Source code to the game's default doodads.
Added a new level property: Difficulty * An enum ranging from -1, 0, 1 (Peaceful, Normal, Hard) * Default difficulty is Normal; pre-existing levels are Normal by default per the zero value. Doodad scripts can read the difficulty via the new global variable `Level.Difficulty` and some doodads have been updated: * Azulians: on Peaceful they ignore all player characters, and on Hard they are in "hunt mode": infinite aggro radius and they're aggressive to all characters. * Bird: on Peaceful they will not dive and attack any player character. Other spit and polish: * New Level/Level Properties UI reworked into a magicform. * New "PromptPre(question, answer, func)" function for prompting the user with the developer shell, but pre-filling in an answer for them to either post or edit. * magicform has a PromptUser field option for simple Text/Int fields which present as buttons, so magicform can prompt and update the variable itself. * Don't show the _autosave.doodad in the Doodad Dropper window. |
dev-assets/doodads |