Noah Petherbridge 626fd53a84 Checkpoint Flag can Re-assign Player Character
Link a Doodad to a Checkpoint Flag (like you would a Start Flag) and
crossing the flag will replace the player with that doodad. Multiple
checkpoint flags like this can toggle you between characters.

* Azulians are now friendly to player characters who have the word
  "Azulian" in their title.
* Improve Bird as the playable character:
  * Dive animation if the player flies diagonally downwards
  * Animation loop while hovering in the air instead of pausing
* Checkpoint flags don't spam each other on PubSub so much which could
  sometimes lead to deadlocks!

SetPlayerCharacter added to the JavaScript API. The Checkpoint Flag
(not the region) can link to a doodad and replace the player character
with that linked doodad when you activate the checkpoint:

    Actors.SetPlayerCharacter(filename string): like "boy.doodad"

Add various panic catchers to make JavaScript safer and log issues
to console.
2022-01-18 21:24:36 -08:00

124 lines
3.7 KiB

// Thief
function main() {
Self.SetHitbox(0, 0, 32, 58);
Self.AddAnimation("walk-left", 200, ["stand-left", "walk-left-1", "walk-left-2", "walk-left-3", "walk-left-2", "walk-left-1"]);
Self.AddAnimation("walk-right", 200, ["stand-right", "walk-right-1", "walk-right-2", "walk-right-3", "walk-right-2", "walk-right-1"]);
// All thieves can steal items.
// Controlled by the player character?
if (Self.IsPlayer()) {
return playable();
return ai();
// Common "steal" power between playable and A.I. thieves.
function stealable() {
// Steals your items.
Events.OnCollide((e) => {
let victim = e.Actor;
if (!e.Settled) {
// Thieves don't steal from Thieves (unless controlled by the player).
if (!Self.IsPlayer() && victim.Drawing.Doodad.Filename === "thief.doodad") {
// Steal inventory
let stolen = 0;
if (victim.HasInventory()) {
let myInventory = Self.Inventory(),
theirInventory = victim.Inventory();
for (let key in theirInventory) {
if (!theirInventory.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
let value = theirInventory[key];
if (value > 0 || myInventory[key] === undefined) {
victim.RemoveItem(key, value);
Self.AddItem(key, value);
stolen += (value === 0 ? 1 : value);
// If the player lost their items, notify them.
if (victim.IsPlayer() && stolen > 0) {
Flash("Watch out for thieves! %d item%s stolen!", parseInt(stolen), stolen === 1 ? ' was' : 's were');
// If the Thief IS the player, notify your earnings.
if (Self.IsPlayer() && stolen > 0) {
Flash("Awesome! Stole %d item%s from the %s!", parseInt(stolen), stolen === 1 ? '' : 's', e.Actor.Drawing.Doodad.Title);
// Enemy Doodad AI: walks back and forth, changing direction
// when it encounters and obstacle.
function ai() {
// Walks back and forth.
let Vx = Vy = 0.0,
playerSpeed = 4,
direction = "right",
lastDirection = "right",
lastSampledX = 0,
sampleTick = 0,
sampleRate = 2;
setInterval(() => {
if (sampleTick % sampleRate === 0) {
let curX = Self.Position().X,
delta = Math.abs(curX - lastSampledX);
if (delta < 5) {
direction = direction === "right" ? "left" : "right";
lastSampledX = curX;
Vx = parseFloat(playerSpeed * (direction === "left" ? -1 : 1));
Self.SetVelocity(Vector(Vx, Vy));
// If we changed directions, stop animating now so we can
// turn around quickly without moonwalking.
if (direction !== lastDirection) {
if (!Self.IsAnimating()) {
Self.PlayAnimation("walk-" + direction, null);
lastDirection = direction;
}, 100);
// If under control of the player character.
function playable() {
Events.OnKeypress((ev) => {
if (ev.Right) {
if (!Self.IsAnimating()) {
Self.PlayAnimation("walk-right", null);
} else if (ev.Left) {
if (!Self.IsAnimating()) {
Self.PlayAnimation("walk-left", null);
} else {
animating = false;