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// Warp Doors
function main() {
console.log("Warp Door %s Initialized", Self.Title);
Self.SetHitbox(0, 0, 34, 76);
// Are we a blue or orange door? Regular warp door will be 'none'
var color = Self.GetTag("color");
var isStateDoor = color === 'blue' || color === 'orange';
var state = color === 'blue'; // Blue door is ON by default.
var animating = false;
var collide = false;
// Declare animations and sprite names.
var animSpeed = 100;
var spriteDefault, spriteDisabled; // the latter for state doors.
if (color === 'blue') {
Self.AddAnimation("open", animSpeed, ["blue-2", "blue-3", "blue-4"]);
Self.AddAnimation("close", animSpeed, ["blue-4", "blue-3", "blue-2", "blue-1"]);
spriteDefault = "blue-1";
spriteDisabled = "blue-off";
} else if (color === 'orange') {
Self.AddAnimation("open", animSpeed, ["orange-2", "orange-3", "orange-4"]);
Self.AddAnimation("close", animSpeed, ["orange-4", "orange-3", "orange-2", "orange-1"]);
spriteDefault = "orange-1";
spriteDisabled = "orange-off";
} else {
Self.AddAnimation("open", animSpeed, ["door-2", "door-3", "door-4"]);
Self.AddAnimation("close", animSpeed, ["door-4", "door-3", "door-2", "door-1"]);
spriteDefault = "door-1";
console.log("Warp %s: default=%s disabled=%+v color=%s isState=%+v state=%+v", Self.Title, spriteDefault, spriteDisabled, color, isStateDoor, state);
// Subscribe to the global state-change if we are a state door.
if (isStateDoor) {
Message.Subscribe("broadcast:state-change", function(newState) {
console.log("Warp %s: received state to %+v", Self.Title, newState);
state = color === 'blue' ? !newState : newState;
// Activate or deactivate the door.
Self.ShowLayerNamed(state ? spriteDefault : spriteDisabled);
// TODO: respond to a "Use" button instead of a Collide to open the door.
Events.OnCollide(function(e) {
if (!e.Settled) {
if (animating || collide) {
// Only players can use doors for now.
if (e.Actor.IsPlayer() && e.InHitbox) {
if (isStateDoor && !state) {
// The state door is inactive (dotted outline).
// Play the open and close animation.
animating = true;
collide = true;
Self.PlayAnimation("open", function() {
Self.PlayAnimation("close", function() {
Self.ShowLayerNamed(isStateDoor && !state ? spriteDisabled : spriteDefault);
animating = false;
Events.OnLeave(function(e) {
collide = false;