Noah Petherbridge 0c22ecae5e Level Exit Doodad
* Add a Level Exit doodad, which for now is a little blue flag on a pole
  that reads "END"
* JavaScript API: global function EndLevel() will end the level. The
  exit doodad calls this when touched by the player.
* Add a "Level Completed" alert box UI to PlayScene with dynamic button
  * The alert box pops up when a doodad calls EndLevel() and contains
    action buttons what to do next.
  * "Play Again" restarts the current level again.
  * "Edit Level" if you came from the EditorScene; otherwise this button
    is not visible.
  * "Next Level" is a to-be-implemented button to advance in the single
    player story mode. Only shows up when PlayScene.HasNext=true.
  * "Exit to Menu" is always visible and closes out to the MainScene.
2019-07-02 15:24:46 -07:00

102 lines
2.4 KiB

// Package scripting manages the JavaScript VMs for Doodad
// scripts.
package scripting
import (
// Supervisor manages the JavaScript VMs for each doodad by its
// unique ID.
type Supervisor struct {
scripts map[string]*VM
// Global event handlers.
onLevelExit func()
// NewSupervisor creates a new JavaScript Supervior.
func NewSupervisor() *Supervisor {
return &Supervisor{
scripts: map[string]*VM{},
// Loop the supervisor to invoke timer events in any running scripts.
func (s *Supervisor) Loop() error {
now := time.Now()
for _, vm := range s.scripts {
return nil
// InstallScripts loads scripts for all actors in the level.
func (s *Supervisor) InstallScripts(level *level.Level) error {
for _, actor := range level.Actors {
if err := s.AddLevelScript(actor.ID()); err != nil {
return err
// Loop again to bridge channels together for linked VMs.
for _, actor := range level.Actors {
// Add linked actor IDs.
if len(actor.Links) > 0 {
// Bridge the links up.
var thisVM = s.scripts[actor.ID()]
for _, id := range actor.Links {
// Assign this target actor's Inbound channel to the source
// actor's array of Outbound channels.
thisVM.Outbound = append(thisVM.Outbound, s.scripts[id].Inbound)
return nil
// AddLevelScript adds a script to the supervisor with level hooks.
func (s *Supervisor) AddLevelScript(id string) error {
log.Debug("InstallScripts: load script from Actor %s", id)
if _, ok := s.scripts[id]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate actor ID %s in level", id)
s.scripts[id] = NewVM(id)
RegisterEventHooks(s, s.scripts[id])
if err := s.scripts[id].RegisterLevelHooks(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// To returns the VM for a named script.
func (s *Supervisor) To(name string) *VM {
if vm, ok := s.scripts[name]; ok {
return vm
// TODO: put this log back in, but add PLAYER script so it doesn't spam
// the console for missing PLAYER.
// log.Error("scripting.Supervisor.To(%s): no such VM but returning blank VM",
// name,
// )
return NewVM(name)
// GetVM returns a script VM from the supervisor.
func (s *Supervisor) GetVM(name string) (*VM, error) {
if vm, ok := s.scripts[name]; ok {
return vm, nil
return nil, errors.New("not found")