Doodad property for creatures: "No AI" #91

opened 2023-05-20 03:28:32 +00:00 by kirsle · 0 comments

The game's built-in creature doodads could have a "No AI" property added.

When placed in a level, the creator can toggle the "No AI" property and the doodad will disable its AI during gameplay.

e.g., gravity and mobile-ness may still apply but they don't run any actions to move or interact with the world at all (early return from function main()).

Creatures should include: Azulians, Birds, Thief, Snake, Crusher.

The game's built-in creature doodads could have a "No AI" property added. When placed in a level, the creator can toggle the "No AI" property and the doodad will disable its AI during gameplay. e.g., gravity and mobile-ness may still apply but they don't run any actions to move or interact with the world at all (early return from `function main()`). Creatures should include: Azulians, Birds, Thief, Snake, Crusher.
kirsle added the
label 2023-05-20 03:28:32 +00:00
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Reference: SketchyMaze/doodle#91
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