* pkg/plus/dpp is the main plugin bridge, and defines nothing but an interface that defines the Doodle++ surface area (referring to internal game types such as doodad.Doodad or level.Level), but not their implementations. * dpp.Driver (an interface) is the main API that other parts of the game will call, for example "dpp.Driver.IsLevelSigned()" * plus_dpp.go and plus_foss.go provide the dpp.Driver implementation for their build; with plus_dpp.go generally forwarding function calls directly to the proprietary dpp package and plus_foss.go generally returning false/errors. * The bootstrap package simply assigns the above stub function to dpp.Driver * pkg/plus/bootstrap is a package directly imported by main (in the doodle and doodad programs) and it works around circular dependency issues: this package simply assigns dpp.Driver to the DPP or FOSS version. Miscellaneous fixes: * File->Open in the editor and PlayScene will use the new Open Level window instead of loading the legacy GotoLoadMenu scene. * Deprecated legacy scenes: d.GotoLoadMenu() and d.GotoPlayMenu(). * The doodle-admin program depends on the private dpp package, so can not be compiled in FOSS mode.
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977 lines
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package doodle
import (
// PlayScene manages the "Edit Level" game mode.
type PlayScene struct {
// Configuration attributes.
Filename string
Level *level.Level
CanEdit bool // i.e. you came from the Editor Mode
HasNext bool // has a next level to load next
RememberScrollPosition render.Point // for the Editor quality of life
SpawnPoint render.Point // if not zero, overrides Start Flag
// If this level was part of a levelpack. The Play Scene will read it
// from the levelpack ZIP file in priority over any other location.
LevelPack *levelpack.LevelPack
// Private variables.
d *Doodle
drawing *uix.Canvas
scripting *scripting.Supervisor
running bool
deathBarrier int // Y position of death barrier in case of falling OOB.
lastCursor render.Point // position of cursor X,Y last tick
// Score variables.
startTime time.Time // wallclock time when level begins
perfectRun bool // set false on first respawn
cheated bool // user has entered a cheat code while playing
// UI widgets.
Supervisor *ui.Supervisor
screen *ui.Frame // A window sized invisible frame to position UI elements.
menubar *ui.MenuBar
editButton *ui.Button
winLevelPacks *ui.Window
winOpenLevel *ui.Window
// Custom debug labels.
debPosition *string
debViewport *string
debScroll *string
debWorldIndex *string
debLoadUnload *string
// Player character
Player *uix.Actor
playerPhysics *physics.Mover
slipperyPhysics *physics.Mover
lastCheckpoint render.Point
playerLastDirection float64 // player's heading last tick
slippery bool // player is on a slippery surface
antigravity bool // Cheat: disable player gravity
noclip bool // Cheat: disable player clipping
godMode bool // Cheat: player can't die
godModeUntil time.Time // Invulnerability timer at respawn.
playerJumpCounter int // limit jump length
jumpCooldownUntil uint64 // future game tick for jump cooldown (swimming esp.)
mustFollowPlayerUntil uint64 // first frames where anvils don't take focus from player
// Inventory HUD. Impl. in play_inventory.go
invenFrame *ui.Frame
invenItems []string // item list
invenDoodads map[string]*uix.Canvas
// Cheats window
cheatsWindow *ui.Window
// Elapsed Time frame.
timerFrame *ui.Frame
timerPerfectImage *ui.Image
timerImperfectImage *ui.Image
timerLabel *ui.Label
// Touchscreen controls state.
isTouching bool
playerIsIdle bool // LoopTouchable watches for inactivity on input controls.
idleLastStart time.Time
idleHelpAlpha int // fade in UI hints
// Name of the scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Name() string {
return "Play"
// Setup the play scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Setup(d *Doodle) error {
s.d = d
s.scripting = scripting.NewSupervisor()
s.Supervisor = ui.NewSupervisor()
// Show the loading screen.
go func() {
if err := s.setupAsync(d); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.setupAsync: %s", err)
return nil
// setupAsync initializes the play screen in the background, underneath
// a Loading screen.
func (s *PlayScene) setupAsync(d *Doodle) error {
// Create an invisible 'screen' frame for UI elements to use for positioning.
s.screen = ui.NewFrame("Screen")
s.screen.Resize(render.NewRect(d.width, d.height))
// Menu Bar
s.menubar = s.setupMenuBar(d)
s.screen.Pack(s.menubar, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
FillX: true,
// Level Exit handler.
