Editor Mode Window Ideas #25

opened 2020-04-19 21:37:03 +00:00 by kirsle · 0 comments

With the window manager feature of the UI toolkit, some ideas for pop-up windows to add to Doodle.

Doodad Palette

The doodad palette should be a pop-up window instead of its current position as the right-side panel. Clicking the Actor Tool would open the window and you'd drag/drop doodads from it into your level.


Color Swatch Editor

Make the color palette editable by having a button that opens a palette config window. Have buttons to add/remove, rename, and reset the colors for the palette. (Can use the command shell to prompt for name and color values).


Debug Options Window

Would have checkboxes to toggle the various debugging feature: the F3 debug text overlay, canvas chunk cache overlays, etc.

Doodad Editor

When editing a doodad's sprites in-game:

Frame Picker

Add a pop-up window to swap between frames of the doodad, and add or remove frames.


With the window manager feature of the UI toolkit, some ideas for pop-up windows to add to Doodle. ### ~~Doodad Palette~~ The doodad palette should be a pop-up window instead of its current position as the right-side panel. Clicking the Actor Tool would open the window and you'd drag/drop doodads from it into your level. **Done.** ### ~~Color Swatch Editor~~ Make the color palette editable by having a button that opens a palette config window. Have buttons to add/remove, rename, and reset the colors for the palette. (Can use the command shell to prompt for name and color values). **Done.** ### Debug Options Window Would have checkboxes to toggle the various debugging feature: the F3 debug text overlay, canvas chunk cache overlays, etc. # Doodad Editor When editing a doodad's sprites in-game: ### ~~Frame Picker~~ Add a pop-up window to swap between frames of the doodad, and add or remove frames. **Done.**
kirsle added the
label 2020-04-19 21:37:03 +00:00
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Reference: SketchyMaze/doodle#25
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