* Recent collision update caused a regression where the player would get "stuck" while standing on top of a solid doodad, unable to walk left or right. * When deciding if the actor is on top of a doodad, use the doodad's Hitbox (if available) instead of the bounding box. This fixes the upside-down trapdoor acting solid when landed on from the top, since its Hitbox Y coordinate is not the same as the top of its sprite. * Cheats: when using the noclip cheat in Play Mode, you can hold down the Shift key while moving to only move one pixel at a time.
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62 lines
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// Crumbly Floor.
function main() {
Self.SetHitbox(0, 0, 65, 7);
Self.AddAnimation("shake", 100, ["shake1", "shake2", "floor", "shake1", "shake2", "floor"]);
Self.AddAnimation("fall", 100, ["fall1", "fall2", "fall3", "fall4"]);
// Recover time for the floor to respawn.
var recover = 5000;
// States of the floor.
var stateSolid = 0;
var stateShaking = 1;
var stateFalling = 2;
var stateFallen = 3;
var state = stateSolid;
// Started the animation?
var startedAnimation = false;
Events.OnCollide(function(e) {
// If the floor is falling, the player passes right thru.
if (state === stateFalling || state === stateFallen) {
// Floor is solid until it begins to fall.
if (e.InHitbox && (state === stateSolid || state === stateShaking)) {
// Only activate when touched from the top.
if (e.Overlap.Y > 0) {
return false;
// If movement is not settled, be solid.
if (!e.Settled) {
return false;
// Begin the animation sequence if we're in the solid state.
if (state === stateSolid) {
state = stateShaking;
Self.PlayAnimation("shake", function() {
state = stateFalling;
Self.PlayAnimation("fall", function() {
state = stateFallen;
// Recover after a while.
setTimeout(function() {
state = stateSolid;
}, recover);
return false;