// Initialize debug overlay values.
s.debPosition = new(string)
s.debViewport = new(string)
s.debScroll = new(string)
s.debWorldIndex = new(string)
s.debLoadUnload = new(string)
customDebugLabels = []debugLabel{
{"Pixel:", s.debWorldIndex},
{"Player:", s.debPosition},
{"Viewport:", s.debViewport},
{"Scroll:", s.debScroll},
{"Chunks:", s.debLoadUnload},
// Initialize the "Edit Map" button.
s.editButton = ui.NewButton("Edit", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "Edit (E)",
Font: balance.PlayButtonFont,
s.editButton.Handle(ui.Click, func(ed ui.EventData) error {
return nil
// Set up the inventory HUD.
// Set up the elapsed time frame.
s.timerFrame = ui.NewFrame("Elapsed Timer")
// Set the gold and silver images.
gold, _ := sprites.LoadImage(s.d.Engine, balance.GoldCoin)
silver, _ := sprites.LoadImage(s.d.Engine, balance.SilverCoin)
s.timerPerfectImage = gold
s.timerImperfectImage = silver
s.timerLabel = ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "00:00",
Font: balance.TimerFont,
if s.timerPerfectImage != nil {
s.timerFrame.Pack(s.timerPerfectImage, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 2,
if s.timerImperfectImage != nil {
s.timerFrame.Pack(s.timerImperfectImage, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 2,
s.timerFrame.Pack(s.timerLabel, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 2,
s.screen.Place(s.timerFrame, ui.Place{
Top: 40,
Left: 40,
// Initialize the drawing canvas.
s.drawing = uix.NewCanvas(balance.ChunkSize, false)
s.drawing.Name = "play-canvas"
// Handler when an actor touches water or fire.
s.drawing.OnLevelCollision = func(a *uix.Actor, col *collision.Collide) {
if col.InFire != "" {
a.Canvas.MaskColor = render.Black
if a.ID() == "PLAYER" { // only the player dies in fire.
} else if col.InWater {
a.Canvas.MaskColor = render.DarkBlue
} else {
a.Canvas.MaskColor = render.Invisible
// Slippery floor?
s.slippery = col.IsSlippery
// Handle a doodad changing the player character.
s.drawing.OnSetPlayerCharacter = s.SetPlayerCharacter
s.drawing.OnResetTimer = s.ResetTimer
// If this level game from a signed LevelPack, inform the canvas.
if s.LevelPack != nil && dpp.Driver.IsLevelPackSigned(s.LevelPack) {
s.drawing.IsSignedLevelPack = s.LevelPack
// Given a filename or map data to play?
if s.Level != nil {
log.Debug("PlayScene.Setup: received level from scene caller")
if err := s.installActors(); err != nil {
log.Error("InstallActors: %s", err)
} else if s.Filename != "" {
loadscreen.SetSubtitle("Opening: " + s.Filename)
log.Debug("PlayScene.Setup: loading map from file %s", s.Filename)
// NOTE: s.LoadLevel also calls s.drawing.InstallActors
if s.Level == nil {
log.Debug("PlayScene.Setup: no grid given, initializing empty grid")
s.Level = level.New()
if err := s.installActors(); err != nil {
log.Error("InstallActors: %s", err)
// Choose a death barrier in case the user falls off the map,
// so they don't fall forever.
worldSize := s.Level.Chunker.WorldSize()
s.deathBarrier = worldSize.H + 1000
log.Debug("Death barrier at %d", s.deathBarrier)
// Set the loading screen text with the level metadata.
"by "+s.Level.Author,
// Load all actor scripts.
if err := s.scripting.InstallScripts(s.Level); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: failed to InstallScripts: %s", err)
// Load in the player character.
if s.CanEdit {
d.Flash("Entered Play Mode. Press 'E' to edit this map.")
} else {
d.FlashError("%s", s.Level.Title)
// Pre-cache all bitmap images from the level chunks.
// Note: we are not running on the main thread, so SDL2 Textures
// don't get created yet, but we do the full work of caching bitmap
// images which later get fed directly into SDL2 saving speed at
// runtime, + the bitmap generation is pretty wicked fast anyway.
// Gamepad: put into GameplayMode.
// Run all the actor scripts' main() functions.
if err := s.drawing.InstallScripts(); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: failed to drawing.InstallScripts: %s", err)
s.startTime = time.Now()
s.perfectRun = true
s.running = true
// // Cap the canvas size in case the user has an ultra HD monitor that's bigger
// // than a bounded level's limits.
