
576 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package windows
import (
magicform ""
// AddEditLevel is the "Create New Level & Edit Level Properties" window
type AddEditLevel struct {
Supervisor *ui.Supervisor
Engine render.Engine
// Editing settings for an existing level?
EditLevel *level.Level
// Callback functions.
OnChangePageTypeAndWallpaper func(pageType level.PageType, wallpaper string)
OnCreateNewLevel func(*level.Level)
OnCreateNewDoodad func(size int)
OnReload func()
OnCancel func()
// NewAddEditLevel initializes the window.
func NewAddEditLevel(config AddEditLevel) *ui.Window {
// Default options.
var (
title = "New Drawing"
// Given a level to edit?
if config.EditLevel != nil {
title = "Level Properties"
window := ui.NewWindow(title)
Width: 400,
Height: 290,
Background: render.Grey,
// Tabbed UI for New Level or New Doodad.
tabframe := ui.NewTabFrame("Level Tabs")
window.Pack(tabframe, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
Fill: true,
Expand: true,
// Add the tabs.
config.setupLevelFrame(tabframe) // Level Properties (always)
if config.EditLevel == nil {
// New Doodad properties (New window only)
} else {
// Additional Level tabs (existing level only)
return window
// Creates the Create/Edit Level tab ("index").
func (config AddEditLevel) setupLevelFrame(tf *ui.TabFrame) {
// Default options.
var (
tabLabel = "New Level"
newPageType = level.Bounded.String()
newWallpaper = "notebook.png"
paletteName = level.DefaultPaletteNames[0]
isNewLevel = config.EditLevel == nil
// Default text for the Palette drop-down for already-existing levels.
// (needs --experimental feature flag to enable the UI).
textCurrentPalette = "Keep current palette"
// For NEW levels, if a custom wallpaper is selected from disk, cache
// it in these vars. For pre-existing levels, the wallpaper updates
// immediately in the live config.EditLevel object.
newWallpaperB64 string
// Given a level to edit?
if !isNewLevel {
tabLabel = "Properties"
newPageType = config.EditLevel.PageType.String()
newWallpaper = config.EditLevel.Wallpaper
paletteName = textCurrentPalette
frame := tf.AddTab("index", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: tabLabel,
Font: balance.TabFont,
* Frame for selecting Page Type
// Selected "Page Type" property.
var pageType = level.Bounded
if !isNewLevel {
pageType = config.EditLevel.PageType
form := magicform.Form{
Supervisor: config.Supervisor,
Engine: config.Engine,
Vertical: true,
LabelWidth: 120,
PadY: 2,
fields := []magicform.Field{
Label: "Page type:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
Options: []magicform.Option{
Label: "Bounded",
Value: level.Bounded,
Label: "Unbounded",
Value: level.Unbounded,
Label: "No Negative Space",
Value: level.NoNegativeSpace,
SelectValue: pageType,
OnSelect: func(v interface{}) {
value, _ := v.(level.PageType)
newPageType = value.String() // for the "New" screen background
config.OnChangePageTypeAndWallpaper(value, newWallpaper)
* Wallpaper settings
var selectedWallpaper = "notebook.png"
if config.EditLevel != nil {
selectedWallpaper = config.EditLevel.Wallpaper
fields = append(fields, []magicform.Field{
Label: "Wallpaper:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
SelectValue: selectedWallpaper,
Options: balance.Wallpapers,
OnSelect: func(v interface{}) {
if filename, ok := v.(string); ok {
// Picking the Custom option?
if filename == balance.CustomWallpaperFilename {
filename, err := native.OpenFile("Choose a custom wallpaper:", "*.png *.jpg *.gif")
if err == nil {
b64data, err := wallpaper.FileToB64(filename)
if err != nil {
shmem.Flash("Error loading wallpaper: %s", err)
// If editing a level, apply the update straight away.
if config.EditLevel != nil {
config.EditLevel.SetFile(balance.CustomWallpaperEmbedPath, []byte(b64data))
newWallpaper = balance.CustomWallpaperFilename
// Trigger the page type change to the caller.
if pageType, ok := level.PageTypeFromString(newPageType); ok {
config.OnChangePageTypeAndWallpaper(pageType, balance.CustomWallpaperFilename)
} else {
// Hold onto the new wallpaper until the level is created.
newWallpaper = balance.CustomWallpaperFilename
newWallpaperB64 = b64data
if pageType, ok := level.PageTypeFromString(newPageType); ok {
config.OnChangePageTypeAndWallpaper(pageType, filename)
newWallpaper = filename
* Frame for picking a default color palette.
