* Refactor texture caching in render.Engine:
* New interface method: NewTexture(filename string, image.Image)
* WASM immediately encodes the image to PNG and generates a JavaScript
`Image()` object to load it with a data URI and keep it in memory.
* SDL2 saves the bitmap to disk as it did before.
* WASM: deprecate the sessionStorage for holding image data. Session
storage methods panic if called. The image data is directly kept in
Go memory as a js.Value holding an Image().
* Shared Memory workaround: the level.Chunk.ToBitmap() function is where
chunk textures get cached, but it had no access to the render.Engine
used in the game. The `pkg/shmem` package holds global pointers to
common structures like the CurrentRenderEngine as a work-around.
* Also shmem.Flash() so Doodle can make its d.Flash() function
globally available, any sub-package can now flash text to the screen
regardless of source code location.
* JavaScript API for Doodads now has a global Flash() function
* WASM: Handle window resize so Doodle can recompute its dimensions
instead of scaling/shrinking the view.
* Initial WebAssembly build target for Doodle in the wasm/ folder.
* Add a new render.Engine implementation, lib/render/canvas that uses
the HTML 5 Canvas API instead of SDL2 for the WebAssembly target.
* Ported the basic DrawLine(), DrawBox() etc. functions from SDL2 to
Canvas context2d API.
* Fonts are handled with CSS embedded fonts named after the font
filename and defined in wasm/index.html
* `make wasm` builds the WASM program, and `make wasm-serve` runs a dev
Go server that hosts the WASM file for development. The server also
watches the dev tree for *.go files and rebuilds the WASM binary
automatically on change.
* This build "basically" runs the game. UI and fonts all work and mouse
movements and clicks are detected. No wallpaper support yet or texture
caching (which will crash the game as soon as you click and draw a
pixel in your map!)