Noah Petherbridge 6d3ffcd98c Finalize basic functionality for Level Packs
* The "Story Mode" button on the MainScene opens the levelpacks window.
* Levelpacks from all places are shown (built-in and user files), basic
  level picker works.
* When playing a level out of a levelpack: the PlayScene gets the file
  data from the zipfile and plays it OK.
* When a levelpack level is solved, the "Next Level" button appears on
  the success modal and hitting Return will advance to the next level in
  the pack. The final level doesn't show this button.
* The user can edit levelpack levels! Clicking the "Edit" button on the
  Play Mode moves the loaded level over to the EditScene and the user
  could save it to disk or edit/playtest it perfectly OK! The link to
  the levelpack is lost upon opening in the editor, so the "Next Level"
  victory button doesn't appear.
2021-12-26 20:48:29 -08:00

670 lines
18 KiB

package doodle
import (
// PlayScene manages the "Edit Level" game mode.
type PlayScene struct {
// Configuration attributes.
Filename string
Level *level.Level
CanEdit bool // i.e. you came from the Editor Mode
HasNext bool // has a next level to load next
RememberScrollPosition render.Point // for the Editor quality of life
SpawnPoint render.Point // if not zero, overrides Start Flag
// If this level was part of a levelpack. The Play Scene will read it
// from the levelpack ZIP file in priority over any other location.
LevelPack *levelpack.LevelPack
// Private variables.
d *Doodle
drawing *uix.Canvas
scripting *scripting.Supervisor
running bool
deathBarrier int // Y position of death barrier in case of falling OOB.
// UI widgets.
supervisor *ui.Supervisor
screen *ui.Frame // A window sized invisible frame to position UI elements.
editButton *ui.Button
// Custom debug labels.
debPosition *string
debViewport *string
debScroll *string
debWorldIndex *string
// Player character
Player *uix.Actor
playerPhysics *physics.Mover
lastCheckpoint render.Point
playerLastDirection float64 // player's heading last tick
antigravity bool // Cheat: disable player gravity
noclip bool // Cheat: disable player clipping
playerJumpCounter int // limit jump length
// Inventory HUD. Impl. in play_inventory.go
invenFrame *ui.Frame
invenItems []string // item list
invenDoodads map[string]*uix.Canvas
// Touchscreen controls state.
isTouching bool
playerIsIdle bool // LoopTouchable watches for inactivity on input controls.
idleLastStart time.Time
idleHelpAlpha int // fade in UI hints
// Name of the scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Name() string {
return "Play"
// Setup the play scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Setup(d *Doodle) error {
s.d = d
s.scripting = scripting.NewSupervisor()
s.supervisor = ui.NewSupervisor()
// Show the loading screen.
go func() {
if err := s.setupAsync(d); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.setupAsync: %s", err)
return nil
// setupAsync initializes the play screen in the background, underneath
// a Loading screen.
func (s *PlayScene) setupAsync(d *Doodle) error {
// Create an invisible 'screen' frame for UI elements to use for positioning.
s.screen = ui.NewFrame("Screen")
s.screen.Resize(render.NewRect(d.width, d.height))
// Level Exit handler.
// Initialize debug overlay values.
s.debPosition = new(string)
s.debViewport = new(string)
s.debScroll = new(string)
s.debWorldIndex = new(string)
customDebugLabels = []debugLabel{
{"Pixel:", s.debWorldIndex},
{"Player:", s.debPosition},
{"Viewport:", s.debViewport},
{"Scroll:", s.debScroll},
// Initialize the "Edit Map" button.
s.editButton = ui.NewButton("Edit", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "Edit (E)",
Font: balance.PlayButtonFont,
s.editButton.Handle(ui.Click, func(ed ui.EventData) error {
return nil
// Set up the inventory HUD.
// Initialize the drawing canvas.
s.drawing = uix.NewCanvas(balance.ChunkSize, false)
s.drawing.Name = "play-canvas"
s.drawing.Resize(render.NewRect(d.width, d.height))
// Handler when an actor touches water or fire.
s.drawing.OnLevelCollision = func(a *uix.Actor, col *collision.Collide) {
if col.InFire != "" {
a.Canvas.MaskColor = render.Black
if a.ID() == "PLAYER" { // only the player dies in fire.