// s.screen.Compute(d.Engine)
// s.PlaceResizeCanvas()
return nil
// Common function to install the actors into the level.
// InstallActors may return an error if doodads were not found - because the
// player is on the free version and can't load attached doodads from nonsigned
// files.
func (s *PlayScene) installActors() error {
if err := s.drawing.InstallActors(s.Level.Actors); err != nil {
summary := "This level references some doodads that were not found:"
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), plus.ErrRegisteredFeature.Error()) {
summary = "This level contains embedded doodads, but this is not\n" +
"available in the free version of the game. The following\n" +
"doodads could not be loaded:"
modal.Alert("%s\n\n%s", summary, err).WithTitle("Level Errors")
return fmt.Errorf("EditorScene.LoadLevel: InstallActors: %s", err)
return nil
// PlaceResizeCanvas updates the Canvas size and placement on the screen,
// e.g. if an ultra HD monitor plays a Bounded level where the entirety of a
// level bounds is on-screen, the drawing should be cut there and the
// canvas centered.
func (s *PlayScene) PlaceResizeCanvas() {
var (
width = s.d.width
height = s.d.height
menubar = 0
if s.menubar != nil {
menubar = s.menubar.Size().H
height -= menubar
if s.Level != nil && s.Level.PageType >= level.Bounded {
if s.Level.MaxWidth < int64(width) {
width = int(s.Level.MaxWidth)
if s.Level.MaxHeight < int64(height) {
height = int(s.Level.MaxHeight)
s.drawing.Resize(render.NewRect(width, height))
X: (s.d.width / 2) - (width / 2),
Y: menubar,
// Canvas returns the main level canvas - useful to call from the debug console as `d.Scene.Canvas()`
func (s *PlayScene) Canvas() *uix.Canvas {
return s.drawing
// ScriptSupervisor returns the scripting supervisor for play mode.
func (s *PlayScene) ScriptSupervisor() *scripting.Supervisor {
return s.scripting
// SetPlayerCharacter changes the doodad used for the player, by destroying the
// current player character and making it from scratch.
func (s *PlayScene) SetPlayerCharacter(filename string) {
// Record the player position and size and back up their inventory.
var (
spawn = s.Player.Position()
inventory = s.Player.Inventory()
// TODO: to account for different height players, the position ought to be
// adjusted so the player doesn't clip and fall thru the floor.
spawn.Y -= 20 // work-around
log.Info("SetPlayerCharacter: %s", filename)
s.installPlayerDoodad(filename, spawn, render.Rect{})
if err := s.drawing.InstallScripts(); err != nil {
log.Error("SetPlayerCharacter: InstallScripts: %s", err)
// Restore their inventory.
for item, qty := range inventory {
s.Player.AddItem(item, qty)
// ResetTimer sets the level elapsed timer back to zero.
func (s *PlayScene) ResetTimer() {
s.startTime = time.Now()
// setupPlayer creates and configures the Player Character in the level.
func (s *PlayScene) setupPlayer(playerCharacterFilename string) {
// Find the spawn point of the player. Search the level for the
// "start-flag.doodad"
var (
isStartFlagCharacter bool
spawn render.Point
centerIn render.Rect
flag = &level.Actor{}
flagSize = render.NewRect(86, 86) // TODO: start-flag.doodad is 86x86 px
flagCount int
for actorID, actor := range s.Level.Actors {
if actor.Filename == "start-flag.doodad" {
// Support alternative player characters: if the Start Flag is linked
// to another actor, that actor becomes the player character.
for _, linkID := range actor.Links {
if linkedActor, ok := s.Level.Actors[linkID]; ok {
playerCharacterFilename = linkedActor.Filename
isStartFlagCharacter = true
log.Info("Playing as: %s", playerCharacterFilename)
// TODO: start-flag.doodad is 86x86 pixels but we can't tell that
// from right here.
log.Info("Found start-flag.doodad at %s (ID %s)", actor.Point, actorID)
flag = actor
// If the user is cheating for the player character, mark the
// session cheated already. e.g. "Play as Bird" cheat would let
// them just fly to the goal in levels that don't link their
// Start Flag to a specific character.
if !isStartFlagCharacter && !balance.IsPlayerCharacterDefault() {
log.Warn("Mark session as cheated: the player spawned as %s instead of default", playerCharacterFilename)
// The Start Flag becomes the player's initial checkpoint.
s.lastCheckpoint = flag.Point
if !s.SpawnPoint.IsZero() {
spawn = s.SpawnPoint
} else {
spawn = flag.Point
centerIn = render.Rect{
W: flagSize.W,
H: flagSize.H,
// Surface warnings around the spawn flag.
if flagCount == 0 {
s.d.FlashError("Warning: this level contained no Start Flag.")
