Noah Petherbridge 3d3561b8e6 Blueprint Theme Palette
* Fix the EditorUI not showing the correct palette baked into the level
  and only showing the default. This was tricky because the palette UI
  can only be configured at setup time but not updated later.
* Add a new default palette for the Blueprint theme. Blueprint has a
  dark background, so the palette colors should be bright. This palette
  is chosen when you start a map with the blueprint wallpaper.
* Add a background Canvas to the MenuScene. In the "New Level" screen,
  the background canvas will update to show the wallpaper settings
  you've chosen as a preview of the level theme you're about to create.
2019-06-25 17:43:23 -07:00

115 lines
2.9 KiB

package balance
import (
// Debug related variables that can toggle on or off certain features and
// overlays within the game.
var (
* Visualizers *
// Debug overlay (FPS etc.) settings.
DebugFontFilename = "./fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf"
DebugFontSize = 16
DebugLabelColor = render.MustHexColor("#FF9900")
DebugValueColor = render.MustHexColor("#00CCFF")
DebugStrokeDarken = 80
// Background color to use when exporting a drawing Chunk as a bitmap image
// on disk. Default is white. Setting this to translucent yellow is a great
// way to visualize the chunks loaded from cache on your screen.
DebugChunkBitmapBackground = render.White // XXX: export $DEBUG_CHUNK_COLOR
// Put a border around all Canvas widgets.
DebugCanvasBorder = render.Invisible
DebugCanvasLabel = false // Tag the canvas with a label.
// Pretty-print JSON files when writing.
JSONIndent = true
func init() {
// Load values from environment variables.
var config = map[string]interface{}{
// Window size.
"DOODLE_W": &Width,
"DOODLE_H": &Height,
// Tune some parameters. XXX: maybe dangerous at some point.
"D_SCROLL_SPEED": &CanvasScrollSpeed,
"D_DOODAD_SIZE": &DoodadSize,
// Shell settings.
"D_SHELL_BG": &ShellBackgroundColor,
"D_SHELL_FG": &ShellForegroundColor,
"D_SHELL_PC": &ShellPromptColor,
"D_SHELL_LN": &ShellHistoryLineCount,
"D_SHELL_FS": &ShellFontSize,
// Visualizers
"DEBUG_CHUNK_COLOR": &DebugChunkBitmapBackground,
"DEBUG_CANVAS_BORDER": &DebugCanvasBorder,
"DEBUG_CANVAS_LABEL": &DebugCanvasLabel,
for name, value := range config {
switch v := value.(type) {
case *int:
*v = IntEnv(name, *(v))
case *bool:
*v = BoolEnv(name, *(v))
case *int32:
*v = int32(IntEnv(name, int(*(v))))
case *render.Color:
*v = ColorEnv(name, *(v))
// Debug all?
if BoolEnv("DOODLE_DEBUG_ALL", false) {
DebugChunkBitmapBackground = render.RGBA(255, 255, 0, 128)
DebugCanvasBorder = render.Red
DebugCanvasLabel = true
// ColorEnv gets a color value from environment variable or returns a default.
// This will panic if the color is not valid, so only do this on startup time.
func ColorEnv(name string, v render.Color) render.Color {
if color := os.Getenv(name); color != "" {
return render.MustHexColor(color)
return v
// IntEnv gets an int value from environment variable or returns a default.
func IntEnv(name string, v int) int {
if env := os.Getenv(name); env != "" {
a, err := strconv.Atoi(env)
if err != nil {
return a
return v
// BoolEnv gets a bool from the environment with a default.
func BoolEnv(name string, v bool) bool {
if env := os.Getenv(name); env != "" {
switch strings.ToLower(env) {
case "true", "t", "1", "on", "yes", "y":
return true
case "false", "f", "0", "off", "no", "n":
return false
return v