} else if col.InWater {
a.Canvas.MaskColor = render.DarkBlue
} else {
a.Canvas.MaskColor = render.Invisible
// Given a filename or map data to play?
if s.Level != nil {
log.Debug("PlayScene.Setup: received level from scene caller")
} else if s.Filename != "" {
loadscreen.SetSubtitle("Opening: " + s.Filename)
log.Debug("PlayScene.Setup: loading map from file %s", s.Filename)
// NOTE: s.LoadLevel also calls s.drawing.InstallActors
if s.Level == nil {
log.Debug("PlayScene.Setup: no grid given, initializing empty grid")
s.Level = level.New()
// Choose a death barrier in case the user falls off the map,
// so they don't fall forever.
worldSize := s.Level.Chunker.WorldSize()
s.deathBarrier = worldSize.H + 1000
log.Debug("Death barrier at %d", s.deathBarrier)
// Set the loading screen text with the level metadata.
"by "+s.Level.Author,
// Load all actor scripts.
if err := s.scripting.InstallScripts(s.Level); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: failed to InstallScripts: %s", err)
// Load in the player character.
// Run all the actor scripts' main() functions.
if err := s.drawing.InstallScripts(); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: failed to drawing.InstallScripts: %s", err)
if s.CanEdit {
d.Flash("Entered Play Mode. Press 'E' to edit this map.")
} else {
d.FlashError("%s", s.Level.Title)
// Pre-cache all bitmap images from the level chunks.
// Note: we are not running on the main thread, so SDL2 Textures
// don't get created yet, but we do the full work of caching bitmap
// images which later get fed directly into SDL2 saving speed at
// runtime, + the bitmap generation is pretty wicked fast anyway.
s.running = true
return nil
// setupPlayer creates and configures the Player Character in the level.
func (s *PlayScene) setupPlayer() {
// Find the spawn point of the player. Search the level for the
// "start-flag.doodad"
var (
playerCharacterFilename = balance.PlayerCharacterDoodad
spawn render.Point
flag = &level.Actor{}
flagSize = render.NewRect(86, 86) // TODO: start-flag.doodad is 86x86 px
flagCount int
for actorID, actor := range s.Level.Actors {
if actor.Filename == "start-flag.doodad" {
// Support alternative player characters: if the Start Flag is linked
// to another actor, that actor becomes the player character.
for _, linkID := range actor.Links {
if linkedActor, ok := s.Level.Actors[linkID]; ok {
playerCharacterFilename = linkedActor.Filename
log.Info("Playing as: %s", playerCharacterFilename)
// TODO: start-flag.doodad is 86x86 pixels but we can't tell that
// from right here.
log.Info("Found start-flag.doodad at %s (ID %s)", actor.Point, actorID)
flag = actor
// The Start Flag becomes the player's initial checkpoint.
s.lastCheckpoint = flag.Point
// Load in the player character.
player, err := doodads.LoadFile(playerCharacterFilename)
if err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: failed to load player doodad: %s", err)
player = doodads.NewDummy(32)
if !s.SpawnPoint.IsZero() {
spawn = s.SpawnPoint
} else {
spawn = render.NewPoint(
// X: centered inside the flag.
// Y: the bottom of the flag, 4 pixels from the floor.
// Surface warnings around the spawn flag.
if flagCount == 0 {
s.d.FlashError("Warning: this level contained no Start Flag.")
} else if flagCount > 1 {
s.d.FlashError("Warning: this level contains multiple Start Flags. Player spawn point is ambiguous.")
s.Player = uix.NewActor("PLAYER", &level.Actor{}, player)
s.drawing.FollowActor = s.Player.ID()
// Set up the movement physics for the player.
s.playerPhysics = &physics.Mover{
MaxSpeed: physics.NewVector(balance.PlayerMaxVelocity, balance.PlayerMaxVelocity),
// Gravity: physics.NewVector(balance.Gravity, balance.Gravity),
Acceleration: 0.025,
Friction: 0.1,
// Set up the player character's script in the VM.
if err := s.scripting.AddLevelScript(s.Player.ID(), s.Player.Actor.Filename); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: scripting.InstallActor(player) failed: %s", err)
// EditLevel toggles out of Play Mode to edit the level.
func (s *PlayScene) EditLevel() {
log.Info("Edit Mode, Go!")