// For new level or --experimental only.
if config.EditLevel == nil || balance.Feature.ChangePalette {
var (
palettes = []magicform.Option{}
if config.EditLevel != nil {
palettes = append(palettes, []magicform.Option{
Label: paletteName, // "Keep current palette"
Value: paletteName,
Separator: true,
for _, palName := range level.DefaultPaletteNames {
palettes = append(palettes, magicform.Option{
Label: palName,
Value: palName,
// Add form fields.
fields = append(fields, []magicform.Field{
Label: "Palette:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
Options: palettes,
OnSelect: func(v interface{}) {
value, _ := v.(string)
paletteName = value
* Extended options for editing existing level (vs. Create New screen)
if config.EditLevel != nil {
var (
levelSizeStr = fmt.Sprintf("%dx%d", config.EditLevel.MaxWidth, config.EditLevel.MaxHeight)
levelSizeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+)x(\d+)$`)
fields = append(fields, []magicform.Field{
Label: "Limits (bounded):",
Font: balance.UIFont,
TextVariable: &levelSizeStr,
OnClick: func() {
shmem.Prompt(fmt.Sprintf("Enter new limits in WxH format or [%s]: ", levelSizeStr), func(answer string) {
if answer == "" {
match := levelSizeRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(answer)
if match == nil {
levelSizeStr = match[0]
width, _ := strconv.Atoi(match[1])
height, _ := strconv.Atoi(match[2])
config.EditLevel.MaxWidth = int64(width)
config.EditLevel.MaxHeight = int64(height)
Label: "Metadata",
Font: balance.LabelFont,
Label: "Title:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
TextVariable: &config.EditLevel.Title,
PromptUser: func(answer string) {
config.EditLevel.Title = answer
Label: "Author:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
TextVariable: &config.EditLevel.Author,
PromptUser: func(answer string) {
config.EditLevel.Author = answer
// The confirm/cancel buttons.
var okLabel = "Apply"
if config.EditLevel == nil {
okLabel = "Continue"
fields = append(fields, []magicform.Field{
Buttons: []magicform.Field{
ButtonStyle: &balance.ButtonPrimary,
Label: okLabel,
Font: balance.UIFont,
OnClick: func() {
// Is it a NEW level?
if config.EditLevel == nil {
shmem.Flash("Create new map with %s page type and %s wallpaper", newPageType, newWallpaper)
pageType, ok := level.PageTypeFromString(newPageType)
if !ok {
shmem.Flash("Invalid Page Type '%s'", newPageType)
lvl := level.New()
lvl.Palette = level.DefaultPalettes[paletteName]
lvl.Wallpaper = newWallpaper
lvl.PageType = pageType
// Was a custom wallpaper selected for our NEW level?
if lvl.Wallpaper == balance.CustomWallpaperFilename && len(newWallpaperB64) > 0 {
lvl.SetFile(balance.CustomWallpaperEmbedPath, []byte(newWallpaperB64))
if config.OnCreateNewLevel != nil {
} else {
shmem.FlashError("OnCreateNewLevel not attached")
} else {
// Editing an existing level.
// If we're editing a level, did we select a new palette?
// Warn the user about if they want to change palettes.
if paletteName != textCurrentPalette {
"Are you sure you want to change the level palette?\n" +
"Existing pixels drawn on your level may change, and\n" +
"if the new palette is smaller, some pixels may be\n" +
"lost from your level. OK to continue?",
).WithTitle("Change Level Palette").Then(func() {
// Install the new level palette.
if config.OnReload != nil {
Label: "Cancel",
Font: balance.UIFont,
OnClick: func() {
form.Create(frame, fields)
Various updates New doodad interactions: * Sticky Buttons will emit a "sticky:down" event to linked doodads, with a boolean value showing the Sticky Button's state. * Normal Buttons will listen for "sticky:down" -- when a linked Sticky Button is pressed, the normal Button presses in as well, and stays pressed while the sticky:down signal is true. * When the Sticky Button is released (e.g. because it received power from another doodad), any linked buttons which were sticky:down release as well. * Switch doodads emit a new "switch:toggle" event JUST BEFORE sending the "power" event. Sensitive Doodads can listen for switches in particular this way. * The Electric Door listens for switch:toggle; if a Switch is activated, the Electric Door always flips its current state (open to close, or vice versa) and ignores the immediately following power event. This allows doors to toggle on/off regardless of sync with a Switch. Other changes: * When the player character dies by fire, instead of the message saying "Watch out for fire!" it will use the name of the fire swatch that hurt the player. This way levels could make it say "Watch out for spikes!" or "lava" or whatever they want. The "Fire" attribute now just means "instantly kills the player." * Level Editor: You can now edit the Title and Author name of your level in the Page Settings window. * Bugfix: only the player character ends the game by dying in fire. Other mobile doodads just turn dark but don't end the game. * Increase the size of Trapdoor doodad sprites by 150% as they were a bit small for the player character. * Rename the game from "Project: Doodle" to "Sketchy Maze"
2021-03-31 06:33:25 +00:00
// Creates the "New Doodad" frame.