} else if flagCount > 1 {
s.d.FlashError("Warning: this level contains multiple Start Flags. Player spawn point is ambiguous.")
s.installPlayerDoodad(playerCharacterFilename, spawn, centerIn)
// Scroll the level canvas to center on the start point.
scroll := render.Point{
X: -(spawn.X - (s.d.width / 2)),
Y: -(spawn.Y - (s.d.height / 2)),
log.Info("Scrolling level viewport to spawn (%s) location: %s", spawn, scroll)
// Load and install the player doodad onto the level.
// Make sure the previous PLAYER was removed.
// If spawn is zero, uses the player's last spawn point.
// centerIn is optional, ignored if zero.
func (s *PlayScene) installPlayerDoodad(filename string, spawn render.Point, centerIn render.Rect) {
// Load in the player character.
player, err := dpp.Driver.LoadFromEmbeddable(filename, s.Level, false)
if err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: failed to load player doodad: %s", err)
player = doodads.NewDummy(32)
// Center the player within the box of the doodad, for the Start Flag especially.
if !centerIn.IsZero() {
spawn = render.NewPoint(
// Y: the bottom of the flag, 4 pixels from the floor.
} else if spawn.IsZero() && !s.SpawnPoint.IsZero() {
spawn = s.SpawnPoint
s.Player = uix.NewActor("PLAYER", &level.Actor{Filename: filename}, player)
s.Player.SetInventory(true) // player always can pick up items
s.drawing.FollowActor = s.Player.ID()
// Set up the movement physics for the player.
s.playerPhysics = &physics.Mover{
MaxSpeed: physics.NewVector(balance.PlayerMaxVelocity, balance.PlayerMaxVelocity),
Acceleration: balance.PlayerAcceleration,
Friction: balance.PlayerFriction,
s.slipperyPhysics = &physics.Mover{
MaxSpeed: s.playerPhysics.MaxSpeed,
Acceleration: balance.SlipperyAcceleration,
Friction: balance.SlipperyFriction,
// Set up the player character's script in the VM.
if err := s.scripting.AddLevelScript(s.Player.ID(), s.Player.Actor.Filename); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Setup: scripting.InstallActor(player) failed: %s", err)
// EditLevel toggles out of Play Mode to edit the level.
func (s *PlayScene) EditLevel() {
log.Info("Edit Mode, Go!")
// If they didn't come from the Level Editor originally, e.g. they are in Story Mode,
// confirm they want the editor in case they accidentally hit the "E" key due to
// its proximity to the WASD keys.
if !s.CanEdit {
modal.Confirm("Open this level in the editor?").Then(s.doEditLevel)
} else {
// Common logic to transition into the Editor.
func (s *PlayScene) doEditLevel() {
Filename: s.Filename,
Level: s.Level,
RememberScrollPosition: s.RememberScrollPosition,
// RestartLevel starts the level over again.
func (s *PlayScene) RestartLevel() {
log.Info("Restart Level")
LevelPack: s.LevelPack,
Filename: s.Filename,
Level: s.Level,
CanEdit: s.CanEdit,
// SetCheckpoint sets the player's checkpoint.
func (s *PlayScene) SetCheckpoint(where render.Point) {
s.lastCheckpoint = where
// RetryCheckpoint moves the player back to their last checkpoint.
func (s *PlayScene) RetryCheckpoint() {
// Grant the player invulnerability for 5 seconds
s.godModeUntil = time.Now().Add(balance.RespawnGodModeTimer)
log.Info("Move player back to last checkpoint")
s.running = true
// BeatLevel handles the level success condition.
func (s *PlayScene) BeatLevel() {
"Level Completed",
"Congratulations on clearing the level!",
FailLevel handles a level failure triggered by a doodad or fire pixel.
