* pkg/plus/dpp is the main plugin bridge, and defines nothing but an interface
that defines the Doodle++ surface area (referring to internal game types such
as doodad.Doodad or level.Level), but not their implementations.
* dpp.Driver (an interface) is the main API that other parts of the game will
call, for example "dpp.Driver.IsLevelSigned()"
* plus_dpp.go and plus_foss.go provide the dpp.Driver implementation for their
build; with plus_dpp.go generally forwarding function calls directly to the
proprietary dpp package and plus_foss.go generally returning false/errors.
* The bootstrap package simply assigns the above stub function to dpp.Driver
* pkg/plus/bootstrap is a package directly imported by main (in the doodle and
doodad programs) and it works around circular dependency issues: this package
simply assigns dpp.Driver to the DPP or FOSS version.
Miscellaneous fixes:
* File->Open in the editor and PlayScene will use the new Open Level window
instead of loading the legacy GotoLoadMenu scene.
* Deprecated legacy scenes: d.GotoLoadMenu() and d.GotoPlayMenu().
* The doodle-admin program depends on the private dpp package, so can not be
compiled in FOSS mode.
* Rework the Story Mode UI to display level thumbnails.
* Responsive UI: defaults to wide screen mode and shows 3 levels horizontally
but on narrow/mobile display, shows 2 levels per page in portrait.
* Add "Tiny" screenshot size (224x126) to fit the Story Mode UI.
* Make the pager buttons bigger and more touchable.
* Maximize the game window on startup unless the -w option with a specific
window resolution is provided.
Adds some support for "less giant" level screenshots.
* In the Editor, the Level->Take Screenshot menu will render a cropped screen
shot of just the level viewport on screen. Note: it is not an SDL2 screen
copy but generated from scratch from the level data.
* In levels themselves, screenshots can be stored inside the level data in
three different sizes: large (1280x720), medium and small (each a halved
size of the previous).
* The first screenshot is created when the level is saved, starting from
wherever the scroll position in the editor is at, and recording the 720p
view of the level from there.
* The level screenshot can be previewed and updated in the Level Properties
window of the editor: so you can scroll the editor to just the right position
and take a good screenshot to represent your level.
* In the future: these embedded level screenshots will be displayed on the
Story Mode and other screens to see a preview of each level.
Other tweaks:
* When taking a Giant Screenshot: a confirm modal will warn the player that
it may take a while. And during the screenshot, show the new Wait Modal to
block player interaction until the screenshot has finished.