Filename: s.Filename,
Level: s.Level,
RememberScrollPosition: s.RememberScrollPosition,
// RestartLevel starts the level over again.
func (s *PlayScene) RestartLevel() {
log.Info("Restart Level")
Filename: s.Filename,
Level: s.Level,
CanEdit: s.CanEdit,
// SetCheckpoint sets the player's checkpoint.
func (s *PlayScene) SetCheckpoint(where render.Point) {
s.lastCheckpoint = where
// RetryCheckpoint moves the player back to their last checkpoint.
func (s *PlayScene) RetryCheckpoint() {
log.Info("Move player back to last checkpoint")
s.running = true
// BeatLevel handles the level success condition.
func (s *PlayScene) BeatLevel() {
"Level Completed",
"Congratulations on clearing the level!",
// FailLevel handles a level failure triggered by a doodad.
func (s *PlayScene) FailLevel(message string) {
"You've died!",
// DieByFire ends the level by "fire", or w/e the swatch is named.
func (s *PlayScene) DieByFire(name string) {
s.FailLevel(fmt.Sprintf("Watch out for %s!", name))
// ShowEndLevelModal centralizes the EndLevel modal config.
// This is the common handler function between easy methods such as
// BeatLevel, FailLevel, and DieByFire.
func (s *PlayScene) ShowEndLevelModal(success bool, title, message string) {
config := modal.ConfigEndLevel{
Success: success,
OnRestartLevel: s.RestartLevel,
OnRetryCheckpoint: s.RetryCheckpoint,
OnExitToMenu: func() {
if s.CanEdit {
config.OnEditLevel = s.EditLevel
// Beaten the level?
if success {
config.OnRetryCheckpoint = nil
// Are we in a levelpack? Show the "Next Level" button if there is
// a sequel to this level.
if s.LevelPack != nil {
for i, level := range s.LevelPack.Levels {
i := i
level := level
if level.Filename == s.Filename && i < len(s.LevelPack.Levels)-1 {
// Show "Next" button!
config.OnNextLevel = func() {
nextLevel := s.LevelPack.Levels[i+1]
log.Info("Advance to next level: %s", nextLevel.Filename)
s.d.PlayFromLevelpack(*s.LevelPack, nextLevel)
// Show the modal.
modal.EndLevel(config, title, message)
// Stop the simulation.
s.running = false
// Loop the editor scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Loop(d *Doodle, ev *event.State) error {
// Skip if still loading.
if loadscreen.IsActive() {
return nil
// Update debug overlay values.
*s.debWorldIndex = s.drawing.WorldIndexAt(render.NewPoint(ev.CursorX, ev.CursorY)).String()
*s.debPosition = s.Player.Position().String() + " vel " + s.Player.Velocity().String()
*s.debViewport = s.drawing.Viewport().String()
*s.debScroll = s.drawing.Scroll.String()
// Has the window been resized?
if ev.WindowResized {
w, h := d.Engine.WindowSize()
if w != d.width || h != d.height {
d.width = w
d.height = h
s.drawing.Resize(render.NewRect(d.width, d.height))
return nil
// Switching to Edit Mode?
if s.CanEdit && keybind.GotoEdit(ev) {
return nil
// Is the simulation still running?
if s.running {
// Loop the script supervisor so timeouts/intervals can fire in scripts.
if err := s.scripting.Loop(); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Loop: scripting.Loop: %s", err)
// Touch regions.
if err := s.drawing.Loop(ev); err != nil {
log.Error("Drawing loop error: %s", err.Error())
// Check if the player hit the death barrier.
if s.Player.Position().Y > s.deathBarrier {
s.DieByFire("falling off the map")
// Update the inventory HUD.
return nil
// Draw the pixels on this frame.
func (s *PlayScene) Draw(d *Doodle) error {
// Skip if still loading.
if loadscreen.IsActive() {
return nil
// Clear the canvas and fill it with white.