If the Survival GameRule is set, this ends the level with a note on how long the
player had survived for and they get a silver rating.
func (s *PlayScene) FailLevel(message string) {
if s.Player.Invulnerable() || s.godMode || s.godModeUntil.After(time.Now()) {
if s.Level.GameRule.Survival {
"You've died!",
"%s\nCongrats on surviving for %s!",
"You've died!",
// DieByFire ends the level by "fire", or w/e the swatch is named.
func (s *PlayScene) DieByFire(name string) {
s.FailLevel(fmt.Sprintf("Watch out for %s!", name))
// SetImperfect sets the perfectRun flag to false and changes the icon for the timer.
func (s *PlayScene) SetImperfect() {
if s.cheated {
s.perfectRun = false
if s.timerPerfectImage != nil {
if s.timerImperfectImage != nil {
// SetCheated marks the level as having been cheated. The developer shell will call
// this if the user enters a cheat code during gameplay.
func (s *PlayScene) SetCheated() {
s.cheated = true
s.perfectRun = false
// Hide both timer icons.
if s.timerPerfectImage != nil {
if s.timerImperfectImage != nil {
// GetCheated gives read-only access to tell if you have been cheating. However, by
// querying this in the dev console during gameplay, you would be marked as cheating. ;)
func (s *PlayScene) GetCheated() bool {
return s.cheated
// GetPerfect gives read-only access to the perfectRun flag.
func (s *PlayScene) GetPerfect() bool {
return s.perfectRun
// ShowEndLevelModal centralizes the EndLevel modal config.
// This is the common handler function between easy methods such as
// BeatLevel, FailLevel, and DieByFire.
func (s *PlayScene) ShowEndLevelModal(success bool, title, message string) {
// Always restore the cursor.
cursor.Current = cursor.NewPointer(s.d.Engine)
config := modal.ConfigEndLevel{
Engine: s.d.Engine,
Success: success,
OnRestartLevel: s.RestartLevel,
OnRetryCheckpoint: s.RetryCheckpoint,
OnExitToMenu: func() {
if s.CanEdit {
config.OnEditLevel = s.EditLevel
// Survival Mode failure? The level is considered completed even if you
// die (silver high score) but the default button should be Retry rather
// than Next Level.
var survivalFailure bool
if !success && s.Level.GameRule.Survival {
survivalFailure = true
success = true // level is completed
// Beaten the level?
if success {
config.OnRetryCheckpoint = nil
// Are we in a levelpack?
if s.LevelPack != nil {
// Update the savegame to mark the level completed.
save, err := savegame.GetOrCreate()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Load savegame file: %s", err)
log.Info("Mark level '%s' from pack '%s' as completed", s.Filename, s.LevelPack.Filename)
if !s.cheated {
elapsed := time.Since(s.startTime)
highscore := save.NewHighScore(s.LevelPack.Filename, s.Filename, s.Level.UUID, s.perfectRun, elapsed, s.Level.GameRule)
if highscore {
s.d.Flash("New record!")
config.NewRecord = true
config.IsPerfect = s.perfectRun
config.TimeElapsed = elapsed
} else {
// Player has cheated! Mark the level completed but grant no high score.
save.MarkCompleted(s.LevelPack.Filename, s.Filename, s.Level.UUID)
// Save the player's scores file.
if err = save.Save(); err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't save game: %s", err)
// Show the "Next Level" button if there is a sequel to this level.
for i, level := range s.LevelPack.Levels {
i := i
level := level
if level.Filename == s.Filename && i < len(s.LevelPack.Levels)-1 {
// Show "Next" button!
config.OnNextLevel = func() {
nextLevel := s.LevelPack.Levels[i+1]
log.Info("Advance to next level: %s", nextLevel.Filename)
s.d.PlayFromLevelpack(s.LevelPack, nextLevel)
// Survival Mode failures: the Retry buttons should be higher
// priority than Next Level but they still get the (pity)
// Next Level button.
if survivalFailure {
config.OnPityNextLevel = config.OnNextLevel
config.OnNextLevel = nil
// Show the modal.
modal.EndLevel(config, title, message)
// Stop the simulation.
s.running = false
// Loop the editor scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Loop(d *Doodle, ev *event.State) error {
// Skip if still loading.
if loadscreen.IsActive() {
return nil
// Inform the gamepad controller whether we have antigravity controls.
gamepad.PlayModeAntigravity = s.antigravity || !s.Player.HasGravity()
// Update debug overlay values.
