v0.14.0 blockers #94

opened 2024-05-05 02:50:51 +00:00 by kirsle · 0 comments

On macOS:

  • rtp assets like sound effects aren't found, check the working directory (they're in the .app bundle)
  • the .dmg disk image contains redundant copies of the rtp/ folder


  • The settings system needs to be fixed.
    • If no settings.json exists, the DefaultConfig is just returned and no settings.json file is initialized
    • the DefaultConfig has zero values for all settings - may be root cause to why the crosshair color defaults to black
    • The Entropy field of the settings is never written to disk until the settings themselves had a reason to update and write to disk - so high score data won't validate if the user didn't change settings
    • Fixes needed:
      • initialize settings.json when it didn't exist, with entropy
      • test defaults re: crosshair color
      • migrate the configdir name from "doodle" to "SketchyMaze"
On macOS: * rtp assets like sound effects aren't found, check the working directory (they're in the .app bundle) * the .dmg disk image contains redundant copies of the rtp/ folder General: * The settings system needs to be fixed. * If no settings.json exists, the DefaultConfig is just returned and no settings.json file is initialized * the DefaultConfig has zero values for all settings - may be root cause to why the crosshair color defaults to black * The Entropy field of the settings is never written to disk until the settings themselves had a reason to update and write to disk - so high score data won't validate if the user didn't change settings * Fixes needed: * initialize settings.json when it didn't exist, with entropy * test defaults re: crosshair color * migrate the configdir name from "doodle" to "SketchyMaze"
kirsle added the
label 2024-05-05 02:50:51 +00:00
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Reference: SketchyMaze/doodle#94
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