Load Balance Collision and Actor Loop Across CPU Cores

* Add sync.WaitGroup to some parts of the level collision detection
  function and Canvas.Loop() to speed up the frame rate by load
  balancing some work in parallel across multiple cores.
* Improves FPS from 30 to 55+ even for busy scenes with lots of mobile
  enemies walking around.
* Before the level collision optimization, framerate would sometimes dip
  to 30 FPS simply to move the player character on a completely blank
Noah 2019-05-06 17:06:40 -07:00
parent d28745f89e
commit 61af068b80
3 changed files with 82 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ func init() {
if BuildDate == "" {
BuildDate = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)
// Use all the CPU cores for collision detection and other load balanced
// goroutine work in the app.
func main() {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package collision
import (
@ -202,10 +204,34 @@ func (c *Collide) IsColliding() bool {
func (c *Collide) ScanBoundingBox(box render.Rect, grid *level.Chunker) bool {
col := GetCollisionBox(box)
c.ScanGridLine(col.Top[0], col.Top[1], grid, Top)
c.ScanGridLine(col.Bottom[0], col.Bottom[1], grid, Bottom)
c.ScanGridLine(col.Left[0], col.Left[1], grid, Left)
c.ScanGridLine(col.Right[0], col.Right[1], grid, Right)
// Check all four edges of the box in parallel on different CPU cores.
type jobSide struct {
p1 render.Point
p2 render.Point
side Side
jobs := []jobSide{
jobSide{col.Top[0], col.Top[1], Top},
jobSide{col.Bottom[0], col.Bottom[1], Bottom},
jobSide{col.Left[0], col.Left[1], Left},
jobSide{col.Right[0], col.Right[1], Right},
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, job := range jobs {
go func(job jobSide) {
defer wg.Done()
c.ScanGridLine(job.p1, job.p2, grid, job.side)
// TODO: the old synchronous version of the above.
// c.ScanGridLine(col.Top[0], col.Top[1], grid, Top)
// c.ScanGridLine(col.Bottom[0], col.Bottom[1], grid, Bottom)
// c.ScanGridLine(col.Left[0], col.Left[1], grid, Left)
// c.ScanGridLine(col.Right[0], col.Right[1], grid, Right)
return c.IsColliding()

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -191,52 +192,59 @@ func (w *Canvas) Loop(ev *events.State) error {
// Move any actors. As we iterate over all actors, track their bounding
// rectangles so we can later see if any pair of actors intersect each other.
boxes := make([]render.Rect, len(w.actors))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i, a := range w.actors {
// Advance any animations for this actor.
if a.activeAnimation != nil && a.activeAnimation.nextFrameAt.Before(now) {
if done := a.TickAnimation(a.activeAnimation); done {
// Animation has finished, run the callback script.
if a.animationCallback.IsFunction() {
go func(i int, a *Actor) {
defer wg.Done()
// Advance any animations for this actor.
if a.activeAnimation != nil && a.activeAnimation.nextFrameAt.Before(now) {
if done := a.TickAnimation(a.activeAnimation); done {
// Animation has finished, run the callback script.
if a.animationCallback.IsFunction() {
// Clean up the animation state.
// Clean up the animation state.
// Get the actor's velocity to see if it's moving this tick.
v := a.Velocity()
if a.hasGravity {
v.Y += int32(balance.Gravity)
// Get the actor's velocity to see if it's moving this tick.
v := a.Velocity()
if a.hasGravity {
v.Y += int32(balance.Gravity)
// If not moving, grab the bounding box right now.
if v == render.Origin {
// If not moving, grab the bounding box right now.
if v == render.Origin {
boxes[i] = doodads.GetBoundingRect(a)
// Create a delta point from their current location to where they
// want to move to this tick.
delta := a.Position()
// Check collision with level geometry.
info, ok := collision.CollidesWithGrid(a, w.chunks, delta)
if ok {
// Collision happened with world.
delta = info.MoveTo // Move us back where the collision check put us
// Move the actor's World Position to the new location.
// Keep the actor from leaving the world borders of bounded maps.
// Store this actor's bounding box after they've moved.
boxes[i] = doodads.GetBoundingRect(a)
// Create a delta point from their current location to where they
// want to move to this tick.
delta := a.Position()
// Check collision with level geometry.
info, ok := collision.CollidesWithGrid(a, w.chunks, delta)
if ok {
// Collision happened with world.
delta = info.MoveTo // Move us back where the collision check put us
// Move the actor's World Position to the new location.
// Keep the actor from leaving the world borders of bounded maps.
// Store this actor's bounding box after they've moved.
boxes[i] = doodads.GetBoundingRect(a)
}(i, a)
// Check collisions between actors.