*s.debWorldIndex = s.drawing.WorldIndexAt(render.NewPoint(ev.CursorX, ev.CursorY)).String()
*s.debPosition = s.Player.Position().String() + " vel " + s.Player.Velocity().String()
*s.debViewport = s.drawing.Viewport().String()
*s.debScroll = s.drawing.Scroll.String()
inside, outside := s.drawing.LoadUnloadMetrics()
*s.debLoadUnload = fmt.Sprintf("%d in %d out %d cached %d gc", inside, outside, s.drawing.Chunker().CacheSize(), s.drawing.Chunker().GCSize())
// Update the timer.
s.timerLabel.Text = savegame.FormatDuration(time.Since(s.startTime))
// Has the window been resized?
if ev.WindowResized || s.drawing.Point().IsZero() {
s.screen.Resize(render.NewRect(d.width, d.height))
return nil
// Switching to Edit Mode?
if keybind.GotoEdit(ev) {
return nil
// Is the simulation still running?
if s.running {
// Loop the script supervisor so timeouts/intervals can fire in scripts.
if err := s.scripting.Loop(); err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.Loop: scripting.Loop: %s", err)
// Touch regions.
// Hide the mouse cursor if a gameplay input was received.
if keybind.Right(ev) || keybind.Left(ev) || keybind.Up(ev) || keybind.Down(ev) ||
keybind.Use(ev) {
cursor.Current = cursor.NoCursor
} else if s.lastCursor != shmem.Cursor {
cursor.Current = cursor.NewPointer(s.d.Engine)
s.lastCursor = shmem.Cursor
if err := s.drawing.Loop(ev); err != nil {
log.Error("Drawing loop error: %s", err.Error())
// Check if the player hit the death barrier.
if s.Player.Position().Y > s.deathBarrier {
// The player must die to avoid the softlock of falling forever.
s.godMode = false
s.DieByFire("falling off the map")
// Update the inventory HUD.
return nil
// Draw the pixels on this frame.
func (s *PlayScene) Draw(d *Doodle) error {
// Skip if still loading.
if loadscreen.IsActive() {
return nil
// Clear the canvas and fill it with white.
// Draw the canvas widget.
s.drawing.Present(d.Engine, s.drawing.Point())
// Draw out bounding boxes.
if DebugCollision {
for _, actor := range s.drawing.Actors() {
d.DrawCollisionBox(s.drawing, actor)
// Bug: sometimes (especially after cheating) if you restart a level
// properly, cheated=false perfectRun=true but the perfectRunIcon
// would not be showing.
if !s.cheated && s.perfectRun && s.timerPerfectImage.Hidden() {
// Draw the UI screen and any widgets that attached to it.
s.screen.Present(d.Engine, render.Origin)
// Draw the Edit button.
var (
canSize = s.drawing.Size()
size = s.editButton.Size()
padding = 8
X: canSize.W - size.W - padding,
Y: canSize.H - size.H - padding,
s.editButton.Present(d.Engine, s.editButton.Point())
// Visualize the touch regions?
// Let Supervisor draw menus
return nil
// Drawing returns the private world drawing, for debugging with the console.
func (s *PlayScene) Drawing() *uix.Canvas {
return s.drawing
// LoadLevel loads a level from disk.
// If the PlayScene was called with a LevelPack, it will check there
// first before the usual locations.
// The usual locations are: embedded bindata, ./assets folder on disk,
// and user content finally.
func (s *PlayScene) LoadLevel(filename string) error {
s.Filename = filename
var (
lvl *level.Level
err error
// Are we playing out of a levelpack?
if s.LevelPack != nil {
levelbin, err := s.LevelPack.GetFile("levels/" + filename)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error reading levels/%s from zip: %s", filename, err)
lvl, err = level.FromJSON(filename, levelbin)
if err != nil {
log.Error("PlayScene.LoadLevel(%s) from zipfile: %s", filename, err)
log.Info("PlayScene.LoadLevel: found %s in LevelPack zip data", filename)
// Try the usual suspects.
if lvl == nil {
log.Info("PlayScene.LoadLevel: trying the usual places")
lvl, err = level.LoadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("PlayScene.LoadLevel(%s): %s", filename, err)
s.Level = lvl
if err := s.installActors(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Destroy the scene.
func (s *PlayScene) Destroy() error {
// Free SDL2 textures. Note: if they are switching to the Editor, the chunks still have
// their bitmaps cached and will regen the textures as needed.
// Free inventory doodad textures.
for _, can := range s.invenDoodads {
log.Info("Destroy inventory doodad: %s", can)
return nil