// Draw the level.
s.drawing.Present(d.Engine, s.drawing.Point())
// Draw out bounding boxes.
if DebugCollision {
for _, actor := range s.drawing.Actors() {
d.DrawCollisionBox(s.drawing, actor)
// Draw the UI screen and any widgets that attached to it.
s.screen.Present(d.Engine, render.Origin)
// Draw the Edit button.
var (
canSize = s.drawing.Size()
size = s.editButton.Size()
padding = 8
X: canSize.W - size.W - padding,
Y: canSize.H - size.H - padding,
s.editButton.Present(d.Engine, s.editButton.Point())
// Visualize the touch regions?
return nil
// movePlayer updates the player's X,Y coordinate based on key pressed.
func (s *PlayScene) movePlayer(ev *event.State) {
var (
playerSpeed = float64(balance.PlayerMaxVelocity)
velocity = s.Player.Velocity()
direction float64
jumping bool
// Antigravity: player can move anywhere with arrow keys.
if s.antigravity || !s.Player.HasGravity() {
velocity.X = 0
velocity.Y = 0
// Shift to slow your roll to 1 pixel per tick.
if keybind.Shift(ev) {
playerSpeed = 1
if keybind.Left(ev) {
velocity.X = -playerSpeed
} else if keybind.Right(ev) {
velocity.X = playerSpeed
if keybind.Up(ev) {
velocity.Y = -playerSpeed
} else if keybind.Down(ev) {
velocity.Y = playerSpeed
} else {
// Moving left or right.
if keybind.Left(ev) {
direction = -1
} else if keybind.Right(ev) {
direction = 1
// Up button to signal they want to jump.
if keybind.Up(ev) {
if s.Player.Grounded() {
velocity.Y = balance.PlayerJumpVelocity
} else if velocity.Y < 0 {
velocity.Y = 0
// if keybind.Up(ev) && (s.Player.Grounded() || s.playerJumpCounter >= 0) {
// jumping = true
// if s.Player.Grounded() {
// // Allow them to sustain the jump this many ticks.
// s.playerJumpCounter = 32
// }
// }
// Moving left or right? Interpolate their velocity by acceleration.
if direction != 0 {
if s.playerLastDirection != direction {
velocity.X = 0
// TODO: fast turn-around if they change directions so they don't
// slip and slide while their velocity updates.
velocity.X = physics.Lerp(
} else {
// Slow them back to zero using friction.
velocity.X = physics.Lerp(
// Moving upwards (jumping): give them full acceleration upwards.
if jumping {
velocity.Y = -playerSpeed
// While in the air, count down their jump counter; when zero they
// cannot jump again until they touch ground.
if !s.Player.Grounded() {
s.playerLastDirection = direction
// Move the player unless frozen.
// TODO: if Y=0 then gravity fails, but not doing this allows the
// player to jump while frozen. Not a HUGE deal right now as only Warp Doors
// freeze the player currently but do address this later.
if s.Player.IsFrozen() {
velocity.X = 0
// If the "Use" key is pressed, set an actor flag on the player.
// Drawing returns the private world drawing, for debugging with the console.
func (s *PlayScene) Drawing() *uix.Canvas {
return s.drawing
// LoadLevel loads a level from disk.
// If the PlayScene was called with a LevelPack, it will check there
// first before the usual locations.
// The usual locations are: embedded bindata, ./assets folder on disk,
// and user content finally.
func (s *PlayScene) LoadLevel(filename string) error {
s.Filename = filename
var (
lvl *level.Level
err error
// Are we playing out of a levelpack?
if s.LevelPack != nil {
levelbin, err := s.LevelPack.GetData("levels/" + filename)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error reading levels/%s from zip: %s", filename, err)
lvl, err = level.FromJSON(filename, levelbin)
if err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.LoadLevel(%s) from zipfile: %s", filename, err)
log.Info("PlayScene.LoadLevel: found %s in LevelPack zip data", filename)
// Try the usual suspects.
if lvl == nil {
log.Info("PlayScene.LoadLevel: trying the usual places")
lvl, err = level.LoadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("PlayScene.LoadLevel(%s): %s", filename, err)
s.Level = lvl
return nil
// Destroy the scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Destroy() error {
return nil