
190 lines
4.0 KiB

// Package rle contains support for Run-Length Encoding of level chunks.
package rle
import (
const NullColor = 0xFFFF
// Grid is a 2D array of nullable integers to store a flat bitmap of a chunk.
type Grid [][]*uint64
// NewGrid will return an initialized 2D grid of equal dimensions of the given size.
// The grid is indexed in [Y][X] notation, or: by row first and then column.
func NewGrid(size int) (Grid, error) {
if size == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no size given for RLE Grid: the chunker was probably not initialized")
var grid = make([][]*uint64, size+1)
for i := 0; i < size+1; i++ {
grid[i] = make([]*uint64, size+1)
return grid, nil
func MustGrid(size int) Grid {
grid, err := NewGrid(size)
if err != nil {
return grid
type Pixel struct {
Point render.Point
Palette int
// Size of the grid.
func (g Grid) Size() int {
return len(g[0])
// Compress the grid into a byte stream of RLE compressed data.
// The compressed format is a stream of:
// - A Uvarint for the palette index (0-255) or 0xffff (65535) for null.
// - A Uvarint for how many pixels to repeat that color.
func (g Grid) Compress() ([]byte, error) {
log.Error("BEGIN Compress()")
// log.Warn("Visualized:\n%s", g.Visualize())
// Run-length encode the grid.
var (
compressed []byte // final result
lastColor uint64 // last color seen (current streak)
runLength uint64 // current streak for the last color
buffering bool // detect end of grid
// Flush the buffer
flush = func() {
// log.Info("flush: %d for %d length", lastColor, runLength)
compressed = binary.AppendUvarint(compressed, lastColor)
compressed = binary.AppendUvarint(compressed, runLength)
for y, row := range g {
for x, nullableIndex := range row {
var index uint64
if nullableIndex == nil {
index = NullColor
} else {
index = *nullableIndex
// First color of the grid
if y == 0 && x == 0 {
// log.Info("First color @ %dx%d is %d", x, y, index)
lastColor = index
runLength = 1
// Buffer it until we get a change of color or EOF.
if index != lastColor {
// log.Info("Color %d streaks for %d until %dx%d", lastColor, runLength, x, y)
lastColor = index
runLength = 1
buffering = false
buffering = true
// Flush the final buffer when we got to EOF on the grid.
if buffering {
// log.Error("RLE compressed: %v", compressed)
return compressed, nil
// Decompress the RLE byte stream back into a populated 2D grid.
func (g Grid) Decompress(compressed []byte) error {
log.Error("BEGIN Decompress()")
// log.Warn("Visualized:\n%s", g.Visualize())
// Prepare the 2D grid to decompress the RLE stream into.
var (
size = g.Size()
x, y, cursor int
var reader = bytes.NewBuffer(compressed)
for {
var (
paletteIndexRaw, err1 = binary.ReadUvarint(reader)
repeatCount, err2 = binary.ReadUvarint(reader)
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
// Handle the null color.
var paletteIndex *uint64
if paletteIndexRaw != NullColor {
paletteIndex = &paletteIndexRaw
// log.Warn("RLE index %v for %dpx", paletteIndexRaw, repeatCount)
for i := uint64(0); i < repeatCount; i++ {
if cursor%size == 0 {
x = 0
point := render.NewPoint(int(x), int(y))
if point.Y >= size || point.X >= size {
g[point.Y][point.X] = paletteIndex
// log.Warn("Visualized:\n%s", g.Visualize())
return nil
// Visualize the state of the 2D grid.
func (g Grid) Visualize() string {
var lines []string
for _, row := range g {
var line = "["
for _, col := range row {
if col == nil {
line += " "
} else {
line += fmt.Sprintf("%x", *col)
lines = append(lines, line+"]")
return strings.Join(lines, "\n")