Commit Graph

8 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
20771fbe13 Draw Actors Embedded in Levels in Edit Mode
Add the JSON format for embedding Actors (Doodad instances) inside of a
Level. I made a test map that manually inserted a couple of actors.

Actors are given to the Canvas responsible for the Level via the
function `InstallActors()`. So it means you'll call LoadLevel and then
InstallActors to hook everything up.

The Canvas creates sub-Canvas widgets from each Actor.

After drawing the main level geometry from the Canvas.Chunker, it calls
the drawActors() function which does the same but for Actors.

Levels keep a global map of all Actors that exist. For any Actors that
are visible within the Viewport, their sub-Canvas widgets are presented
appropriately on top of the parent Canvas. In case their sub-Canvas
overlaps the parent's boundaries, their sub-Canvas is resized and moved

- Allow the MainWindow to be resized at run time, and the UI
  recalculates its sizing and position.
- Made the in-game Shell properties editable via environment variables.
  The kirsle.env file sets a blue and pink color scheme.
- Begin the ground work for Levels and Doodads to embed files inside
  their data via the level.FileSystem type.
- UI: Labels can now contain line break characters. It will
  appropriately render multiple lines of render.Text and take into
  account the proper BoxSize to contain them all.
- Add environment variable DOODLE_DEBUG_ALL=true that will turn on ALL
  debug overlay and visualization options.
- Add debug overlay to "tag" each Canvas widget with some of its
  details, like its Name and World Position. Can be enabled with the
  environment variable DEBUG_CANVAS_LABEL=true
- Improved the FPS debug overlay to show in labeled columns and multiple
  colors, with easy ability to add new data points to it.
2018-10-19 13:32:25 -07:00
b67c4b67b2 Add Initial "Doodad Palette" UX
* Add a tab bar to the top of the Palette window that has two
  radiobuttons for "Palette" and "Doodads"
* UI: add the concept of a Hidden() widget and the corresponding Hide()
  and Show() methods. Hidden widgets are skipped over when evaluating
  Frame packing, rendering, and event supervision.
* The Palette Window in editor mode now displays one of two tabs:
  * Palette: the old color swatch palette now lives here.
  * Doodads: the new Doodad palette.
* The Doodad Palette shows a grid of buttons (2 per row) showing the
  available Doodad drawings in the user's config folder.
* The Doodad buttons act as radiobuttons for now and have no other
  effect. TODO will be making them react to drag-drop events.
* UI: added a `Children()` method as the inverse of `Parent()` for
  container widgets (like Frame, Window and Button) to expose their
  children. The BaseWidget just returns an empty []Widget.
* Console: added a `repl` command that keeps the dev console open and
  prefixes every command with `$` filled out -- for rapid JavaScript
  console evaluation.
2018-10-08 13:06:42 -07:00
5956863996 Menu Toolbar for Editor + Shell Prompts + Theme
* Added a "menu toolbar" to the top of the Edit Mode with useful buttons
  that work: New Level, New Doodad (same thing), Save, Save as, Open.
* Added ability for the dev console to prompt the user for a question,
  which opens the console automatically. "Save", "Save as" and "Load"
  ask for their filenames this way.
* Started groundwork for theming the app. The palette window is a light
  brown with an orange title bar, the Menu Toolbar has a black
  background, etc.
* Added support for multiple fonts instead of just monospace. DejaVu
  Sans (normal and bold) are used now for most labels and window titles,
  respectively. The dev console uses DejaVu Sans Mono as before.
* Update ui.Label to accept PadX and PadY separately instead of only
  having the Padding option which did both.
* Improvements to Frame packing algorithm.
* Set the SDL draw mode to BLEND so we can use alpha colors properly,
  so now the dev console is semi-translucent.
2018-08-11 17:30:00 -07:00
e1cbff8c3f Add Palette Window and Palette Support to Edit Mode
* Add ui.Window to easily create reusable windows with titles.
* Add a palette window (panel) to the right edge of the Edit Mode.
  * Has Radio Buttons listing the colors available in the palette.
* Add palette support to Edit Mode so when you draw pixels, they take
  on the color and attributes of the currently selected Swatch in your
* Revise the on-disk format to better serialize the Palette object to
* Break Play Mode: collision detection fails because the Grid key
  elements are now full Pixel objects (which retain their Palette and
  Swatch properties).
  * The Grid will need to be re-worked to separate X,Y coordinates from
    the Pixel metadata to just test "is something there, and what is
2018-08-10 17:19:47 -07:00
8624a28ea9 Add StatusBar to Editor Mode, Iterate on UI Toolkit
* Added `BoxSize()` to Widget that reports the full box size including
  borders and margin.
* The Frame uses the `BoxSize()` of widgets to position them.
  Reintroduces some padding issues (boxes on the GUI Test stick out of
  bounds a bit) but is on the right track.
* Renamed `Padding` to `Margin` on the Widget object, since the Margin
  is taken into consideration along with Outline and Border in computing
  the widget's BoxSize.
* Restructured the Label widget to take a Text or TextVariable property
  and the font settings (render.Text) are in a new `Font` property.
2018-08-05 12:54:57 -07:00
cbef5a46cb UI: Finish Frame Packing
* Frame.Pack() now supports Fill and Expand and works like Tk.
* The GUITest Scene now draws a large window with two fixed side panels,
  an expanding body panel, and a fixed footer with buttons. The panels
  are filled with other buttons and widgets showing off the Frame
2018-08-01 18:52:52 -07:00
2e36d9ca85 WIP Labels 2018-07-31 17:18:13 -07:00
94c1df050b Add initial User Interface Toolkit
With Labels and Buttons so far.

* Labels are pretty much complete, they wrap a render.Text and have a
  Compute() method that returns their Width and Height when rendered
  onto an SDL Surface.
* Buttons wrap a Label widget and Compute() its size and takes that into
  consideration when rendering itself. Buttons render themselves from
  scratch in a "Windows 95" themed way, with configurable colors, border
  widths and outline.
2018-07-25 09:03:49 -07:00