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Raw Normal View History

package doodads
import (
// Doodad is a reusable drawing component used in Doodle. Doodads are buttons,
// doors, switches, the player characters themselves, anything that isn't a part
// of the level geometry.
type Doodad interface {
ID() string
// Position and velocity, not saved to disk.
Position() render.Point
Velocity() render.Point
Size() render.Rect
Grounded() bool
// Movement commands.
MoveBy(render.Point) // Add {X,Y} to current Position.
MoveTo(render.Point) // Set current Position to {X,Y}.
// Implement the Draw function.
// Collide describes how a collision occurred.
type Collide struct {
Top bool
TopPoint render.Point
Left bool
LeftPoint render.Point
Right bool
RightPoint render.Point
Bottom bool
BottomPoint render.Point
MoveTo render.Point
// CollisionBox holds all of the coordinate pairs to draw the collision box
// around a doodad.
type CollisionBox struct {
Top []render.Point
Bottom []render.Point
Left []render.Point
Right []render.Point
// Side of the collision box (top, bottom, left, right)
type Side uint8
// Options for the Side type.
const (
Top Side = iota
// CollidesWithGrid checks if a Doodad collides with level geometry.
func CollidesWithGrid(d Doodad, grid *render.Grid, target render.Point) (*Collide, bool) {
var (
P = d.Position()
S = d.Size()
result = &Collide{
MoveTo: P,
// Test all of the bounding boxes for a collision with level geometry.
if ok := result.ScanBoundingBox(GetBoundingRect(d), grid); ok {
// We've already collided! Try to wiggle free.
if result.Bottom {
if !d.Grounded() {
} else {
// result.Bottom = false
} else {
if result.Top {
if result.Left {
if result.Right {
// If grounded, cap our Y position.
if d.Grounded() {
if !result.Bottom {
// We've fallen off a ledge.
} else if target.Y < P.Y {
// We're moving upward.
} else {
// Cap our downward motion to our current position.
target.Y = P.Y
// Cap our horizontal movement if we're touching walls.
if (result.Left && target.X < P.X) || (result.Right && target.X > P.X) {
// If the step is short enough, try and jump up.
relPoint := P.Y + S.H
if result.Left && target.X < P.X {
relPoint -= result.LeftPoint.Y
} else {
relPoint -= result.RightPoint.Y
fmt.Printf("Touched a wall at %d pixels height (P=%s)\n", relPoint, P)
if S.H-relPoint > S.H-8 {
target.Y -= 12
if target.X < P.X {
target.X-- // push along to the left
} else if target.X > P.X {
target.X++ // push along to the right
} else {
target.X = P.X
// Trace a line from where we are to where we wanna go.
result.MoveTo = P
for point := range render.IterLine2(P, target) {
if ok := result.ScanBoundingBox(render.Rect{
X: point.X,
Y: point.Y,
W: S.W,
H: S.H,
}, grid); ok {
if d.Grounded() {
if !result.Bottom {
} else if result.Bottom {
result.MoveTo = point
return result, result.IsColliding()
// IsColliding returns whether any sort of collision has occurred.
func (c *Collide) IsColliding() bool {
return c.Top || c.Bottom || c.Left || c.Right
// GetCollisionBox computes the full pairs of points for the collision box
// around a doodad.
func GetBoundingRect(d Doodad) render.Rect {
var (
P = d.Position()
S = d.Size()
return render.Rect{
X: P.X,
Y: P.Y,
W: S.W,
H: S.H,
func GetCollisionBox(box render.Rect) CollisionBox {
return CollisionBox{
Top: []render.Point{
X: box.X,
Y: box.Y,
X: box.X + box.W,
Y: box.Y,
Bottom: []render.Point{
X: box.X,
Y: box.Y + box.H,
X: box.X + box.W,
Y: box.Y + box.H,
Left: []render.Point{
X: box.X,
Y: box.Y + 1,
X: box.X,
Y: box.Y + box.H - 1,
Right: []render.Point{
X: box.X + box.W,
Y: box.Y + 1,
X: box.X + box.W,
Y: box.Y + box.H - 1,
// ScanBoundingBox scans all of the pixels in a bounding box on the grid and
// returns if any of them intersect with level geometry.
func (c *Collide) ScanBoundingBox(box render.Rect, grid *render.Grid) bool {
col := GetCollisionBox(box)
c.ScanGridLine(col.Top[0], col.Top[1], grid, Top)
c.ScanGridLine(col.Bottom[0], col.Bottom[1], grid, Bottom)
c.ScanGridLine(col.Left[0], col.Left[1], grid, Left)
c.ScanGridLine(col.Right[0], col.Right[1], grid, Right)
return c.IsColliding()
// ScanGridLine scans all of the pixels between p1 and p2 on the grid and tests
// for any pixels to be set, implying a collision between level geometry and the
// bounding boxes of the doodad.
func (c *Collide) ScanGridLine(p1, p2 render.Point, grid *render.Grid, side Side) {
for point := range render.IterLine2(p1, p2) {
if grid.Exists(level.Pixel{
X: point.X,
Y: point.Y,
}) {
// A hit!
switch side {
case Top:
c.Top = true
c.TopPoint = point
case Bottom:
c.Bottom = true
c.BottomPoint = point
case Left:
c.Left = true
c.LeftPoint = point
case Right:
c.Right = true
c.RightPoint = point