* Update the Makefile to choose MacOS friendly `date` formats. * Build the Windows doodle.exe binary as a GUI application to skip the console window. * Added Mac OS build instructions.
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129 lines
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SHELL := /bin/bash
VERSION=$(shell grep -e 'Version =' pkg/branding/branding.go | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)
BUILD=$(shell git describe --always)
BUILD_DATE=$(shell date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
CURDIR=$(shell curdir)
# Inject the build version (commit hash) into the executable.
LDFLAGS := -ldflags "-X main.Build=$(BUILD) -X main.BuildDate=$(BUILD_DATE)"
LDFLAGS_W := -ldflags "-X main.Build=$(BUILD) -X main.BuildDate=$(BUILD_DATE) -H windowsgui"
# `make setup` to set up a new environment, pull dependencies, etc.
.PHONY: setup
setup: clean
go get -u github.com/go-bindata/go-bindata/...
go get ./...
# `make build` to build the binary.
.PHONY: build
gofmt -w .
go build $(LDFLAGS) -i -o bin/doodle cmd/doodle/main.go
go build $(LDFLAGS) -i -o bin/doodad cmd/doodad/main.go
# `make buildall` to run all build steps including doodads and bindata.
.PHONY: buildall
buildall: doodads bindata build
# `make build-free` to build the binary in free mode.
.PHONY: build-free
gofmt -w .
go build $(LDFLAGS) -tags="shareware" -i -o bin/doodle cmd/doodle/main.go
go build $(LDFLAGS) -tags="shareware" -i -o bin/doodad cmd/doodad/main.go
# `make build-debug` to build the binary in developer mode.
.PHONY: build-debug
gofmt -w .
go build $(LDFLAGS) -tags="developer" -i -o bin/doodle cmd/doodle/main.go
go build $(LDFLAGS) -tags="developer" -i -o bin/doodad cmd/doodad/main.go
# `make bindata` generates the embedded binary assets package.
.PHONY: bindata
go-bindata -pkg bindata -o pkg/bindata/bindata.go assets/...
# `make bindata-dev` generates the debug version of bindata package.
.PHONY: bindata-dev
go-bindata -debug -pkg bindata -o pkg/bindata/bindata.go assets/...
# `make wasm` builds the WebAssembly port.
.PHONY: wasm
cd wasm && make
# `make wasm-serve` builds and launches the WebAssembly server.
.PHONY: wasm-serve
wasm-serve: wasm
sh -c 'sleep 1; xdg-open http://localhost:8080/' &
cd wasm && go run server.go
# `make install` to install the Go binaries to your GOPATH.
.PHONY: install
go install git.kirsle.net/apps/doodle/cmd/...
# `make doodads` to build the doodads from the dev-assets folder.
.PHONY: doodads
cd dev-assets/doodads && ./build.sh
# `make mingw` to cross-compile a Windows binary with mingw.
.PHONY: mingw
mingw: doodads bindata
env CGO_ENABLED="1" CC="/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" \
GOOS="windows" CGO_LDFLAGS="-lmingw32 -lSDL2" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_REENTRANT" \
go build $(LDFLAGS_W) -i -o bin/doodle.exe cmd/doodle/main.go
env CGO_ENABLED="1" CC="/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" \
GOOS="windows" CGO_LDFLAGS="-lmingw32 -lSDL2" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_REENTRANT" \
go build $(LDFLAGS) -i -o bin/doodad.exe cmd/doodad/main.go
# `make run` to run it in debug mode.
.PHONY: run
go run cmd/doodle/main.go -debug
# `make guitest` to run it in guitest mode.
.PHONY: guitest
go run cmd/doodle/main.go -debug -guitest
# `make test` to run unit tests.
.PHONY: test
go test ./...
# `make dist` builds and tars up a release.
.PHONY: dist
dist: doodads bindata build
mkdir -p dist/doodle-$(VERSION)
cp bin/* dist/doodle-$(VERSION)/
cp -r README.md dist/doodle-$(VERSION)/
cd dist && tar -czvf doodle-$(VERSION).tar.gz doodle-$(VERSION)
cd dist && zip -r doodle-$(VERSION).zip doodle-$(VERSION)
# `make docker` to run the Docker builds
.PHONY: docker docker.ubuntu docker.debian docker.fedora __docker.dist
mkdir -p docker/ubuntu
mkdir -p docker/debian
mkdir -p docker/fedora
docker: docker.ubuntu docker.debian docker.fedora
__docker.dist: dist
cp dist/*.tar.gz dist/*.zip /mnt/export/
# `make clean` cleans everything up.
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf bin dist docker/ubuntu docker/debian docker/fedora