

package render
import (
var (
// Regexps to parse hex color codes. Three formats are supported:
// * reHexColor3 uses only 3 hex characters, like #F90
// * reHexColor6 uses standard 6 characters, like #FF9900
// * reHexColor8 is the standard 6 plus alpha channel, like #FF9900FF
reHexColor3 = regexp.MustCompile(`^([A-Fa-f0-9])([A-Fa-f0-9])([A-Fa-f0-9])$`)
reHexColor6 = regexp.MustCompile(`^([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})$`)
reHexColor8 = regexp.MustCompile(`^([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})$`)
// Color holds an RGBA color value.
type Color struct {
Red uint8
Green uint8
Blue uint8
Alpha uint8
// RGBA creates a new Color.
func RGBA(r, g, b, a uint8) Color {
return Color{
Red: r,
Green: g,
Blue: b,
Alpha: a,
// FromColor creates a render.Color from a Go color.Color
func FromColor(from color.Color) Color {
// downscale a 16-bit color value to 8-bit. input range 0x0000..0xffff
downscale := func(in uint32) uint8 {
var scale = float64(in) / 0xffff
return uint8(scale * 0xff)
r, g, b, a := from.RGBA()
return RGBA(
// MustHexColor parses a color from hex code or panics.
func MustHexColor(hex string) Color {
color, err := HexColor(hex)
if err != nil {
return color
// HexColor parses a color from hexadecimal code.
func HexColor(hex string) (Color, error) {
c := Black // default color
if len(hex) > 0 && hex[0] == '#' {
hex = hex[1:]
var m []string
if len(hex) == 3 {
m = reHexColor3.FindStringSubmatch(hex)
} else if len(hex) == 6 {
m = reHexColor6.FindStringSubmatch(hex)
} else if len(hex) == 8 {
m = reHexColor8.FindStringSubmatch(hex)
} else {
return c, errors.New("not a valid length for color code; only 3, 6 and 8 supported")
// Any luck?
if m == nil {
return c, errors.New("not a valid hex color code")
// Parse the color values. 16=base, 8=bit size
red, _ := strconv.ParseUint(m[1], 16, 8)
green, _ := strconv.ParseUint(m[2], 16, 8)
blue, _ := strconv.ParseUint(m[3], 16, 8)
// Alpha channel available?
var alpha uint64 = 255
if len(m) == 5 {
alpha, _ = strconv.ParseUint(m[4], 16, 8)
c.Red = uint8(red)
c.Green = uint8(green)
c.Blue = uint8(blue)
c.Alpha = uint8(alpha)
return c, nil
func (c Color) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue, c.Alpha,
// ToHex converts a render.Color to standard #RRGGBB hexadecimal format.
func (c Color) ToHex() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue,
// ToColor converts a render.Color into a Go standard color.Color
func (c Color) ToColor() color.RGBA {
return color.RGBA{
R: c.Red,
G: c.Green,
B: c.Blue,
A: c.Alpha,
// Transparent returns whether the alpha channel is zeroed out and the pixel
// won't appear as anything when rendered.
func (c Color) Transparent() bool {
return c.Alpha == 0x00
// MarshalJSON serializes the Color for JSON.
func (c Color) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(
c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue,
)), nil
// UnmarshalJSON reloads the Color from JSON.
func (c *Color) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var hex string
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &hex)
if err != nil {
return err
parsed, err := HexColor(hex)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Red = parsed.Red
c.Blue = parsed.Blue
c.Green = parsed.Green
c.Alpha = parsed.Alpha
return nil
func (c Color) EncodeMsgpack(enc *msgpack.Encoder) error {
return enc.EncodeString(fmt.Sprintf(
c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue,
func (c Color) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) error {
hex, err := dec.DecodeString()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Color.DecodeMsgpack: %s", err)
parsed, err := HexColor(hex)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Color.DecodeMsgpack: HexColor: %s", err)
c.Red = parsed.Red
c.Blue = parsed.Blue
c.Green = parsed.Green
c.Alpha = parsed.Alpha
return nil
// // MarshalMsgpack serializes the Color for msgpack.
// func (c Color) MarshalMsgpack() ([]byte, error) {
// data := []uint8{
// c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue, c.Alpha,
// }
// return msgpack.Marshal(data)
// }
// // UnmarshalMsgpack decodes a Color from msgpack format.
// func (c *Color) UnmarshalMsgpack(b []byte) error {
// var data []uint8
// if err := msgpack.Unmarshal(data, b); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// c.Red = 255
// c.Green = data[1]
// c.Blue = data[2]
// c.Alpha = data[3]
// return nil
// }
// IsZero returns if the color is all zeroes (invisible).
func (c Color) IsZero() bool {
return c.Red+c.Green+c.Blue+c.Alpha == 0
// Add a relative color value to the color.
func (c Color) Add(r, g, b, a int) Color {
var (
R = int(c.Red) + r
G = int(c.Green) + g
B = int(c.Blue) + b
A = int(c.Alpha) + a
cap8 := func(v int) uint8 {
if v > 255 {
v = 255
} else if v < 0 {
v = 0
return uint8(v)
return Color{
Red: cap8(R),
Green: cap8(G),
Blue: cap8(B),
Alpha: cap8(A),
// AddColor adds another Color to your Color.
func (c Color) AddColor(other Color) Color {
return c.Add(
// Lighten a color value.
func (c Color) Lighten(v int) Color {
return c.Add(v, v, v, 0)
// Darken a color value.
func (c Color) Darken(v int) Color {
return c.Add(-v, -v, -v, 0)
// Transparentize adjusts the alpha value.
func (c Color) Transparentize(v int) Color {
return c.Add(0, 0, 0, v)
// SetAlpha sets the alpha value to a specific setting.
func (c Color) SetAlpha(v uint8) Color {
c.Alpha = v
return c