func (config AddEditLevel) setupDoodadFrame(tf *ui.TabFrame) {
// Default options.
var (
doodadSize = 64
frame := tf.AddTab("doodad", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "New Doodad",
Font: balance.TabFont,
* Frame for selecting Page Type
typeFrame := ui.NewFrame("Doodad Options Frame")
frame.Pack(typeFrame, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
FillX: true,
label1 := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "Doodad sprite size (square):",
Font: balance.LabelFont,
typeFrame.Pack(label1, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
// A selectbox to suggest some sizes or let the user enter a custom.
sizeBtn := ui.NewSelectBox("Size Select", ui.Label{
Font: ui.MenuFont,
typeFrame.Pack(sizeBtn, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
Expand: true,
for _, row := range []struct {
Name string
Value int
{"32", 32},
{"64", 64},
{"96", 96},
{"128", 128},
{"200", 200},
{"256", 256},
{"Custom...", 0},
} {
row := row
sizeBtn.AddItem(row.Name, row.Value, func() {})
sizeBtn.Handle(ui.Change, func(ed ui.EventData) error {
if selection, ok := sizeBtn.GetValue(); ok {
if size, ok := selection.Value.(int); ok {
if size == 0 {
shmem.Prompt("Enter a custom size for the doodad width and height: ", func(answer string) {
if a, err := strconv.Atoi(answer); err == nil && a > 0 {
doodadSize = a
} else {
shmem.FlashError("Doodad size should be a number greater than zero.")
} else {
doodadSize = size
return nil
* Confirm/cancel buttons.
bottomFrame := ui.NewFrame("Button Frame")
frame.Pack(bottomFrame, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.N,
FillX: true,
PadY: 8,
var buttons = []struct {
Label string
F func(ui.EventData) error
{"Continue", func(ed ui.EventData) error {
if config.OnCreateNewDoodad != nil {
} else {
shmem.FlashError("OnCreateNewDoodad not attached")
return nil
{"Cancel", func(ed ui.EventData) error {
return nil
for _, t := range buttons {
btn := ui.NewButton(t.Label, ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: t.Label,
Font: balance.MenuFont,
btn.Handle(ui.Click, t.F)
bottomFrame.Pack(btn, ui.Pack{
Side: ui.W,
PadX: 4,
PadY: 8,
// Creates the Game Rules frame for existing level (set difficulty, etc.)
func (config AddEditLevel) setupGameRuleFrame(tf *ui.TabFrame) {
frame := tf.AddTab("GameRules", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: "Game Rules",
Font: balance.TabFont,
form := magicform.Form{
Supervisor: config.Supervisor,
Engine: config.Engine,
Vertical: true,
LabelWidth: 120,
PadY: 2,
fields := []magicform.Field{
Label: "Game Rules are specific to this level and can change some of\n" +
"the game's default behaviors.",
Font: balance.UIFont,
Label: "Difficulty:",
Font: balance.UIFont,
SelectValue: config.EditLevel.GameRule.Difficulty,
Tooltip: ui.Tooltip{
Text: "Peaceful: enemies may not attack\n" +
"Normal: default difficulty\n" +
"Hard: enemies may be more aggressive",
Edge: ui.Top,
Options: []magicform.Option{
Label: "Peaceful",
Value: enum.Peaceful,
Label: "Normal (recommended)",
Value: enum.Normal,
Label: "Hard",
Value: enum.Hard,
OnSelect: func(v interface{}) {
value, _ := v.(enum.Difficulty)
config.EditLevel.GameRule.Difficulty = value
log.Info("Set level difficulty to: %d (%s)", value, value)
Label: "Survival Mode (silver high score)",
Font: balance.UIFont,
BoolVariable: &config.EditLevel.GameRule.Survival,
Tooltip: ui.Tooltip{
Text: "Use for levels where dying at least once is very likely\n" +
"(e.g. Azulian Tag). The silver high score will be for\n" +
"longest time rather than fastest time. The gold high\n" +
"score will still be for fastest time.",
Edge: ui.Top,
form.Create(frame, fields)