Noah Petherbridge d4e6d9babb Loading Screen
* pkg/loadscreen implements a global Loading Screen for loading heavy
  levels for playing or editing.
* All chunks in a level are pre-rendered to bitmap before gameplay
  begins, which reduces stutter as chunks were being lazily rendered on
  first appearance before.
* The loading screen can be played with in the developer console:
  $ loadscreen.Show()
  $ loadscreen.Hide()
  Along with ShowWithProgress(), SetProgress(float64) and IsActive()
* Chunker: separate the concerns between Bitmaps an (SDL2) Textures.
* Chunker.Prerender() converts a chunk to a bitmap (a Go image.Image)
  and caches it, only re-rendering if marked as dirty.
* Chunker.Texture() will use the pre-cached bitmap if available to
  immediately produce the SDL2 texture.

Other miscellaneous changes:

* Added to the Colored Pencil palette: Sandstone
* Added "perlin noise" brush pattern

Note: this commit introduces instability and crashes:

* New `asyncSetup()` functions run on a goroutine, but SDL2 texture
  calls must run on the main thread.
* Chunker avoids this by caching bitmaps, not textures.
* Wallpaper though is unstable, sometimes works, sometimes has graphical
  glitches, sometimes crashes the game.
* Wallpaper.Load() and the *Texture() functions are where it crashes.
2021-07-18 21:19:52 -07:00

131 lines
3.0 KiB

// Package modal provides UI pop-up modals for Doodle.
package modal
import (
// Package global variables.
var (
ready bool // Has been initialized with a render.Engine
current *Modal // Current modal object, nil if no modal active.
engine render.Engine
window render.Rect // cached window dimensions
supervisor *ui.Supervisor
screen *ui.Frame
// Initialize the modal package.
func Initialize(e render.Engine) {
engine = e
supervisor = ui.NewSupervisor()
width, height := engine.WindowSize()
window = render.NewRect(width, height)
screen = ui.NewFrame("Modal Screen")
ready = true
// Reset the modal state (closing all modals).
func Reset() {
supervisor = nil
current = nil
// Handled runs the modal manager's logic. Returns true if a modal
// is presently active, to signal to Doodle not to run game logic.
// This function also returns true if the pkg/modal/loadscreen is
// currently active.
func Handled(ev *event.State) bool {
// The loadscreen counts as a modal for this purpose.
if loadscreen.IsActive() {
return true
// Check if we have a modal currently active.
if !ready || current == nil {
return false
// Enter key submits the default button.
if keybind.Enter(ev) {
return true
// Has the window changed size?
size := render.NewRect(engine.WindowSize())
if size != window {
window = size
return true
// Draw the modal UI to the screen.
func Draw() {
if ready && current != nil {
screen.Present(engine, render.Origin)
// Center the window on screen.
func center(win *ui.Window) {
var modSize = win.Size()
var moveTo = render.Point{
X: (window.W / 2) - (modSize.W / 2),
Y: (window.H / 4) - (modSize.H / 2),
// HACK: ideally the modal should auto-size itself, but currently
// the body of the window juts out the right and bottom side by
// a few pixels. Fix the underlying problem later, for now we
// set the modal size to big enough to hide the problem.
win.Children()[0].Resize(render.NewRect(modSize.W+12, modSize.H+12))
// Modal is an instance of a modal, i.e. Alert or Confirm.
type Modal struct {
title string
message string
window *ui.Window
callback func()
// WithTitle sets the title of the modal.
func (m *Modal) WithTitle(title string) *Modal {
m.title = title
return m
// Then calls a function after the modal is answered.
func (m *Modal) Then(f func()) *Modal {
m.callback = f
return m
// Dismiss the modal and optionally call the callback function.
func (m *Modal) Dismiss(call bool) {
if call && m.callback != nil {